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I`ve given up on Star about you?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 15:48

I`ve been trying to cancel my order today....can`t be bothered to wait anymore.......

anyone else feel like like jumping ship?.......


RE: I`ve given up on Star about you?

mattski (Competent) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 15:58

me too, except that i had to cancel `cos in the wait for Star to deal with my order i spent all my money on other dvd`s! at least they turned up.

RE: I`ve given up on Star about you?

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 19:23

star dvd you have failed!

it seems the dvd etailer market is so .........soso:(

RE: I`ve given up on Star about you?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 21:09

Whilst I always will admit that voting with your feet is a GOOD thing, I think you guys are jumping the gun a bit.

I have posted Steve Loftus` comments (admittedly from another website, but it`s all part of the service I like to offer) on this forum and most people have accepted what Loftus had to say.

Bad luck came into it at the end of the day - their supplier stiffed them by stuffing the crate from Canada with a load of hardware which Customs leapt on, with foam a-guzzlin` from their chops. Ultimately, the stuff got sent back from whence it came, and Star kissed goodbye to fantastic customer service forever.

Then they announced the stuff would be recieved on Friday, er today, and that they`d start shipping immediately, closing their checkouts (and no doubt losing business by doing this) to ensure their ever-faithful fanbase got their DVDs after sitting tight for three-four weeks (not long in the great scheme of things).

Now what happens - a postal dispute. Thus, anyone living in the postcode areas I mentioned on my posting late last night will find themselves confronting the biggest pile of backlogged post sitting on their hallway carpet, but sadly no DVDs.

Patience is a great virtue which, it would appear, some of you have failed to exercise in the last three weeks. I said it at the time - Moon On A Stick - you want cheap prices, and you want your goodies yesterday. Ain`t gonna happen.

I personally think Star have come out of this whole shebang with an ounce or two of credibility. I know some retailers (DVDBO and Movietyme spring to mind) who would have quite happily kept their customers in the dark about the delays. At least Star have been upfront about their problems, but maybe attracted a `tut` or two.

Sad to say they perhaps shouldn`t have opened their checkouts as early as they did, and maybe had a few trial runs. This could be their undoing, which I have said from the offski. How many people caught in this 3-4 week trap will order again ? Amazingly, the majority have said they will support Star.

And so should you. Any fledgling DVD company deserves our support, particularly when they enter an already-aggressive market with even more aggressive pricing.

But, at the end of the day, you`re quite entitled to vote with your feet, and so you should - the fact of the matter is they have failed to deliver. But announcing it to the world and his wife that, stroppily, you are cancelling your order deserves no comment.

Feel free to carry on vastly inflated prices, and fail to support indie retailers. That`s your perogative. Just don`t come whingeing to me when exactly the same thing happens (3-4 week delays, that is) with the big boys and expect symapthy.

I state all this as an independent poster to this site, and not in any other capacity. Please feel free to lambast me, but keep it clean, and play nicely...

RE: I`ve given up on Star about you?

samantha (Competent) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 21:48


I still have no change on my invoice, and supporting them i have done,as for them letting you know what is going on ive received just one email from them,i find out more from you clayts than them.
I notice today they have changed the invoices to have cancel next to your order,is that they are just hoping that you do cancel seen as they dont have my discs in anyway.
I am going to wait another week and see if they do come up with the dvds if not then i think i will be following suit.
I think that is ample time for anybody.


RE: I`ve given up on Star about you?

Malky (Competent) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 23:11

I`m with you on this one Clayts. I`m quite happy to wait. I`ve got so many bargain dvd`s here at the moment I`m having a job keeping up anyway :-)

I bet Star are glad they didn`t get the consortium order for Traffic over on The DVD Forums though ;-)


RE: I`ve given up on Star about you?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th May 2001, 00:38

Why should i wait?.......I`ve waited since May 5.....and for what?......

a DVD that`s 2 quid of the reasons that I cancelled was that the DVD I ordered wasn`t a new release....and from the e-mail i didn`t look as though it would be high on their list of orders pending.........

I just felt that i had given them ample time?.....don`t think i was trying to start a revolution......I was just curious to see if anyone else felt the same........

RE: I`ve given up on Star about you?

kiff (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 26th May 2001, 00:47

I am new to all of this forum lark, but from what I have read you all seem to be fairly normal (with the few exceptions!!! No names), but to give a fledgling DVD inporter such a hard time seems unfair, yes the delivery is not on time but would you rather wait till the region two release? No I didn`t think so, and yes play have been good to me and always delvered me on time, but when you consider the C**p prices you pay on the high street, and the fact that most of the importers are years ahead of these times you have to sit back and think, " I watched this at the cinema, I liked it so I ordered it as soon as I could", whats the matter have you forgotten what happened? Sit back and wait, whats a few days/weeks in the grand scale of things? Nothing thats what, unless you are competing with your mates to get the film first!!!! Sad very sad, just enjoy it for what it is or they are good quality films at reduced prices Who cares if you have to wait 4/5/6 days longer, it won`t be out in this country for months.
Just enjoy what you have got, you know, watch it more than once!!!! There are some films that can be watched just for the pleasure!!!

Forgot to say Well said Clayts, give them a chance, they may bring down the price from other outlets, and that benifits all of us, others may match or even go lower we can only hope!!!!!

This item was edited on Saturday, 26th May 2001, 00:56

RE: I`ve given up on Star about you?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th May 2001, 00:51

oops duplicate!

This item was edited on Saturday, 26th May 2001, 00:54

RE: I`ve given up on Star about you?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th May 2001, 00:54

too be perfectly honest im getting a bit f****d off with all this stardvds bollocks. its completely outta control of at the dvd forums with conspiricy theories etc and now its spilling over onto here!!! will you people get a grip! its only a dvd....... oooh thought a nuclear war had broken out for a minute!!! yeah theyve f****d up big time, been shafted by their supplier and the postal service, but hey if you dont like it just cancel your order and stop bitching. otherwise let us people with patience and whom arent desparate to get our discs straight away carry on supporting star and when they eventually do ship be pleased with what drops through the letterbox!

This item was edited on Saturday, 26th May 2001, 00:56

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