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Television Forum

The Responder

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st January 2022, 10:59

Just binged this on iPlayer.
For me, this has awards all over it.
Not even sure it's a drama as such, many times it's almost documentary.  It isn't actually a documentary at all but it often seems so grittily and depressingly realistic you almost forget.
You're basically following the worn down, corrupt Chris, played by the sensational Martin Freeman, on a series of mostly nightshifts around Liverpool.
He certainly does things he shouldn't, often for the 'right' reasons though.  He's such a deep character that you are often rooting for him despite the deeply flawed behaviours he regularly exhibits.  He sees, so often, stuff that thankfully most of us never get to see or experience.  He says one line, something like "It's like whack-a-mole out there only the moles wear trackies."
Freeman's scouse accent is sooo close to perfect I think only some people living in Liverpool would notice the tiny things not 'quite' there.  Thankfully, we don't appear to have reached the point yet where only scousers can play scousers on screen (but who knows.... - you know, it's called 'acting') - but I can imagine the likes of Stephen Graham must have loved to have played this part.
Huge special mention too to the superb Adelayo Adedayo who played his young probationer partner, Rachel.  She more than holds her own, a couple of scenes really stand out - and the script also has time to tell her story too...
Stunning TV, highly recommended - but certainly not a cheery way to spend 5 hours...


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

Thanks from: admars

RE: The Responder

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st January 2022, 12:32

oh yeh, i saw it was on, and looked good, then forgot, i'll catch up on it :)

RE: The Responder

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 1st February 2022, 20:38

watched the first one, may need to watch something a bit fluffy now ;)

sj says...
" but I can imagine the likes of Stephen Graham must have loved to have played this part."

yes, apart from the lack of humor has the Shane Meadows and Stephen Graham feel to it

NB Southerners, make sure you know where the subtitles button is so you don't have to keep hitting rewind ;)

But yeh, like a couple of those Covid dramas that were on over last year, thoroughly depressing but good viewing.

Liked by: sj

RE: The Responder

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th February 2022, 22:04

just finished it, was really good, the other episodes not as much "hard work" as the first, and was nice it didn't fall into cliches of doing the obvious, or suddenly pulling something out of nowhere to fool you :)


Liked by: sj

RE: The Responder

admars (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 2nd March 2024, 08:08
Liked by: sj

RE: The Responder

admars (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th May 2024, 13:01

RE: The Responder

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th June 2024, 11:53

thought second series was ok, not as good as the first, seemed a bit rushed, could have done with another episode or 2

RE: The Responder

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th June 2024, 21:18

'Enjoyed' it again, not an easy watch often - Freeman and Adedayo both excellent again.
Nice to see Bernard Hill in his last performance.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

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