Info and forum posts by 'Stoney'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 26th May 2001, 19:48, Last used: Saturday, 26th May 2001, 19:48

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: into creating own vcds, dvd capture and other video work.

This user has posted a total of 31 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Multi Region Hack please for ROWA DVD 280

As far as I know, this is a clone of a Pioneer 515, so looks like hardware mod will be required. Check out

This item was edited on Sunday, 26th August 2001, 01:24

RE: Alba DVD113 ?? do not believe

I have the R1 Gladiator & disk 2 is fine

RE: dawa 280 dvd player at asda for £99.95, any buyers yet???????

see my post elsewhere on this forum (asda cheapy is a pioneer 515)

RE: Alba DVD113 ?? do not believe

Looks like you might have got the 113 Iceman, like G Man I got hold of a 104/A machine which does everything. Best thing to do is take it back, they have a 16 day money back thing and try another argos store. Ask to see the item 1st like I did.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th August 2001, 19:56

RE: Which has the better picture quality - Lg 3200E of LG3500E?

I think LG3500 uses the newer decorder chip. (it also plays cdr & MP3s)

check this excelent site for more info

hope this helps

RE: Macro Hack for an Alba 104 (Apart from Sonel)

ADW m8,

Iv just bought a ALBA 104, iv been readingyour posts and you mentioned built in games? how do i access these and do you have any other tips? some people mentioned that 104 has DD built in, this is not the case. I bought mine from Argos for £99. Also do u know wots the diff between this new 104 and113?


RE: Rowa DVD player 99.99 at Asda - Any Hack?

its a Pioneer 515, check out my other post

RE: Whats the cheapest multiregion DVD player ?

yep.. i got a 104 instead of the 113 advertised. BUT they have the same spec, someone mentioned built in Dolby Decorder.. this is not true, the 104 does not have this. However, it playes everything straight out of the box inc CRD/RW/VCD and MP3.

Does anyone have a official ALba website address or any other sites for this machine?. I wonder if 113 is just a re-designed 104?

RE: Asda Cheapy is really a Pioneer 515 for £99!!!

You might as well get the Alba 104 m8, check out my reply to the other post. Its RGB and multiregion & playes RCE cds too. For £99 its a steal

RE: Alba DVD113 ??

Just bought Alba 104, even tho argos advertise 113 for £99 they must be out of stock as they are givin the 104 away instead for £99.

R u guys ready?.... it playes ALL regions out of the box, I have tried Hollow Man Region 1 (which is a RCE disk) and it played it straight away.

Even tho there`s no mention of it on the box I have tried the machine with CDR and CDRW and they both play!! am i pleased??? you bet I am.. and just for a laugh I put a MP3 cd in... and that worked too, could even FF the MP3 file.

So my Search is finally over just under £100 Iv got a DVD player that does everything. Pic and sound is good considering the price, may not be the best but hey... its only £99

RE: Alba DVD113 ??

Does anyone know if the Alba 113 or 104 play CDR/CDRW? also are they multi region out of the box?

Thanks in advance

RE: Whats the cheapest multiregion DVD player ?

Does anyone know if the Alba 113 or 104 play CDR/CDRW? also are they multi region out of the box?

Thanks in advance

RE: Asda Cheapy is really a Pioneer 515 for £99!!!

its DVD-280 m8, looks similar to the one in the pic but its not the same. Best thing to do is get one and if your not happy get a refund. Asda are good with customer service.

Beware tho.. if you have a Hitachi Televisions the remotes clash!! I might have to take mine back. :(

RE: Asda Cheapy is really a Pioneer 515 for £99!!!

Yeah the bad point is theres no RGB altho s-vhs is available. To Hack the machine i wud suspect you need to get it modified maybe steve at has an answer.

It plays CDR/CDRW/VCD/SVD too, and backed up with ASDA 3 year no quibble gurantee its a bargain!

Phillips DVD Players

I have a friend who would like to know:-

Whats the diff between phillips 750 and 751. Comet have a great deal on them ATM £179.99.

Also, I note Phillips have bought out a new line of players & Comet again sell the PHILIPS DVD612S for the same price £179.99.

Does anyone know which one is better? the 612 looks ugly! Also will the Phillips hack work on this 612S.

Any help would be appreciated

RE: a good cheap! dvd player, for me anyway

Check out the review for the Logix 3000

For £153.00 u could get a Wharfedale M5 from Tesco

This item was edited on Saturday, 28th July 2001, 11:06

Asda Cheapy is really a Pioneer 515 for £99!!!

After waiting nearly 2 weeks for Dabs to get the LG3350e in Stock I thought id pay my local Asda a visit...

Just thought id share this with you guys. Iv just bought a DVD played with the name of ROWA. Now dudes dont laugh.. it looks very similar to a Toshiba SD210 and is silver. Took DVD player to my bros house on way back & to my surprise its exactly the same as his Pioneer 525. All the screen menus look same, same no of outputs, same remote keys altho diff layout, & we couldnt tell diff in picture quality either.

