Page 1 of Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

Bargain Buckets Forum

Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th August 2002, 08:54

out on Monday September 11, pre-selling already, for £14.99, or if you follow the earlier link you can save a whole 25p, £14.74... including delivery...
Region 2/4, two disc set......... i am so impressed with their service mine is already on order, i ordered die hard box set, it arrived a week before the official release date, £10 cheaper than from USA/Canadian sites, and best of all nothing to pay with the customs & excise...

YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! I am sorry i got it wrong it is in fact the 11th November... apologies to anybody who is confused?

This item was edited on Monday, 5th August 2002, 14:55

RE: Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th August 2002, 09:21

I`d hang fire for a few weeks : someone like DVD Soon is bound to undercut them :-)

Don`t forget that CD-Wow charge on order as well.

RE: Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th August 2002, 14:26

Just so theres no confusion, this title is actually due to be released on november 11th and not september

RE: Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

blackrat (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 4th August 2002, 21:35

CD WOW do offer excellent service and no problems returning a dodgy disk to them - they offer a UK address with a rapid refund. My personal experience is that they are very very good in this regard.

I agree with Clayts that DVD SOON will probably be cheaper but they also charge on order.

The choice is yours - ultimate cheap price or convenience?

RE: Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

johnmorris316 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th August 2002, 04:11

At least people can order in comfort of knowing the R1 will be bi-lingual safe as Fox don`t use those kind of covers.

I for one am definately waiting for DVD Soon as for the prices they charge, they can have my money early!

RE: Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

Warney (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th August 2002, 09:13

I have to admit, any company releasing anything on September the 11th will be a little insensitive, certainly considering the title `Attack of the Clones` - glad to hear from Dicanio it`s actually November !


RE: Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

top_cat_38 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th August 2002, 09:50

Insensitive to what?

Are we that "politically correct" in here?

I`d like to think not !!

RE: Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

Poet (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 5th August 2002, 10:24

Agreed - "Insensitive"?

Yes, what happened was a tragedy of immense proportions.
But I`ll be goddamned if every major celebrity and company didn`t up their own PR riding on the events of that day. Companies that didn`t fall into line with the massively over-sensitive media-hype would be subject to peer pressure and criticism from the mainstream media.

I`m just glad that I`ll be out in the mountains of Spain during that period so I don`t have to listen to the self-congratulating, hypocritical BS media frenzy that WILL take place.

Before you flame me for this, I am not the bad guy. I feel for the people involved with that tragedy. I really do. It was horrific and wrong. But it was treated wrongly and the media manipulated people`s reactions (and I`m not talking here about the families of victims/survivors).
All you need to do is look at incidents such as the release of the Spiderman movie. They delayed release in order to re-edit sequences to do with the Twin Towers (or so I am told). Why? Fear of the bad PR that the mainstream press would subject them to.

If you ask me (and I know none of you are), they should have left them in. A tribute to the wonders of American engineering, pioneering and united effort, seen by millions. Hiding them away is tantamount to sweeping it all under the rug.

And like I said, I am sure glad I won`t be around when they lift the rug up so celebrities can raise their profile by doing `charity` appearances.
Of course, my sympathies will be going out to those families and survivors that are forced, by this overwhelming pressure by the media to re-live the unimaginably horrible events of last year.


Ahem. Lost it for a second there. Anyway, I would probably go with CD-Wow. So far, they have been very quick with delivery and the customer services seem very helpful.


RE: Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th August 2002, 10:57

Deep breaths Poet, deep breaths!

I agree with you to an extent. It`s difficult really, because (as a society) we don`t really have any mutually agreed-upon way to deal (emotionally) with events such as 9/11. If one thinks about it, the utter contempt for human life needed to even contemplate doing such a thing, is mind-boggling. Most of us can`t even comprehend the inhumanity involved in the attack.

The media loves to be sanctimonious in such times. Remember the death of Diana? The same newspapers who were willingly paying large sums of money for paparazzi photos of her and putting them on their front pages, were castigating all paparazzi afterwards as the cause of the fatal accident. Hypocrisy is a word not in most journalists dictionaries.

It is however, very difficult to voice strong opinions about such events without sounding like a complete s***!


RE: Starwars II: Attack of the Clones... at CD-WOW

Warney (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th August 2002, 16:01

Ok apologies, my choice of wording was perhaps not the best when I used insensitive.

I just thought that I would have been surprised if a major film company released anything on the first anniversary of the Trade Centre disaster. At the end of the day if the PR company think they can get the best mileage out of it, then I`m sure they would do so. At the end of the day, this sort of thing, Gulf War, Diana etc plays right into the hands of the press and media especially 24 hour news channels.

It was and still is a personal opinion that i don`t think it would be right to release anything with such a title on the first anniversary.

Spiderman was delayed due to editing as the initial trailer showed Spideys web wrapped around the twin towers - I assume therefore that the twin towers played som part in the initial movie ? Collateral damage was also delayed, not because of the twin towers but because of the terrorism subject surrounding the film. I agree (and I work in the media) that they went too far.

I too will be buying from CD WOW as they seem to be in the habit of shipping way before release date at the moment !!

sorry if my insensitive woring caused offence, certainly not intended -
Edit - have a great holiday ;-)

peace also

This item was edited on Monday, 5th August 2002, 16:02

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