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Alba DVD113 ??

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th July 2001, 23:22

Argos are now selling the Alba DVD113 at the very low price of £99.99.
Looking around this site , there seems to be a lot of probs with other Alba models (mainly 103) - does anyone know how good / bad this
new (?) model is - is it multi-region or hackable ??.
I may get the machine myself and test drive it under the 16 day guarantee as I have a few of the potentially problem discs (T2 Ultimate R1 , Dinosaur , Toy Story et al).
Any prior knowledge would be appreciated

(I have also posted this on the Hack and Hardware forums).

RE: Alba DVD113 ??

Stoney (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 1st August 2001, 19:33

Does anyone know if the Alba 113 or 104 play CDR/CDRW? also are they multi region out of the box?

Thanks in advance

RE: Alba DVD113 ??

Stoney (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 1st August 2001, 23:01

Just bought Alba 104, even tho argos advertise 113 for £99 they must be out of stock as they are givin the 104 away instead for £99.

R u guys ready?.... it playes ALL regions out of the box, I have tried Hollow Man Region 1 (which is a RCE disk) and it played it straight away.

Even tho there`s no mention of it on the box I have tried the machine with CDR and CDRW and they both play!! am i pleased??? you bet I am.. and just for a laugh I put a MP3 cd in... and that worked too, could even FF the MP3 file.

So my Search is finally over just under £100 Iv got a DVD player that does everything. Pic and sound is good considering the price, may not be the best but hey... its only £99

RE: Alba DVD113 ??

Telboy10 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 13:30

Sounds great value for money, one other question, does it output PAL 50? My Daughters portable cannot handle NTSC from region 1 discs.

RE: Alba DVD113 ??

Adam Kimber (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 17:08

Hey all,

I went down to Argos and bought this DVD player solely because of the price (£99).

When I got home I realised what a great player it is. It`s multi-region straight out of the box (just ignore the little `region 2` sticer on the back). It plays ALL my DVD`s with no problems with good sound and pictures.

Just for a laugh I thought I`d pop in a cd-r with some mp3`s on that I had. It worked! It indexes them through the directorys so you can just browse to the song you want, click on select and the sound starts coming out.

This has to be the best deal of the century for £99. Only problem is that Argos will probably have the 113`s in stock soon so get this one while you can


RE: Alba DVD113 ?? do not believe

iceman007 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 22:44

saw the ad went to argos bought the player and it dose f*** all apart from play dvds . no cdr no mp3
dont waste money he`s talking s***

RE: Alba DVD113 ?? do not believe

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th August 2001, 12:09

As I started this thread , I think I better come back in and restore a bit of order.
I have now bought the DVD player in question from Argos and IT DOES play DVD Multi-Region out of the box , CD-R and (to even my surprise) MP3. I have tested it with a normal audio CD (fine) , and audio CD-R produced on my PC (fine) and an MP3 CD-R produced on my PC (great). I have not tried VCD as I don`t have any , but it does say on the box that it is compatible.
The point is that I have got the DVD104 which was (and possibly still is) being offered by Argos as a substitute to the DVD113 which was not in stock (see previous post by Stoney).
ICEMAN , do you have the 113 (which for all I know does not play VCD , MP3 , etc) or the 104 which does (at least mine does). The facia of the 104 is different from the 113 in that the display is at the bottom with the tray with DVD emblem on top. On the 113 , it is the other way around (tray underneath the display). The buttons are arranged differently also.
Whatever the faults of Alba , I know the visual and audio is not of the very highest quality , the DVD104 at 100 notes with all it features has to be a bargain.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th August 2001, 12:14

RE: Alba DVD113 ?? do not believe

Stoney (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th August 2001, 19:55

Looks like you might have got the 113 Iceman, like G Man I got hold of a 104/A machine which does everything. Best thing to do is take it back, they have a 16 day money back thing and try another argos store. Ask to see the item 1st like I did.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th August 2001, 19:56

RE: Alba DVD113 ?? do not believe

Mighty (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th August 2001, 22:14

On the strength of this Forum and also having a wife who is a sales manager at Argos i went out and purchased a Alba 113 which i knew would really come of the shelf as a 104. It does play region 1 and 2. It does play MP3 discs . and it plays VCD`s. Best of all i got her 10% discount so i got all this for under £90. Bargain. I would not hesitate in recommending this DVD player to anybody.

RE: Alba DVD113 ?? do not believe

Reders (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th August 2001, 15:36

buyers beware!
i have heard that the 104 has problems playing ultimate toy box (toystory) and disc 2 of gladiator 2 box set.
if anybody knows different please let me know, iam thinking of buying one

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