Info and forum posts by 'Jitendar Canth'

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Joined on: Thursday, 27th September 2001, 18:13, Last used: Friday, 6th September 2013, 12:07

Access Level: Reviewer

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This user has posted a total of 7480 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.9 messages a day, or 6.28 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 25 messages, which is on average 0.83 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: [VIDEO] Transformers One

Now that’s the Transformers movie I’ve been waiting for since my childhood. I hope it’ll wash the foul taste of all that Michael Bay crap out of my mouth.

They actually look the way they’re supposed to, and transform the right way too. 

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Ding Dong, the geriatric's gone...

Should have quit twice already, once after the debate, and once after Trump became a MAGA martyr. At least whoever takes his place will have enough time to get a campaign sorted.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

I’m putting my faith in the fortune teller I heard on Radio 2 the other day. She cast the asparagus, and divined that the next president of the United States will be a woman.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] Deadpool & Wolverine

Having seen the trailer, I’d say you have to see Logan before this.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: Laptop or desktop

Contemplating something similar here. After two laptops, I“m leaning towards a desktop for ease of maintenance and upgradability. A laptop gets old, or starts flaking out, you pretty much have to throw it away.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:4th of July... Our independence day?

How vote counts work...

And why the Lib Dems got 70 seats from 3.5 million votes, and Reform got 5 from 4.1 million...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: Captain America: Brave New World

That looks promising. Marvel have been off the boil of late, but I really rated the Captain America movies for being smarter than the others, especially latterly, giving off political thriller vibes beyond the usual comic book cliches. This looks to continue that.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: Lord Prescott kicked out of the House

The irony is that they announced it the day Starmer went to meet Biden. 

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

Lord Prescott kicked out of the House

I didn’t know that Lords could be removed from the House of Lords!

 I thought once you were in, you were in for life. Apparently inaction and non-attendance means you can be removed.

Jeffrey Archer’s left as well.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

This item was edited on Thursday, 11th July 2024, 07:39

RE: The Euros

[drivebyjinx]It’s coming home[/drivebyjinx]

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: Sainsbury's Entertainment ending physical media sales!

Pulling this one out of necro.

Tesco killed physical media sales during the pandemic, and today I went to ASDA and found that their entertainment section had been pulled out  by the roots.

It's just Morrisons left now.

I want to go back to the last save point in my life and try again.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] Gladiator II

That rhino gave me Attack of the Clones flashbacks, and that final shot, a bit of the Count Dooku in ROTS.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: I thought car insurance was supposed to be cheaper this year?

Is £85 the magic number this year?

My quote had gone up to around £400 from £240 last year, but I did the usual price comparison thing and called Hastings to see if they could match. They were matching one of those novelty insurers that stick black boxes in you car and whatnot, so they had more leeway, knowing that I wouldn't want the hassle. They wouldn't match £300, but they did get down to £320.

They gave a whole litany of reasons for the price rise, inflation, parts costs, labour costs, and I was surprised to learn that my second hand Ford Fiesta has appreciated in value. It cost me £8000 when I got it 3 years old, and it's 9 years old now, and still worth £6500, more than last year.

But yeah, I'm paying £85 more than last year.
Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] 4th of July... Our independence day?

The inheritance tax threshhold is half a million, and it's cumulative. So my parents could potentially pass on a million quid in cash and property before it gets taxed. Now if someone would please give them a million quid?

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE: Glastonbury 2024

And this is why I stopped listening to new music years ago...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:4th of July... Our independence day?

Looking at the numbers, it's less a case of Labour winning than it is of the Tories losing. In England it's a national case of the Tory vote haemorrhaging to UKIP Mark II and Labour sneaking in the back door. Their vote share didn't go up from when Corbyn got hammered by Boris...

Depressing, and a sign that Labour are seriously in the stink if they don't make the population feel good before five years are up.

And then, Youtube throws up this, which I had never seen before, and I'm smiling again.

EDIT: And some more Pie for the US

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

This item was edited on Friday, 5th July 2024, 14:53

RE: [VIDEO] 4th of July... Our independence day?

Pie Mood

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

This item was edited on Friday, 5th July 2024, 10:39

[VIDEO] RE:4th of July... Our independence day?

