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Saw my first 3D movie last night

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 1st June 2014, 08:24

The first Hobbit movie, on a large projection screen, and it's interesting, but clearly a gimmick. I like it, but the image being darker and the significant contrast, kind of makes me unsure about it.

I could sell my projector on ebay and upgrade to a 3D one for about £170, and it might be silly not to. But I'm not sure about it!

I think I'd still watch films first in the 2D version and only watch the 3D version later on (and only if it was shot in 3D rather than converted), and treat it as a way to enjoy the film a second time like extended editions are.

But maybe The Hobbit was not the best example?

Anyway I'm glad it didn't make me motion sick.


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RE: Saw my first 3D movie last night

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st June 2014, 09:53

Rob Shepherd says...
" but the image being darker and the significant contrast, kind of makes me unsure about it."

Never seen one and not likely to for the above reason.
Glasses plus 3D glasses = staring down a coalmine.


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I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Saw my first 3D movie last night

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st June 2014, 19:10

The first hobbit movie had a specific scene geared up for 3D and that was the rock monsters attack. Good in 3D rubbish in 2D.

Now if only we could get the 3D holodeck, with the safeties working 

RE: Saw my first 3D movie last night

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 2nd June 2014, 08:57

Since I got my Unlimited Premium card I always make an effort to see the 3D version of a film where possible, just to get my money's worth! With that said, there are very few examples where I thought it really added anything.

Gravity definitely works best in 3D; it was designed that way and it shows. The same goes for Life of Pi. Curiously, both of these looked better on my home set-up than at the cinema, but then our local Cineworld is a bit rubbish. The granddaddy of 3D, Avatar, rightly deserves the accolades, as that also works better in 3D (mainly because it's a tech demo to begin with). Hugo is also decent and I've heard good things about Dredd, but I saw that before I had a 3D set (and it looked terrible in 3D). Animation like Despicable Me works well in 3D.

I've seen some decent post-conversions though. The Avengers was okay and Pacific Rim was pretty good (no doubt helped by the fact that a lot of it was CG). Surprisingly, Titanic was also good, and there are some nice effects in the opening scenes of Prometheus (not watched it all yet).

I wasn't impressed by the 3D in Godzilla and I couldn't be bothered to see Edge of Tomorrow in 3D after I learned it was a conversion .

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RE: Saw my first 3D movie last night

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd June 2014, 11:13

I'm wondering (this might be one for Jimbo) if third party glasses are any different to the three-times-the-price official ones by the manufacturer of the projector.
Anyone know? Apart from potential sync issues, I'm wondering whether the cheaper ones give a darker image.


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