Info and forum posts by 'scrot'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 14:12, Last used: Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 14:12

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

The Abyss eggs only seem to be on the region one disk. Mostly Aliens trailers I think. Of course if you`ve got the cack region 2, non anamorphic version, like I have don`t waste your time looking for them.

RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

They only seem to be on the region one disk. Mostly Aliens trailers I think. Of course if you`ve got the cack region 2, non anamorphic version, like I have don`t waste your time looking for them.

RE: Lost in post deliveries from PLAY.COM

Or alternatlively, if you talk nicely to your postman he might sign for the delivery himself and post it through your letterbox. Defeats some of the point of recorded delivery but it does save you a lot of messing around.

RE: Videologic Digitheatre DTS or Yamaha HTiB

Upgraded to the DTS but have the 5.1 version of the Digitheatre now surplus to requirements. Let me know if you`re interested as it`s the comlete kit.

RE: cheap 5.1 digital

Videologic Digitheatre, £125 if you`re interested. Pro logic, 5.1 but no DTS.

RE: Upgraded to DD and DTS..........Good God!!!!

The £250 one is more likely to be the non DTS version which Comet usually sell for that price so be careful what you`re getting.

RE: OK - Any recommendations for a cheap Home-Cinema/Surround Sound system?? (PLEASE!!)

It doesn`t play DTS but I`ve got a surplus Videologic Digitheatre for sale. Pick your own DVD player to go with it.

RE: Upgraded to DD and DTS..........Good God!!!!

You can still find the Videologic Digitheatre DTS for around £350 if you look. My local Alders had a couple in stock recently.

RE: Problems with LG3200E through stereo

Don`t use the phono input, it`s got the wrong impedance and is equalised for pick-up cartridges (for vinyl playback if you`re too young to remember such things). You should use the AUX inputs or
if all else fails, try one of the tape inputs but definitely not phono.

RE: Are LG`s anygood?

I had a 3000E and although it was less picky about marked disks than
my Philips 710, it failed to drive my w/s TV at the correct aspect
ratio on most films and picked weird and wonderful subtitles on
a fairly random basis.

Gave up and bought a Sony instead.

Wharfedale 750 SCART Switching

Just bought one of these. When put into standby, the TV scart switchover is still active. Only full power-off on the 750 seems to release the TV. Does anyone else have this problem or is it specific to the particular box I have? Fault or design flaw?