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Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd September 2002, 18:45

Has anyone ever found any really good ones? Most of the ones I`ve seen don`t seem to be all that special. I suppose the Harry Potter ones (deleted Scenes, etc.) are an exception, but mostly they seem to be still photos (yawn), DVD credits (double yawn), etc.

RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

Rich_H (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 13:03

I guess if they were worth it they wouldn`t be hidden! The average person doesn`t want to hunt around on the Internet for extras that should be visible anyway, do they?

RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 13:56

It depends what the easter eggs were. Alot of them are really pointless, like you search the disc for an easter egg then when you find it, it`s just DVD credits. But there are some DVDs that have good easter eggs like Abyss and Terminator 2, and Die Hard.


RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th September 2002, 22:49

What are the Abyss ones? I have that, but I haven`t found them yet (not that I`ve looked, to be fair).

RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

kinjo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 30th September 2002, 21:26

Hi there!

If you have the beautifully remastered "Rocky: 25th Anniversary Edition", go to the main menu, press the "up" key on your handset and select the pink "Rocky" logo that should appear on the top right of the screen. Doing this will take you to the amusing "Stallone Meets Rocky" spot.

Oh, and I`m glad somebody else loves "The Keep"!


RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

scrot (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 14th November 2002, 09:48

They only seem to be on the region one disk. Mostly Aliens trailers I think. Of course if you`ve got the cack region 2, non anamorphic version, like I have don`t waste your time looking for them.

RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

scrot (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 14th November 2002, 09:50

The Abyss eggs only seem to be on the region one disk. Mostly Aliens trailers I think. Of course if you`ve got the cack region 2, non anamorphic version, like I have don`t waste your time looking for them.

RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 14th November 2002, 10:46

Well eggs aren`t used as a selling point, so I can see that there`s any problem with them being on discs. Sometimes they`re dull - like DVD credits - but other times we get some great additions. For example, the R1 edition of Terminator 2 includes a third version of the film by way of branching, which I found particularly worthwhile.

RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

Stranger Danger (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th November 2002, 04:38

eggs are now starting to be used as selling points. DVD Review even tell you how to access them now on their extras listings (so much for been hidden!) - my favourite egg is still the Spidey cameo on the X-Men DVD.

RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 18th November 2002, 13:54

I wouldn`t call them selling points. They may sometimes get a casual mention on the packaging, but you never see advertising campaigns based around the easter eggs on a DVD. DVDs are sold on the film, the audio-visual aspects and the extras, although you could argue that eggs could be classed as belonging to the latter of these sections. Still, the majority of discs don`t have them or don`t mention them.

This item was edited on Monday, 18th November 2002, 13:55

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