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Spooks - complaints to BBC

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 18:17

Did anyone see the latest episode of Spooks? Apparently the BBC had loads of complaints about the content.


RE: Spooks - complaints to BBC

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 18:27

Was there lots of naked female ladies in the nude all naked and stuff and totally hot?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Spooks - complaints to BBC

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 18:43

No , suicide bombers living in a Mosque. Roughly 1000 complaints were made, but one of the producers was quoted as saying that most of those that complained hadnt watched the program.

RE: Spooks - complaints to BBC

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 18:52

Oh well, not of interest to me ;-)

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Spooks - complaints to BBC

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 19:01

There`s another row blown up all out of proportion.

I could mention that 1-eyed, hook handed nutter and the shoe bomber and add the word `Duh!`

but the actual programme treated the material with a remarkable degree of sensitivity.

The fictional mosque was taken over by an Afghan priest who was preaching his own code of violence. He was opposed by the resident Imam who was portrayed as a moderate. The secret service who were attempting to gather evidence against the bad guy enlisted the aid of an Algerian political refugee. Another Muslim moderate (played by Dr Bashir of ST DS9) who was forcibly enlisted by his government as a spy but defected when his family was killed. He was still motivated by that loss and wished to end the spectre of terrorism in the Muslim community. He was the one who infiltrates the mosque and saves `the world` The MI5 bunch are pretty much neutered in the episode and serve only as observers.

The terrorism aspect is shown as a fringe element in Muslim society, and in the show is solved from within the Muslim community.

That`s pretty intelligent and sensitive. However the show should be castigated for some criminally bad acting by the bloke who played the terrorist inciting priest. He was diabolically naff.
Jitendar Canth

"Bored now"

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer

RE: Spooks - complaints to BBC

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 19:39

Re the sensitivity and the "neutered" M15, that`s pretty much how it came over to me, but the dear old Beeb must have realised they were treading on hallowed ground (no pun intended) and would be controversial. Must have missed some of the plot BTW, as didn`t see what that Muslim girl had to do with it, (the one who was apparently "sorted out" by the resident Imam) !


RE: Spooks - complaints to BBC

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 19:49

That girl was the daughter of the moderate Imam, the apple of his eye.
But being a rebellious and impressionable teenager she fell in with the bombing preacher. No doubt she`ll get extra beatings when she is released by MI5
Jitendar Canth

"Bored now"

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer

RE: Spooks - complaints to BBC

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 21:25

this `news` is a week old at least.

RE: Spooks - complaints to BBC

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 22:09

"this `news` is a week old at least"

So are the pants I`m wearing ;-)

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Spooks - complaints to BBC

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 23:07

I thought this episode was fantasically daring in it`s frank depiction of the imbecilic mentality of the Government when it comes to dealing with people of this kind.

It openly said, in a clear voice, that there are elements housed in this country that openly despise it, and actively wish it harm. (Abu Hamsa is obviously a clear inspiration, and the programme was the better for it)

They hide behind the `untouchable` houses of prayer in this country, which I think is totally wrong.

I`m all for tolerance of other cultures, and as my father has told me on many occasions, the Koran teaches nothing but peace towards all nations and beliefs, and is in fact, a very gentle book. Those that make their own interpretations of their `bible` are those that believe they are doing `divine` work. Osama Bin laden is one of those doing their own `divine` work.

Those that complained are of one of 2 beliefs;

1: That we should sweep these kinds of militants under the rug. That they are breezes that should be ignored. Should their actons lead to bloodshed, they are not of OUR belief. These people that complained for this reason are the people that still believe that 50% of their population should live under shrouds, that they are inferior beings. There`s no mistaking that most of the male population of `middle eastern` areas are mysoginists by upbringing.

2: That they support the belief of the militants and as such, should be regarded as insane (just my understanding of those that kill others...)

If a terrorist element was under suspision of being housed in a Catholic, Christian, Anglican, Methodist or C of E house of prayer, the police would have no problem whatsoever in searching said houses, but should it be a Mosque, God help us.

I hope this is not too racist a statement when I say that if you wish to reside in this country, that you should abide by our laws. I do believe that in America, this is a resolute standard of residency.

I`m sorry if this post causes arguements, but there are things that need to be said

This item was edited on Monday, 16th June 2003, 00:12

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