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Terror raids in Birmingham.

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2007, 11:41

Reports of a plot to kidnap a person linked with the military and behead them in the UK and post it on the web.

News still coming out.

Dr 42%er

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Terror raids in Birmingham.

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2007, 13:29

Latest on Sky seems to indicate that the plot was to kidnap a muslim soldier...


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: Terror raids in Birmingham.

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2007, 21:49

Sorry to Hijack a serious new item but...

Si ...what are those lyrics that appear with every one of your posts? I`m intrigued as you`ve had them for a good old time and I wonder if they have some special meaning for you? They don`t make any sense to me at all...

RE: Terror raids in Birmingham.

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2007, 21:54

Si ...what are those lyrics that appear with every one of your posts? I`m intrigued as you`ve had them for a good old time and I wonder if they have some special meaning for you? They don`t make any sense to me at all...

Ultravox - The Thin Wall.


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: Terror raids in Birmingham.

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2007, 22:12

Hi Si - Post John Foxx? And what do they mean to you?

RE: Terror raids in Birmingham.

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2007, 22:58

Post John Foxx?

Yep, FoxxVox doesn`t appeal to me that much bar Systems of Romance which laid the foundations for UreVox. The lyrics themselves don`t really mean that much to me personally but the track was one of my favourites in my youth due the chorus from which they are taken. I needed something for my sig and they just appealed, never got round to changing them nor wish to really.


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: Terror raids in Birmingham.

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st February 2007, 00:59

Take what you can they said
Take it while you may.
But keep in mind penalty fits the crime
And it deals no softened blow.

We Came To Dance

For the record & hijacking the thread further.

I never listened much past the Island compilation of John Foxx\Ultravox, but did enjoy his early solo albums (I would say LP`s but that would age me too much).

I consider myself an optimist, albeit an optimist with cynical tendencies and a dark side that Lucifer himself would find a little creepy. (Perhaps you've noticed.) You don't normally associate cynicism with an upbeat pov. But I have exactly that combination and will defend it.

Todays goal is to exceed yesterdays record level of totally unverifable productivity.

I don`t understand why people knock ASBO`s, they are good things as for most of the recipients, these are the only qualifications they will ever have.

This item was edited on Thursday, 1st February 2007, 01:03

RE: Terror raids in Birmingham.

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 1st February 2007, 08:23

Si - so the song means a lot to you ...and maybe the lyrics in the context of the song DO mean a great deal... sorry for being nosey and genuinely intrigued. There are lines in songs that appeal to me yet taken out of context never seem to have the same potency. `The Church` are a great example of that ...btw, I wasn`t suggesting you should change them. I`ve just read them many times and pondered on their origin...and now I know!

never listened much past the Island compilation of John Foxx\Ultravox, but did enjoy his early solo albums

...wasn`t keen on `Metamatic` but loved `The Garden`. Highly underated. At odds with Si, I much preferred the early incarnation of Ultravox, though agree that the second two `LP`s` were better than the barely post-punk first. Foxx was much copied, not least by Numan. The irony was that by the time Metamatic was released (with `Underpass`) people accused Foxx of bandwagon jumping!

...anyhoo...what about these terrorists then...any more news?

ps sorry doc for the blatant hijack!

RE: Terror raids in Birmingham.

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st February 2007, 09:55

Not to worry. In the current situation it was quite apt.

Saw this morning a Young student muslim chap spokes person saying there were to many police involved and that they should have spoke to the community first. Instead of raiding and then talking. I think he needs get his head out of his arse. A: should a single copper have gone round, knocked on the door and asked to come in and chat about the possible beheading of a soldier over a cup of tea? B: Chat to the comunity first? when they are doing a drug raid do they go down to the Trout and Gezzer pub and ask the locals if they could possibley do a raid next wednesday please?


What do the Muslims who come here think about these people who aparently speak for your communitys and faith. Rehan, sorry I have forgot the others, Sultan?

Dr 42%er

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

This item was edited on Thursday, 1st February 2007, 09:56

RE: Terror raids in Birmingham.

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st February 2007, 10:14

Young student muslim chap spokes person saying there were to many police involved and that they should have spoke to the community first.

I saw that on the news last night

Strange how the elder muslims are condeming the plot whilst the younger ones are questioning the police/intelligence


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