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New Adventures Of Mona The Vampire, The (UK) (DVD Details)

Unique ID Code: 0000046522
Added by: Anil Khedun
Added on: 6/4/2003 16:54
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    Review of New Adventures Of Mona The Vampire, The

    7 / 10


    Eight episodes: Attack of the Living Scarecrow, The Robot Babysitter, Von Kreepsula Runs Amok, The Nefarious Computer Virus, The Miserable Phantom Dog, Jurassic Parking Lot, The Dreaded Human Spider and The Living Mannequin.

    Mona, her gang of friends (Princess Giant and Zapman), Fang the cat and Angela, her nemesis, star in Mona`s wild imagination fuelled world.


    Can`t fault the video transfer here. It`s shown in the original fullframe aspect ratio which is standard for most cartoons, especially those shown on children`s television. There`s a lot of colour and life in the picture and I could spot no problems with the transfer at all.


    Presented with a Dolby Digital 2.0 soundtrack, the sound is well recorded and really stands out from the front speakers. Nothing to speak of surround wise but this isn`t unexpected. The dialogue remains clear and there are no audio problems.


    Special Features wise, we get:

    • Character Biographies - Bios for 12 characters. Written from Mona`s perspective, these are the lowdowns on the various other characters in the show.

    • Gallery - 12 stills taken from the show, which are hardly worthwhile extras.

    • Free Mona make-up - Well, this is printed on the box but alas there was nothing in our review copy so I can`t comment on this.

    Not awe inspiring extras, but then this is a kids cartoon we`re talking about. There are no subtitles. The New Adventures Of Mona The Vampire comes packaged in a standard keepcase.


    Eight episodes of Mona and her escapades totalling 92 minutes. Each story is told in about 12 minutes so even those children with an attention deficiency should be able to sit and watch one complete show. You never know, they`ll probably select `play all` and just stayed glued to the television.

    The New Adventures Of Mona The Vampire is harmless fun. If your children have already seen and enjoyed it, you could do worse than get this to keep the little ones quiet at moments of stress.

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