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Removed from a plane...

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 09:58

Just saw this story being discussed on Sky News this morning and am thoroughly disgusted at the actions of these people:

What`s next? Segregated flights? All-Asian flights so `they` can all travel together?

What`s this country coming to?


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 10:59

RE: Removed from a plane...

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 10:01

What`s next? Segregated flights? All-Asian flights so `they` can all travel together?

What`s this country coming to?

My guess is that it`s gonna get worse before it gets any better.

(A.C.C founder)

RE: Removed from a plane...

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 10:05

RE: Removed from a plane...

retroman (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 10:16

Pathetic. I would be interested to know what they were doing that deemed them to be `acting suspiciously`.

RE: Removed from a plane...

julianf (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 10:23

I would be interested to know what they were doing that deemed them to be `acting suspiciously`

Agreed - I wouldn`t be surprised if their "suspicious" behaviour arose from being stared at and whispered about by 200 paranoid passengers!


RE: Removed from a plane...

girders (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 10:23

Unbelievable and completely disgraceful. Wish the airline had the bottle to tell those who didn`t get on or got off that they were free to do so but the plane was leaving and tickets wouldn`t be refunded. Since when was speaking arabic, suspicious???? Passengers repeatedly look at watches - shock! Wearing heavy jackets - how many of us have done that comnig back from the states to make room inthe luggage for everything else? And with the current hand luggage restrictions even more reason to do so.

RE: Removed from a plane...

girders (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 10:28

I would be interested to know what they were doing that deemed them to be `acting suspiciously`

From the Daiy Mail website-
The trouble in Malaga flared last Wednesday as two British citizens in their 20s waited in the departure lounge to board the pre-dawn flight and were heard talking what passengers took to be Arabic. Worries spread after a female passenger said she had heard something that alarmed her.

Passengers noticed that, despite the heat, the pair were wearing leather jackets and thick jumpers and were regularly checking their watches.

RE: Removed from a plane...

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 11:01

It all sounds strangely similar to the `Constable Savage` sketch from `Not the Nine O`Clock News` from 1981:
"Come in, shut the door."
"Yes, sir."
"Now then, Savage, I want to talk to you about some charges that you`ve been bringing lately. I think that perhaps you`re being a little
"Which charges did you mean then, sir?"
"Well, for instance this one: `Loitering with intent to use a pedestrian crossing.` Savage, maybe you`re not aware of this, but it is not illegal to use a pedestrian crossing, neither is `smelling of foreign food` an offence."
"Are you sure, sir?"
"Also, there`s no law against `Urinating in a public convenience or `Coughing without due care and attention."`
"If you say so, sir..."
"Yes, I do say so, Savage! Didn`t they teach you anything at training school?"
"Erm, I`m sorry, sir..."
"Some of these cases are just plain stupid: `Looking at me in a funny way` - Is this some kind of joke, Savage?"
"No, sir."
"And we have some more here: `Walking on the cracks in the pavement,` `Walking in a loud shirt in a built-up area during the hours of darkness,` and `Walking around with an offensive wife.` In short, Savage, in the space of one month you have brought one hundred and seventeen ridiculous, trumped-up and ludicrous charges."
"Yes, sir."
"Against the same man, Savage."
"Yes, sir."
"A Mr Winston Kodogo, of 55, Mercer Road."
"Yes, sir."
"Sit down, Savage."
"Yes, sir."
"Savage, why do you keep arresting this man?"
"He`s a villain, sir."
"A villain..."
"And a jail-bird, sir."
"I know he`s a jail-bird, Savage, he`s down in the cells now! We`re holding him on a charge of `Possession of curly black hair and thick lips."`
"Well - well, there you are, sir."
"You arrested him, Savage!"
"Thank you, sir."
"Savage, would I be correct in assuming that Mr Kodogo is a coloured gentleman?"
"Well, I can`t say I`ve ever noticed, sir."
"Stand up, Savage! - Savage, you`re a bigot. It`s officers like you that give the police a bad name. The press love to jump on an instance like this, and the reputation of the force can be permanently tarnished. Your whole time on duty is dominated by racial hatred and petty personal vendettas. Do you get some kind of perverted gratification from going around stirring up trouble?"
"Yes, sir."
"There`s no room for men like you in my force, Savage. I`m transferring you to the S.P.G. -"
"Thank you very much, sir."
"- Now get out!"
`Passenger profiling` and this kind of behaviour is nothing more than racism - if airport security are going to target Muslims with beards, then all a terrorist needs to do is apply for a passport as a Christian or Jew in the name of John Smith and with a photo of them clean shaven! Wait till the Haj comes about and airports worldwide are full of Muslim travellers.

David Beckett AKA wossname

Site reviewer, DVD Reviewer

My Top 20 Horror Movies ---- My DVD Collection
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

RE: Removed from a plane...

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 11:07

Wish the airline had the bottle to tell those who didn`t get on or got off that they were free to do so but the plane was leaving and tickets wouldn`t be refunded.

This is exactly what they should have done, I`m sure the passengers wouldn`t mind the expense if it`ll "save their lives".


RE: Removed from a plane...

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th August 2006, 11:54

I wonder if they had been admitted (dying) to a NHS hospital, would they have refused the services of asian medical personnel and die or forget on that instance that perphaps they are not terrorists?

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