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Cast A Giant Shadow (UK) (DVD Details)

Unique ID Code: 0000032758
Added by: Chris Cox
Added on: 6/5/2002 04:37
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    Review of Cast A Giant Shadow

    6 / 10


    Given the ongoing bloodshed in the middle east, Cast A Giant Shadow is rather topical, as it follows the events that led to Israel`s independence - an event that has resulted in 50 years of hatred which is now worse than ever with huge casualties on each side - with ever more depressing new reports of violence on television every night.


    The video is presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen and given the 36 year vintage of the film is of pretty good quality. For the most part, the image is colourful and crisp, with plenty of detail and negligible film grain. There is the occasional spot of dirt or mark on the print, but for a film of this age, the print is very clean.

    The only negative aspects of the picture quality are the poor stock shots used for example to show bombers or men parachuting and the all-to-obvious use of the studio instead of locations at times. The stock shots are of very poor quality, with low contrast and huge amounts of grain.


    The soundtrack is presented in Dolby Digital Mono, and provides adequate but predictably unexciting reproduction of the score, effects and dialogue.

    During some of the location shots, the vocals sound a little false, almost as if they were re-recorded later in the studio. The dialogue is however always understandable.


    The disc only features the trailer, accessed through a fairly dull static menu.


    Cast A Giant Shadow is a distinctly average film, which relies more on its heavyweight cast than it does on providing interesting substance for long periods of the movie. The film cannot justify its two and a quarter hour running time, and would certainly have benefited from a substantial trim in the editing room.

    The performances are good across the board, and the movie is generally quite well made. This DVD is well presented, with the video excellent for age of the film. The sound is more akin to a 36 year old film, with limited range and a single channel. Extras are sparse to say the least, with only a trailer on offer.

    I wouldn`t buy this film myself as I don`t think it has any replay value, so it might be one to rent if you can get your hands on it.

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