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The Hamster and Captain Slow threaten to leave Top Gear over pay!!!

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2008, 19:10

Could this be the end of Top Gear?


RE: The Hamster and Captain Slow threaten to leave Top Gear over pay!!!

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2008, 19:28

I thought clarkson owed the production company that makes top gear I never realised they had contracts directly with the BBC.

mmm chocolate

RE: The Hamster and Captain Slow threaten to leave Top Gear over pay!!!

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2008, 20:25

Funny how people get greedy......they should be grateful they get paid to do a job that is so enjoyable and that most people would do for free!

why take life so seriously..its not like you are going to make it out alive

RE: The Hamster and Captain Slow threaten to leave Top Gear over pay!!!

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2008, 20:34

I can see the Beeb making another naff Saturday night viewer vote show out of this :o

RE: The Hamster and Captain Slow threaten to leave Top Gear over pay!!!

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2008, 20:53

Be fair - Clarkson`s on a substantially higher rate of pay than May and Hammond and the show is a three-hander, not Clarkson`s starring vehicle.

I think this stinks of BBC anti-top-gear propaganda. They don`t have the guts to cancel the show, so they set the presenters up against each other so the show falls apart. It`s all because every witless pressure group in the country sees Top Gear as a perfect target for heightening its profile.

J Mark Oates

The Sprocketeer

This item was edited on Saturday, 5th July 2008, 21:58

RE: The Hamster and Captain Slow threaten to leave Top Gear over pay!!!

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2008, 22:23

Be fair - Clarkson`s on a substantially higher rate of pay than May and Hammond and the show is a three-hander, not Clarkson`s starring vehicle.

As far as I`m aware, it was Clarksons format and he came up with he deserves a better paypacket.

why take life so seriously..its not like you are going to make it out alive

RE: The Hamster and Captain Slow threaten to leave Top Gear over pay!!!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 5th July 2008, 22:48

I;m sorry. As soon as I saw the link linked to the Telegraph`s site I dismissed this as s***. plus has anyone actually read the article?

after reports...
Sources said that...
It has been claimed...
They were said to be...
Mr Clarkson is thought to have...
His new salary is said to...
A source said yesterday...

Seriously? Jesus f***ing christ guys, this is daily sport reporting at best

Curse this infernal alcohol...

Writer`s Release
My Collection

RE: The Hamster and Captain Slow threaten to leave Top Gear over pay!!!

Barb Dwyer (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th July 2008, 00:20

The negotiations come at a difficult time for the BBC, which is having to make cuts in key departments to make up for a funding gap left by a less-than-expected licence fee settlement.

The should try cutting the the auction/buy a house/cooking/ TV shows and the radio stations that nobody listens to along with the massive over staffing ...Does anybody ever leave the BBC ?.. Watch the 24 hour news channels and the words "cor i thought he died years ago" and "God I didn`T know they still read the news " come forth. :¦

Mr Dwyer

RE: The Hamster and Captain Slow threaten to leave Top Gear over pay!!!

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th July 2008, 06:39

personally i would let the hamster go... and get some fit bird to replace him, i miss VBH!

`i am going to live forever or die trying`

RE: The Hamster and Captain Slow threaten to leave Top Gear over pay!!!

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th July 2008, 07:06

Fit bird and VBH in the same sentence seems so wrong. :/
I read an article from May`s agent and they`re not looking for parity with Clarkson at all - just as good a deal as he can for his client..... Not as good a story/headline though.....

We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

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