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Info and forum posts by 'Chris Wilkinson'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 6th February 2002, 16:20, Last used: Wednesday, 6th February 2002, 16:20

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Fairly new to DVD, but steadily building a collection!

This user has posted a total of 43 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Zelda Arrives Early

Mine didn`t arrive till eleven this morning, but I`ve been playing since then and have just the one comment: WOW!

RE: Zelda Bonus Disk

Game are still offering the bonus disc with orders placed online now (or at least they were yesterday), so if anyone still hasn`t ordered that`s the place to go!

RE: Porn Star name - reminded by Ebony Branch...

Pickles Harvey - I think it works better the other way round though
Harvey Pickles it is. (although that does sound a bit like a gameshow host!)

RE: Empire`s 100 DVDs you must own

Only 15, but I only own 40 DVDs in total.
Mind you, I`ve almost bought many others off the list but had to restrain myself - being a poor student with a mortgage and two cats (as well as a wife who`d tell me off!).
I also own quite a few of the others on VHS, and haven`t yet replaced them - but I will.

RE: Bowling for Columbine

I haven`t seen this film yet (although I will), but I can also recommend Michael Moore`s book "Stupid White Men".
It tackles wider issues than the film - although gun control is one of them - but in a very humourous way. The only problem with it is the fact that it is very much aimed at an American readership.

RE: Is picture quality worse on Region1 DVDs?

It`s been said before, and I agree, that NTSC (the picture format used in the USA) should stand for Never The Same Colour.
The problem with NTSC is that it doesn`t display colours as sharply as PAL because of its lower line rate.

Getting rid of an old printer

Does anybody know of a better way of disposing of old (and outdated) printers than just taking them to the local dump?
I`ve got two sat by my computer taking up space, and it seems a bit environmentally-unfriendly to just chuck `em.
Any USEFUL suggestions would be gratefully received.
Thank you.

(By the way, I`m in Norfolk if that makes a difference).

RE: My free Fox DVD just dropped through the letter box this morning.

Nope, it wasn`t a DVD (surprise, surprise!).
One of the days......

RE: My free Fox DVD just dropped through the letter box this morning.

Well, the postie tried to deliver something yesterday (at 12.55 p.m.), but it wouldn`t fit through the letterbox.
Who knows, perhaps its finally arrived! (or probably not, knowing my luck)

RE: My free Fox DVD just dropped through the letter box this morning.

MicoMan`s thoughts about the postie not delivering because of a wrong name could be a good one, but unfortunately I`m seldom in at one O`clock when he comes round!

RE: My free Fox DVD just dropped through the letter box this morning.

Well I still haven`t received a thing.
I don`t know what I`ve done to deserve this, having to read about all you lot getting extras while I`m still waiting.
Perhaps if someone got a second WLB, they might like to send me a Christmas present?

No? Well, you can`t blame me for trying!

Don`t buy a videogame week (1st - 8th Dec)

I apologise if anyone has posted about this before, but I don`t see a recent posting on this forum at any rate so here goes:

This week is "don`t buy a videogame week", in protest at the high cost of videogames currently. You can go back to buying next week, but for now please stop!
More details (and an explanation of what this is all about) can be found at , so go and check it out.
Thank you all.

RE: Razor Blades and Dishwasher Tablets..........

Makro have been good for the Mach3 blades as well, similar price to CostCo.

RE: My free Fox DVD just dropped through the letter box this morning.

And me. My fingers are beginning to ache they`ve been crossed for so long!
(Maybe tomorrow!)

RE: RJS - Site seems slow tonight

I gave up on the site last night, after trying for quarter of an hour to look at just one page!
Tonight is the exact opposite though, well done.
Its fairly wizzing along today!

RE: Stupidity of some....

The problem is not about whether or not the firefighters deserve a pay-raise (and I for one beleive they do), but how they`re going about trying to get it. When the only option they`ll consider is a 40% increase, it is hard to see how they expect to get that.
I`m no expert in these matters, but I believe that inflation is currently at about 2%, and hasn`t been over 5% for many years, so 40% seems unacceptably high. Perhaps a better idea, if they would consider such a thing, would be phased increases over the next few years taking their pay up gradually until it was at a more appropriate level.

RE: A question about Tesco reward card points...

Yes, each point of your balance is worth 1p.
I can say this confidently since my most recent vouchers turned up yesterday!

RE: Films you REALLY need on top notch DVDs, but still no sign....

A boxset of both Wings Of Desire and Faraway, So Close!
I`ve found out that Wings... is coming in October, but they`d make a great set together.

RE: Half Price Clearance in Electrical Dept. at Courts (Lakeside)

Just looked at the website but it won`t go to electrical goods. Just a message saying "this page is under construction" or words to that effect.

RE: No evidence for evolution (previously - There must be more to life than this???)

One tried to have a go at me this morning while I was mowing the lawn.

RE: I feel dirty and phsicly sick.

At least you people have the option of taking the bus! Where I live we get one an hour (which takes forever just to get to the next town), and my parents` village has no bus service at all. If you live in a rural area, and don`t have a car, you`re stuck at home.

RE: What is your most treasured DVD

Moulin Rouge!

I bought it for the wife for Christmas, and since then I`ve watched it more than she has (and I still haven`t got through all the extras!). It even came in handy for her to base an essay on for her degree.

RE: 50p money off voucher at CD-WOW!

Personally I didn`t notice any increase in jumk mail, but I tend to get plenty anyway!

I mean, it can always be thrown away.

RE: How did YOU find Reviewer?

Shortly after getting my player, I looked to see what sites were out there and compiled quite a list in my `favourites` folder. Not sure how I found Reviewer, but its the only one that I still visit daily.

RE: "Gold Box" all gone?

Checked mine this morning, offers were c**p, but they were there.
I`ll try again tomorrow and see.

RE: 50p money off voucher at CD-WOW!
Just register and play everyday, its one of the four daily lottos that I play, but there are quite a few out there if you look for them.

Lucky Star

OK, so who else has been caught out by this `trailer`?

Saw it at the cinema before Minority Report last week and then a few times on TV, and I thought that it looked like a good film, but hadn`t heard anything about it anywhere else. When I looked on the website I found out why!

It`s an interesting style of advertising, but I can`t help wondering if it might be self-defeating.

By the way, the website is

RE: So how did you get your username then?

Its my name!

Normally, though, I go by the name of "hunnybun" on other sites (if somebody hasn`t beaten me to it!), which is something my wife calls me - to the general amusement of most of our families.

RE: The GOLD BOX at - some neat stuff.

Finally got offered a DVD today, everything else they`ve offered me has been electronics of one sort or another, so I couldn`t get it if I wanted.

Mind you that DVD was Black Hawk Down ($14), so I passed on that anyway!

RE: Harmless bit of fun.........

Only 29% gay!

Don`t know how that happened, even though I`m happily married and consider myself to be perfectly straight plenty of other people have thought me gay in the past - the test must be a good one!