I thought that Pie would be under Purdah today...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] 4th of July... Our independence day?

There's nothing really to do until 10pm, when the Exit Poll is revealed, then it's the race for the first constituency to declare, then a couple of hours of waiting before the results really start to come in. And all the while there is a stream of politicians pre-emptively spinning their victories/losses into meaningful twaddle, and when the results start to sink in, still trying to spin their way into something sagely.

The most hyper of BBC presenters will be put to work in front of a greenscreen, Zebedeeing around a virtual swingometer, and once an hour, the lights of Mount Olympus will shine down as John Curtice is wheeled out to deliver a truth or two.

Better than Eurovision I tell you. Best TV of the year. Take a drink for every Portillo moment.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

This item was edited on Thursday, 4th July 2024, 11:12

RE: [VIDEO] 4th of July... Our independence day?

Went to the (Play)ing Station, put my X in the Box, and on my way home noticed someone had dumped a Wii on the corner of my street.

Dark omen, or desperate narrative contrivance? You decide.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:4th of July... Our independence day?

A truly non-partisan analysis of party political statistical bullshittery...

A bit of fun before the vote.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:4th of July... Our independence day?

Whatdya know? Balance...

He starts by channeling my voting history.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:4th of July... Our independence day?

Is this partisan? I think it's partisan...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

This item was edited on Tuesday, 2nd July 2024, 12:26

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Biden should start signing executive orders now like there’s no tomorrow. SCOTUS getting sliced up by a double edged sword would be sweet.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: Amazon ditches Free Delivery for all orders under £10

Jitendar Canth says...
"Time to resurrect this thread.

Since April, minimum spend for non-Prime customers to get free delivery is now £25."

And one year later, minimum spend to qualify for free postage is now £35 (£10 of books also qualify). It went up last week. Otherwise each delivery now costs at least £3.99

They really don't want me spending money there, do they?

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] 4th of July... Our independence day?

And today is the last day to apply for a proxy vote, and also the last day to apply for voter ID if you don’t already have one.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] 4th of July... Our independence day?

John Oliver agrees… in a NSFW way…

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] The All New Doctor Who Thread...

I have to agree...
I am so tired of the reset button. World/universe ends. Push the button, all back to normal at the end of the second episode of the two parter.

It annoyed me the first time that RTD pushed it, back when the Master turned Tennant into Dobby the House Elf, and Martha went walkabout telling everyone to think good thoughts.

The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords

Moffett did it twice in two successive seasons with Matt Smith,

The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
Closing Time/The Wedding of River Song

And Chibnall forgot to press it with The Flux, but everyone pretended he did.

So I was in the strange position of not actually caring about the story. The Pyramids of Mars was such an iconic classic, this just didn't do it justice. It boiled down to taking the dog-god for a walk. It does feel like they're pulling story developments out of their fundament, the whole remembered Tardis thing, although given the whole narrative malleability that RTD has added with his genre switch from sci-fi to fantasy, I suppose it's the new rules of the universe. I did like the end of the Ruby Sunday story arc (although she is back next season, apparently rejoining after doing the whole family thing). For once it was pleasant that she wasn't all important, and the secret wasn't massive in the grand scheme of things, just only on a personal level. I think one more Impossible Girl would have put me right off. But the whole Mrs Flood build up is so extreme that the reality will never match the hype, even if she turns out to be The Doctor/Romana/Susan/The Master/The Rani/Angie Watts.

Also agree that the series was just too short, not enough time to develop the characters, not enough time to emotionally invest. And that, I find is the biggest problem with Who right now. I don't care about the characters. I haven't cared since Peter Capaldi's final episode. That's what I wanted RTD to bring back when he took over from Chibnall, but he hasn't managed it.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: Donald Sutherland RIP

So many, but for some reason I keep flashing back to the Kate Bush Cloudbusting video.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: How many browsers do you use?

And now another one. One of the sites I peruse suddenly stopped working on Waterfox Classic yesterday, so today I installed the main Waterfox browser, which shares a code base with the current Firefox, but is more privacy focused. Still keeping Waterfox classic though, in case the next update fixed the compatibility again. I just like the way older browsers look.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @