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Page 1 of Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012, 17:23

Just got this e-mail

At TalkTalk we're committed to giving our customers the best value broadband packages possible. We occasionally have to change our prices to make sure we can continue to improve our service to you, and from your first bill in May, your broadband price will change to £25 a month.
Please don't forget to keep yourself and your family safer online by activating...
That`s it. An extra £7 a month for an 8mb connection that drops out in the evening so you have to buffer SD youtube videos


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RE: Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012, 18:51

You could have BT infinity for the same do they justify that??

RE: Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012, 19:12

Because they`re money-grabbing arseholes. The very day Talktalk bought out Tiscali (who I originally signed up with) was the exact time I started getting unsolicited scam phone calles from Kashmir

Can`t get Infinity. I`m in a village, so the max for the area is 8


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RE: Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012, 22:02

In related news, from 1st April Zen Internet doubled their monthly allowances. I can recommend them as an alternative. No traffic shaping, just a monthly allowance. Though for the price I presume you were paying TalkTalk before they hiked their prices up, the 20gb allowance you`d get at £18 a month wouldn`t be enough for you. :/


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RE: Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012, 22:29

I`m chucking everything Sky`s way (makes it more convenient for us for the interim). I shall have a moan as I`ve only found out this evening why I hadn`t heard anything from them about the BB for a while. Logging into my account it seems I have to supply them with my mac code. Nice of them to let me know


Writer`s Release
My Collection

RE: Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012, 22:44

No traffic shaping, just a monthly allowance. Though for the price I presume you were paying TalkTalk before they hiked their prices up, the 20gb allowance you`d get at £18 a month wouldn`t be enough for you.

20 gig a month .... Seriously :o    thats terrible for a landline based BB,  you get near that amount for pretty much the same money on Mobile BB (  

i`m truly astonished at that restriction given the price :( makes me even more appreciative of the £10 a month unlimited giffgaff deal... (tho not suitable as a home BB replacement)

RE: Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012, 23:51

Well I`m on the 100GB (now 200GB) one, and I don`t have to talk to an Indian call center if I have a problem, and very few ISPs these days don`t have traffic shaping.

You get what you pay for. :/

Mobile BB sounds good, but if my experience of 3G on my phone is anything to go by, it can randomly go down completely. And of course it`s no use for gaming.


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RE: Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 4th April 2012, 07:32

Your absolutely right, mobile BB isnt a good replacement for "proper" BB, i was mostly just commenting on the high cost of zen package in relation t the amount of gigs you get :( iirc, way back when sky first started doing BB their £5 per month pack gave you upto 30 gig a month, (iirc the free one only gave you about 3gig tho)

On my giffgaff sim i have in the dell streak, i get 250 mins unlinited texts, unlimited internet, & depending on how bored i am during the day, i often use upto 4 gig a day streaming/downloading etc.

RE: Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 4th April 2012, 10:12

MADTheOgster says...
depending on how bored i am during the day, i often use upto 4 gig a day streaming/downloading etc.
blimey, I`m struggling to use 3gb a month on my tablet!
Most of the time I`m using wi-fi at home, or if available, free wi-fi hotspots like Tesco or MacD`s.
I admit I don`t use it much for streaming, but 4gb still seems a hell of a lot for a single day.

RE: Thank flip I`m leaving talktalk

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 4th April 2012, 10:59

Do GiffGaff give you tethering with that? Or is it like a lot of mobile BB where they talk the talk, but when you actually examine their fair use policies you find out they don`t walk the walk.


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