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[VIDEO] Terminator: Genisys

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th April 2015, 18:41

As if the film's silly title and the endless slew of hilariously awful marketing wasn't enough, they've now released a trailer that gives away the film's big plot twist:

This is going to be the funniest film of the summer, albeit unintentionally.

RE: [VIDEO] Terminator: Genisys

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th April 2015, 21:21

it kind of looks cool, but at the same time, it looks, and sounds like it's a fanboy home made trailer of an imaginary Terminator film copying and pasting from the existing films!

RE: [VIDEO] Terminator: Genisys

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 14th April 2015, 10:28

It does look interesting, but at the same time I have no idea what was going on plot wise. Hopefully the actual film makes more sense without being totally stupid.


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RE: [VIDEO] Terminator: Genisys

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 14th April 2015, 19:41

Rob Shepherd says...
"It does look interesting, but at the same time I have no idea what was going on plot wise"

Without watching the newest, spoilerific trailer, from what I've gleaned from previous trailers. They basically send back another Arnie to when Sarah was a child to save her from something (a la John in T2). We then catch up with the original movie, and we meet young Arnie on his way to kill Bill Paxton. Unfortunately, the first terminator defeats the original terminator. However, against all bioengineering laws, this Arnie ages to the point he's the same age as the actor playing him. At the same time (kinda), this has apparently not been noticed/actioned by the John Connor of the future, as he still sends back Kyle to the 80's to help Sarah from the original threat. Unless, of course, the only reason John sends Kyle back is so Kyle can hook up with Sarah to get Sarah Pregnant so she can give birth to John so in his future he can send Kyle back to hook up with sarah...


Writer`s Release

This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th April 2015, 20:44

RE: [VIDEO] Terminator: Genisys

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 14th April 2015, 20:29

Oh... right.

Wait... whut?


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RE: [VIDEO] Terminator: Genisys

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th April 2015, 22:31

Pete-MK says...
"Unless, of course, the only reason John sends Kyle back is so Kyle can hook up with Sarah to get Sarah Pregnant so she can give birth to John so in his future he can send Kyle back to hook up with sarah..."

That would need to happen or he wouldn't exist. Whole paradox thing and that. Terminators can age.

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RE: [VIDEO] Terminator: Genisys

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 14th April 2015, 23:13

Chris Gould says...
"That would need to happen or he wouldn't exist. Whole paradox thing and that. Terminators can age."

This is why I love to get annoyed about these movies. Regardless of your definition of time-travel metaphysics (Cyclical or linear), the reason for going back in time is immediately and instantaneously nullified the second you delete that reason. Either you don't exist or the event or person you wish to eradicate/change doesn't exist, therefore you don't go back in timeĀ  and the event/person/apocalypse happens anyway, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum

This is why we can't go back in time to kill Hitler. As much as we'll all like to throttle the murdering, tiny-penised, failed artist, racist f***tard, the second you killed him, you'd instantly delete the reason for going back in time in the first place.

EDIT: Curiosity got the better of me, and I really can't see what the kerfuffle is about. All it does for me is to add another reason for me to want to see this flick. Buggering around with timelines is my bag, baby, and as long as they put it back to one, I'll be a happy viewer


Writer`s Release

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th April 2015, 00:21

Liked by: enemyonpc

RE: [VIDEO] Terminator: Genisys

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th April 2015, 12:54

Pete, if you haven't caught then yet, I highly recommend Predestination and the new 12 Monkeys series.

RE: [VIDEO] Terminator: Genisys

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th April 2015, 13:48

Actually current physics thinking says that you can't alter our current by going back in time and changing the future (our now).

People often quote the grandfather paradox whereby it would be impossible to go back and kill your own grandfather because you would wipe out the the future you, so you couldn't go back and kill your grandfather... Not true apparently.

Were you to go back in time and change historical events, you would create a whole new timeline and a new future to the one you returned from. This timeline would include the you- going-back-in-time bit. The old timeline would 'exist' in a different universe that would be impossible to change (multiverse theory). Every time you try to go back and change something you create a whole new separate timeline.

RE: [VIDEO] Terminator: Genisys

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 15th April 2015, 15:43

BTTF2 theory


Writer`s Release

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