Page 1 of Tosh SD210 or LG3350e plz advise

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Tosh SD210 or LG3350e plz advise

Stoney (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 09:05

I eventually took the M5 back as it started to stutter on DVDs(Tesco`s customer service 10/10 BTW)

So i now need to pick a decent one for under £200. The ones interest me are Toshiba SD210 and LG3350. The onboard Dolby is not essential, just want a good feature packed player that plays CDR`s & VCD`s (LG Does play CDs via a remote hack).

Cheapest Tosh iv seen is £190 & Dabs have are now selling LG3350 for a crazy price of £175.00 inc VAT! so if you guys have any advice esp. ppl who own these machines it would be much appreciated.


This item was edited on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 09:08

RE: Tosh SD210 or LG3350e plz advise

rumble (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 09:48

Both great players.

The tosh is the newer of the 2, in fact i think the LG3350 was discontiniued a while ago, hence the great price you have listed (was £250).

Basically both nice, it is totally personal choice, although remember that the tosh from dabs isnt multiregion whereas the LG is, so you would have to get the tosh from somewhere like richersounds which has been chipped for multiregion (cost £199)


RE: Tosh SD210 or LG3350e plz advise

LuinThallion (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th July 2001, 03:57

I`ve got a Toshiba 210e and have found it to be great except not multiregion (have not heard of any hacks). It also plays mp3 files from CDR disks

RE: Tosh SD210 or LG3350e plz advise

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th July 2001, 09:52

I`ve had both. Tosh wins hands down ( but multiregion is of no importance to me ). Much easier to set-up and use, and the performance is also better.
Get an internet printout and take it down to your local John Lewis. They`ll match the price and chuck in a free 2 year guarantee. I got the Tosh for £184.

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