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Page 120 of So... what are you playing just now?

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RE: So... what are you playing just now?

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 19th December 2020, 17:27

admars says...
"Has any got/is playing Immortals: Fenyx Rising?"

No, too much CP2077 and AC:V to start on this yet.

This might well be one where I actually wait for a sale...


Si Wooldridge

RE: So... what are you playing just now?

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th December 2020, 23:05

THPS 1 & 2

It's very good, it's a lot of fun, back to basics proper Tony Hawk game. The levels look amazing, not quite the same as the original, they're bigger, but that's not a bad thing, it's nice trying to find certain goals etc.

while waiting for it to arrive I played a bit of THPS5 - I had forgotten how that for parts of it is fine, good fun, but then you have stupid goals like do a kick flips to fire rockets at targets, and knock over so many barrels in a time limit, which wouldn't be so annoying if they always counted as being knocked over when you hit them :( the problem is you have to do the stupid goals to unlock more content, rather than just get better at the game.

RE: So... what are you playing just now?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 2nd January 2021, 22:53


My Flickr Photostream

RE: So... what are you playing just now?

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 3rd January 2021, 17:15

CP2077 continues to surprise me with just how good the storylines are...


Si Wooldridge

RE: So... what are you playing just now?

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 3rd January 2021, 17:48

State of Decay 2 - I loved the first game, but this one fell short. The base-building has more depth, but the lack of a narrative makes the whole thing feel pointless after a while. The story in the first game was nothing amazing, but it gave me the motivation to keep playing. Here, you just keep going with the nebulous goal of surviving as long as you can. Once you've done that, you can do it all over again on a different map. It's a shame because the game could have been amazing. Being overwhelmed by a zombie horde and then losing a member of your group to permadeath evokes a genuine feeling of helplessness and horror that few other zombie games achieve. Oh well, a third game has been announced anyway. I hope they take the criticism of this one on board and make something really special next time.

Partisans 1941 - not as polished as Desperados III or Shadow Tactics, but still a decent entry into the real-time tactics sub-genre. Really looking forward to War Mongrels later this year, too.

Also finally got round to playing Assassin's Creed Unity after hearing that modern hardware can actually run it well now and that the bugs are mostly fixed. It runs well, sure, but it's still a bug-ridden abomination. I can't imagine what kind of unholy mess this was like when it originally launched.

[VIDEO] RE: So... what are you playing just now?

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 3rd January 2021, 18:05

Gareth Williams says...
"Partisans 1941 - not as polished as Desperados III or Shadow Tactics, but still a decent entry into the real-time tactics sub-genre. Really looking forward to War Mongrels later this year, too."

Not heard of this, got my eye on the Commandos 2 remaster though...

Another one that I picked up in the Steam sales that looks like it could be a lot of fun is American Fugitive.


Si Wooldridge

RE: [VIDEO] So... what are you playing just now?

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 3rd January 2021, 20:41

Just finished Horace. Often great with brilliantly observed humour. Sometimes sooo frustrating too.. From just two guys I think, a lovely 'Thank you' on completion.
He does go Skiing too......

Started Fenyx Rising today.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: [VIDEO] So... what are you playing just now?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 3rd January 2021, 21:12

This last week I've started playing and finished Lone Echo (VR), it was held up as a milestone in VR gaming, but whilst I really enjoyed parts of it, there is a lot of room to make a better gaming experience.

I suspect Half Life: Alyx is that experience, but I have too many other VR games to play before I spend money on any more!


My Flickr Photostream

RE: [VIDEO] So... what are you playing just now?

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 4th January 2021, 16:17

Just had an amusing one-liner on AC:V.

Used a flaming jar to blow up an obstacle near a crowd of people and the following subtitle appeared:

Keith: you're a firestarter


Si Wooldridge

RE: [VIDEO] So... what are you playing just now?

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 4th January 2021, 20:55

And now this gem of an exchange from Cyberpunk 2077:

"You have a grenade in your face, you have a juggling accident or something?"


"Doesn't that bother you?"

"You get used to it, I just have to be careful not to pull the pin when I want to pick my nose..."


Si Wooldridge

Liked by: admars

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