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The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 21st April 2008, 17:08

just thought i`d start a new thread for those of us that like Audiobooks :) i`ll edit this post later with a list of stuff i`ve listened to, along with what i thought about the book & the narration etc :)

i`ll just add the book i`m currently listening to for the moment.

The Ship Who Sang by Anne McCaffery (1969) the first book in the Brainship series

this is a book i`ve been looking for for a couple of months, but with demonoid going down, it`s been impossible to source, either "online" or to buy, but fortunately, the big D returned :) & i managed to get it the same day.

i`m halfway through it & it`s really excellent :) the premise of the book is fairly odd, & very original considering the time it was written, basically if a child is born with a totaly debilitating illness/ disease, to the point where there bodies are totaly unviable, they are given the option of having there brains implanted into spaceships, & operating as the pilot of that ship, tho, it`s unclear who actually makes the decision, i`m assuming the parents get a say in it, but it`s not made clear, at any rate, they are transplanted almost immediately after birth, into neural networks for training etc. imo, definately worth a look, & i`m currently sourcing the other books in the series, if interested in listening to them gimme a pm ;)

From the Back Cover....

The brain was perfect, the tiny, crippled body useless. So technology rescued the brain and put it in an environment that conditioned it to live in a different kind of body - a spaceship.

Here the human mind, more subtle, infinitely more complex than any computer ever devised, could be linked to the massive and delicate strengths, the total recall, and the incredible speeds of space. But the brain behind the ship was entirely feminine - a complex, loving, strong, weak, gentle savage - a personality, all-woman, called Helva...

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This item was edited on Monday, 21st April 2008, 18:12

RE: The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st April 2008, 17:38

Nightfall (Canadian thriller series I think)

Ogster mate, try and have a wee browse. Loads of Sci-Fi (early stuff such as Dimension X/ Journey In To Space). Well worth a wee look mate :)

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :D

RE: The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st April 2008, 20:25

LOTR - The Fellowship Of The Ring
TBH, some of the songs are really starting to get on my nerves, but apart from that, I'm really getting into it now
its the one read by Rob Inglis

RE: The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 21st April 2008, 20:52

Twilight Zone - some impressive radio re-reworks (by Canadian Broadcasting Corp or something) - each episode 45 mins so ideal for the work run!

RE: The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st April 2008, 22:03

God thats a real blast from the past. Must have read that just a few years after it was published.
I went through several of the Pern novels at the same time.

I tend to listen to a lot of Podcasts so haven`t got round to a full novel yet.

Who doing the reading, anyone known?

BTW: Never had cause to PM before, anyone tell me how.


Some days it`s just not worth gnawing through the leather straps.

RE: The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

1mills (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st April 2008, 22:29

BTW: Never had cause to PM before, anyone tell me how.

Click on someone`s name and then on their profile their is a mailbox which you need to select.

Re: Audiobooks.

I`ve never listened to one and the only podcasts that I`ve listened to are the Ricky Gervais ones.

Where/when exactly do people listen to their Audiobooks? I can`t think of when I would actually listen to one, but meaning to get one to try out (any recommendations there aswell?).

My DVD collection

RE: The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st April 2008, 22:40

I mostly listen to podcasts too (great resources for learning French) and there is a world of free stuff out there. I`ve listened to a few audiobooks but actually prefer to read.

I usually listen to stuff while I work, which obviously not everyone can do.



RE: The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st April 2008, 22:55

I can`t think of when I would actually listen to one

Buy a dog

Thanks for the Pm info I must need new glasses cos that icon just didn`t read as a mailbox.


Some days it`s just not worth gnawing through the leather straps.

RE: The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

rehan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2008, 07:57

Currentlt listening to House Corrino - Dune Prequesl Bk2.
Love the Dune series - the prequels are fun but no where near as good as the Frank Herbert Originals.

Just finished listening to the Audio Dramas of LRonHubbards Mission Earth - all 10 volumes. Unlike his other novels this one does project a lot of his Scientology stuff.

RE: The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2008, 10:51

Rob Inglis is perfect for reading LOTR, bought that set off ebay on CD, really enjoyed listening to it all. Had read all the books when I was 18, but don`t really read at all now, audiobooks all the way (in bed to help me sleep).

At the moment I`m listening to Philip Pullman`s The Amber Spyglass, nearly half way through. Before that listened to the first two in the trilogy, my interest was kicked off by watching the first film.

Not decided what to listen to after, may go for something by Stephen King, or I might try Doc Smith`s Lensman series. Or even 2001: A Space Oddysey...


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