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RE: David Cameron and the televised debates

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 5th March 2015, 17:59

pat-w says...
"He's spent 5 years blaming everything on the last government"

Aye, and Labour supporters are still blaming Mrs Thatcher for everything including Tony Blair even today...


Si Wooldridge

RE: David Cameron and the televised debates

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th March 2015, 18:50

So, the broadcasters have called his bluff & are gonna hold the debate with or without him.
YES! :-)
He's in a no-win situation of his own making, whatever he does, he will look weak & stupid.

RE: David Cameron and the televised debates

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th March 2015, 20:20

On this basis that this will be picked up by party HQ metacrawler sofware, Miliband is an idiot. Weaponise the NHS indeed. When will politicians realise the NHS works despite politicians, not because of them? The Miliband brothers are a bit of a joke all round. The one sulks off because he can't be chief which shows quite how deep is 'convictions are. The other is a pretty lacklustre 'career' politician with nothing to say. Clegg is an arsehole and untrustworthy, desperately trying to butch up. Let him clear off to Europe. I bet he is already looking at flats in Strasbourg. Cameron is right not to kow-tow. He will be a flak magnet and no-one else has any clear policies. Farrand will persuade more to vote for him. The guy has charisma and an easy TV style. Even if his policies are all over the place. The others? Who cares?

RE: David Cameron and the televised debates

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 7th March 2015, 09:08

pat-w says...
"So, the broadcasters have called his bluff & are gonna hold the debate with or without him.
YES! :-)
He's in a no-win situation of his own making, whatever he does, he will look weak & stupid. "

I doubt that Miliband will turn up if Cameron doesn't.  Can you imagine all the other party leaders piling in on Miliband?  It would be a slaughter.


Si Wooldridge

RE: David Cameron and the televised debates

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 7th March 2015, 09:10

Mikeonfreeserve says...
"Farrand will persuade more to vote for him. The guy has charisma and an easy TV style. Even if his policies are all over the place. The others? Who cares?"

This is because Farage can't debate on substance, his debating style is soundbites as Clegg found out.  The EU debates between Farage and Clegg achieved nothing in getting people to understand the issues, although I have zero sympathy for Clegg.


Si Wooldridge

RE: David Cameron and the televised debates

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd April 2015, 21:11

So, anyone watch the debate? Options?

RE: David Cameron and the televised debates

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd April 2015, 22:03

Think Nicola Sturgeon was the winner, pity she is just for Scotland. Would have made a better UK leader than any of them. 

She won hands down on what she thought of the mockery that is austerity, also gave assurances of the protection of the NHS, also more positive thinking on jobs, public sector, and economic growth.

Further more she said if the SNP get a lot of seats in the English parliament she would help England and Wales, by trying to protect us from Tory, LD, and Labour continuation of austerity measures, as their answer is more cuts and more taxes. God help us.   

Tory and Labour leaders are millionaires and totally away from the reality of working for a living. all they give as an answer is tightening the belt, lower living standard, stationary wages or zero hours contracts, While they have £300 lunches and own more than two kitchens.

The Welsh leader was just cap in hand for handouts, stating the obvious that Wales is skint, which we know and they know it is. Maybe better jobs with decent wages and living standards would help. But is it coming, don't hold your breath.

The green leader, was all for us being on bikes. Maybe Jeremy Clarkson should have been there to counter that. Was that a positive for Jeremy, Well I never, why did I say that! 

And last of all was UKIP, who just spouted against immigrants.

RE: David Cameron and the televised debates

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd April 2015, 01:35

This view is from the radio perspective.

Cameron on auto pilot.

Clegg stood his corner quite well and made a good effort at distancing himself from 'Call me Dave'

If I'm your Prime Minister. I'd like to be your Prime Minister. Please make me your Prime Minister. I promise I'll be good, Pleeeeease. Milliband somewhere between  ♫ ♪ Topol and Harry Secombe ♪ ♫

Greens. Let's all hug a tree and ride a bike.

Sturgeon sounded quite good and reasonable but you just know she's holding the scissors behind her back until you look away.

Free Sheep for every Welsh person.

...and Farage gave us the entire manifesto in two words 'Bloody foreigners'


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Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: David Cameron and the televised debates

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 3rd April 2015, 05:21

bandicoot says...
"Think Nicola Sturgeon was the winner, pity she is just for Scotland. Would have made a better UK leader than any of them. 

She won hands down on what she thought of the mockery that is austerity, also gave assurances of the protection of the NHS, also more positive thinking on jobs, public sector, and economic growth.

Further more she said if the SNP get a lot of seats in the English parliament she would help England and Wales, by trying to protect us from Tory, LD, and Labour continuation of austerity measures, as their answer is more cuts and more taxes. God help us.   "

This is precisely why Scotland needs to be fiscally responsible. 


Si Wooldridge

RE: David Cameron and the televised debates

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 3rd April 2015, 08:22

Si Wooldridge says...
"This is precisely why Scotland needs to be fiscally responsible"

In an alternative universe, they voted for independence, became one of the richest oil nations in the world, and bought up Bradford City AFC and won the 2016 premier league.


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