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We'll have none of that solar panel nonsense round here!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 15th December 2015, 19:22

If you have solar panels, bad things will happen:

Some local residents quotes:

"All the young people are going to move out," warned Bobby Mann, a local resident concerned about the future of his burg. Worse, Mann said, the solar panels would suck up all the energy from the Sun.

Must be why it's been so dull today, some people in town have solar panels and are stealing the sunlight from the rest of us.

Another resident—a retired science teacher, no less—expressed concern that a proposed solar farm would block photosynthesis, and prevent nearby plants from growing. Jane Mann then went on to add that there seemed to have been a lot of cancer deaths in the area, and that no one could tell her solar panels didn't cause cancer. “I want information," Mann said. "Enough is enough."

I wonder if they are related?

One resident, Mary Hobbs, said her home was surrounded by solar farms and has lost its value.

But Ars checked google earth, and no sign of any solar panels anywhere near the town.


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RE: We'll have none of that solar panel nonsense round here!

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th December 2015, 19:37

Not much chance of sunbathing there then, or you could be lynched for soaking up the sun.

RE: We'll have none of that solar panel nonsense round here!

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th December 2015, 20:14

One of my little regrets in life is not getting solar panels fitted when the energy companies were knocking them out for free.

I remember last year driving back to Kent from Cornwall seeing the many new solar farms that had sprung up along the route. And I was very happy to see them.

RE: We'll have none of that solar panel nonsense round here!

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th December 2015, 20:42

The cost of the next UK nuclear power station will exceed £2.25 billion, and thats not considering the horrendous final costs if decomissioning over 300 years (like Dounray). And not taking into account accidental radiation loss in the vicinity, which will happen going by past history.

Now, why not put all that money for 6 new nuclear powerstations (and thats a lot of money) into giving every household a set of FREE solar panels on the roof, which means we would be in surplus of electrical energy returning to the grid and fuel bill per household would be reduced. Win Win.
So no need for nuclear powerstations  

Do not think the energy suppliers would like that 

Liked by: pat-w

RE: We'll have none of that solar panel nonsense round here!

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th December 2015, 20:51

Blimey, you've said something I agree with 

Liked by: bandicoot

RE: We'll have none of that solar panel nonsense round here!

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th December 2015, 21:21

a couple of guys at work bought new builds a couple of years ago, that came with solar panels, so far they haven't received anything back from the electricity company for what they're feeding back into the grid, if anything.

we were also discussing whether you need to clean them, how often, what do you clean them with, or do you need a professional to come in to service them properly, google as always provided lots of different opinions, you would have thought whoever the houses were made by would have told them ;)

Last time I looked into it, they were so expensive, it wasn't worth buying them for your home, unless you were young, and were never going to move, as you were unlikely to get that money back :(

Might be different if you need a new roof anyway?

RE: We'll have none of that solar panel nonsense round here!

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th December 2015, 23:41

The way the solar panel package deals are at the moment, is not that efficient cost wise, as you are feeding into the grid and expect some payment back against your bill. Plus if the grid goes down, so do you.

The best solution from an electrical perspective, is to be off-grid entirely.

This means connecting the solar panels (and if in the country for planning permission,  a small wind turbine) and connect this lot to an outside battery house (for ventilation), and then though a DC inverter pack to give you 240V AC for your house only.

I would do this if I had the lottery up.

An American has come up with a power wall that does the same as a battery house/inverter, without the hassle of installing a safe location for batteries..

RE: We'll have none of that solar panel nonsense round here!

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th December 2015, 09:47

bandicoot says...
"I would do this if I had the lottery up."

If that were the case I'd have to as the island I bought would be nowhere near any national grid and the gun boat circling it certainly wouldn't run on mains electricity.


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I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

Liked by: bandicoot

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