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Page 1 of Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

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Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 15th May 2009, 11:25

Bought one the other day, and even though I do have a recipe book for it, I wondered if anybody had one here and had any good cooking tips/recipes? What`s your favourite thing to cook for example?

Cooked some burgers and french toast on it - came out brilliantly!

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw

RE: Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 15th May 2009, 11:35

Yeah we`ve got one.
Don`t use it that often to be honest, but when we do, salmon steaks go down quite well (with a honey glaze sometimes).

"Build a man a fire, and he`ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he`ll be warm for the rest of his life."
-Terry Pratchett.

RE: Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th May 2009, 11:35

We`ve got one too, but I can`t remember the last time it was used.
We just use a normal grill pan instead.

RE: Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

KaTz (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th May 2009, 11:46

well, it does pasties nicely, and the old fav - beans and cheese sandwich.
its just an arse to clean.

just watch all the fat come out of your meat when u cook it.

RE: Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th May 2009, 11:57

oven chips are great in it!

also, I do pizza pockets. I make up some pizza dough mix, bit of ragu for the base, cheese and whatever on top., fold it like a pastie and dust it with flour (to avoid stickagge) mmm.!

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RE: Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th May 2009, 11:57

My Mrs wanted one ages ago, which I duly bought for her, but it`s never been used. I completely forgot about it until the other day when I was complaining about some especially fatty burgers I was frying. Said we should get on of those grills, only for her to open the cupboard, point and look at me like I was a twat...

RE: Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 15th May 2009, 12:09

We got a Tesco one instead because we could get the bigger one for the same price as the tiny George Forman one. And whoever said they were a pain to clean, ours is easy as long as you get to it while its still warm.

Chicken bits for fajitas work really well in it! The posh Lincolnshire sausages were a disaster though...the skins all stuck so the sausages ones work well though!

RE: Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 15th May 2009, 12:16

Yeah I just scraped mine with the spatula and then cleaned it off with the sponges that you can buy that are specially made for it. Works a treat.

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw

RE: Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 15th May 2009, 12:29

We`ve got one where you can detach the plates and they go in the dishwasher...even easier! :D

"Build a man a fire, and he`ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he`ll be warm for the rest of his life."
-Terry Pratchett.

RE: Anyone got a George Foreman grill here?

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th May 2009, 13:31

Got a cheapo one which is used constantly for the usual stuff, bacon, sausage, hash browns etc.
Amazon currently have some of the George Foreman ones at half price. We`re thinking of one as ours is too small.


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