As peeps know Pioneer DVD players Rock!! the 525 is old player but its yet to fail on ANY DVD so far.

Upon further info its actually based on a 515 not 525, the only diff i can tell is that 525 had a RGB scart

The problem Im having is that the remote is ******* set to same frequency as my Hitachi TV. Does anyone know how to change either the DVD or TV remotes frequency? the TV model is C32WTN2 - 32" W/S Hitachi.

BTW Asda offer a 3year Guarantee on the DVD player which for £99 is amazing!!.

This item was edited on Sunday, 29th July 2001, 11:52

RE: LG 3350 -Any still available?

Yeah Steve, iv put me name down for one at dabs. The Tosh is a good 2nd choice, I decided against it because of no dolby decorder built in and also p***in about swapping RCE disks.

The 3350 uses the same chipset as the newer LG 4 series.

- Stoney

RE: Chinese DVD`s :-(

OK guys I giv in, u learn summat new everyday... now wheres the telephone no for me travel agaent.....

RE: LG 4750 vs SONY DVP-NS400 Which is best


I have just ordered a LG3350e from dabs for a knockdown price of £175!!, It uses the Ziva4 chipset which the new line of LG players use, it will play all region disks, RCE without any disk swapping, CDR/CDRW/VCD and has an on board dolby decorder too. To convert to MR & VCD is a simple remote hack (the remote is also the best iv seen with glow in dark buttons and a jog shuttle ring).

For more info on this and teh newer models chk this excellent site out

hope this helps

RE: Anyone got a LG 4750?

From wot iv read it uses exactly the same chipset as the LG3350e, with an addition of a screen saver

RE: Chinese DVD`s :-(

Hmmm Pirate DVD`s less than £1 each.... surely even mass produced the pirates cant make a profit at that price. In malasia a friend of mine gets videocds for about £1-2 each. Either way I think the Pioneers laser has been given the run around and is shagged :(

RE: Chinese DVD`s :-(

er.. are you sure you guys mean DVD`s? I fink u are confused.. they are VCD`s! Doh!!

blank DVDs cost £20 each min...... think about it...

RE: £200 to spend - what DVD player can you recommend?

Im in same stage m8, I would recommend the M5 if u can get hold of it, Iv had 2 from tesco but both had faulty drives :( Im now looking at either the toshiba Sd210 or LG 3350e. You can get the LG3350e from dabs for just £175 inc delivery.

Personally I would avoid the sammy 511 as it wont read CDRs or play MP3`s. The LG has even a dolby decorder built in & playes RCE disks with no trouble. If CDR, MP3 or on board Dolby decorder aren`t a issue then Sammy is a decent choice at that price


Tosh SD210 or LG3350e plz advise

I eventually took the M5 back as it started to stutter on DVDs(Tesco`s customer service 10/10 BTW)

So i now need to pick a decent one for under £200. The ones interest me are Toshiba SD210 and LG3350. The onboard Dolby is not essential, just want a good feature packed player that plays CDR`s & VCD`s (LG Does play CDs via a remote hack).

Cheapest Tosh iv seen is £190 & Dabs have are now selling LG3350 for a crazy price of £175.00 inc VAT! so if you guys have any advice esp. ppl who own these machines it would be much appreciated.


This item was edited on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 09:08

RE: Cheapest place for Toshiba SD210

Im def interested too, howevere if u guys can let me know the following it will be much appreciated.

1. Does it playe MP3`s?
2. wots diff between SD210 and SD210E?
3. Multi Region - is it Auto or can i set it manually


RE: Wharfdale M5 Macrovision Hack

M5 is cool m8, iv bought one and the hack shown on the area450 site is spot on. iv had no probs with any dvds, r1 or other - i do have is an incompatability issue at the mo. but i think thats due to my tv rather than the player- check on this forum for my pre post for more info on prob & the M5

RE: 1st Opinion of the Wharfedale M5 & the probs??

Doh!! sorry Guys I do Mean the M5... messin around with the back of the player & the TV must have spun me head. I have tried absolutely everything, used all the available options & configurations but no joy. It must be def a incompatibility issue. Either way Im going to keep it as it only affects R1 disks. Most are w/s with borders on top & bottom so I dont see the wibble. If a cd is not w/s ill just switch to PAL50!.

Funny tho as the M5 works perfectly on an old tosh portable & not a 8 month old Hitachi 32" TV. Other than that m8s I really would recommend this over anything that costs upto £250 inc Pioneer 535 & 340. It also plays CD-RW for those interested even though it doesnt mention it on box. Maybe Area450 could come up with a bios update to fix the 60hz probs?? as im sure i wont be the only one having probs.

RE: Samsung DVD 511? Is it worth £170

I would advise you to take a look at the new Wharfedale G5 for a £180 from tesco`s. It playes everything inc CDR & CDRW as well as MP3. It also has built in dolby decoder.