Info and forum posts by 'Giles Manton'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 20th February 2001, 18:10, Last used: Tuesday, 20th February 2001, 18:10

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 75 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: 24 recalled . . .

I have to say I`m really confused! I have followed the link to the BBC site and there are two conflicting statements in the same report...

Statement no. 1

"A production mistake meant that UK fans who bought the £45 six-disc set got the US version of the show, which differs slightly from that shown on the BBC.

The DVDs, which contain all 24 episodes, include about 90 seconds of footage that was not aired on UK television."

This tells me that the DVDs have more on them than what we saw on the TV.

However, in the same report comes Statement no. 2

""The UK DVD release of 24 is taken from the US version and therefore contains approximately 90 seconds of cuts from the UK aired programmes on the last five episodes," a statement from 20th Century Fox said."

This tells me that the DVD`s have less on them than what we saw on the TV. Which is right???


RE: BTTF Trilogy

As far as I`m aware, region 1 is going to have commentary tracks on all 3 films and has some exclusive extras on it. Region 2 and 4 make up for this by having an additional dts soundtrack.

Check out for a full listing of the different features.

After watching my region 4 copy I would say I prefer the dts soundtrack to the "watch once" extras found on the region 1 copy as the dts soundtrack is stunning! Also, the region 4 version is available from right now and will cost a couple of quid less than will sell it for in November.

DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th August 2002, 10:26

RE: Infinifilm - is it any good?

If you want a comprehensive review of Infinifilm, check out the excellent review by... er... me!

I reviewed Thirteen Days a while ago and have to rate it as the best disk in my collection. I haven`t seen any other Infinifilm titles, but this one I loved. Well worth the extra wonga!



RE: Help: Terminator 2 German Ultimate Edition

I`m not too sure about the German Ultimate Edition, but I imagine it is the same as the others. Anyway, load disk 2 (or side 2 if you prefer) with the extra features. Wait until the menu appears, and then just wait for 30 seconds or so. At the bottom left corner something will appear, be it a Terminator face, a circle, or the words Join The Resistance... or nothing, it`ll just begin the cycle again... there are about 4 to choose from. You`ll have to be quick, but if you click on them something happens.

Join the Resistance one is one for use in your PC as it apparently offers a DVD-ROM combat training simulation game.

If you get the circle, it will show you an advert for "Swelltone" sound. Something more popular in the US, however it`s rather disappointing that it is in stereo, and not in its 5.1 format.

RE: Arcam DV88 - Video pauses/audio blips

Send it back and get another one in its place, other than the disk changing layers, you shouldn`t have any other problems, especially on an expensive deck such as the Arcam.


RE: Pioneer playback problem!!

If the drive is very noisy it sounds as though its not quite gripping the disc properly and so spinning it at an angle. This would mean the laser is only getting portions of information. You would need to get this seen to by a qualified engineer.


This item was edited on Friday, 23rd November 2001, 16:05

RE: 2 Hours and No Sound!!!

RichardH, as I stated in my last posting... many apologies, I was wrong. You CAN get stereo information out of the SCART on the back of the TV.

For your neighbour, they would need to purchase one of those SCART cables which has EVERYTHING coming off the other end - notably an S-VIDEO cable and a pair of stereo interconnects.

To connect up... place s-video cable in the back of the DVD player. I believe there are two pairs of aux inputs on the back of this DVD player also. Plug the stereo interconnects into one of these pairs. Finally plug the SCART plug into the back of the TV.

A couple of things to ensure this all goes OK, If the TV has two SCART plugs, make sure it is plugged into the one which accepts S-Video input. If you don`t you will receive a black and white image.

On the DVD player, go into the DVD setup menu and ensure the video output is set to S-VIDEO, if not, you will also receive a black and white image.

Other than that, you should now have a TV with sound coming out of the Sony system.

Let me know how you get on.


RE: 2 Hours and No Sound!!!

I come clean, there is a flaw in my logic! You CAN get information out of SCART on the TV, and yes this information does also include stereo sound.

Whilst you have cleared some points up for me with your latest posting, you have also given me another statement/question to ask...

Firstly, what amp have you got? From your posting I am assuming that it is a pro-logic model sold as a "Dolby Digital Ready" amp around the mid/late 90s. I.e. if you have a DVD player that decodes DD itself, you would be able to pipe it through the amp... via 6 interconnect cables, and get Dolby Digital 5.1 sound.

It seems to me that you have plugged the phono leads from the SCART cable into your 6 channel input, which is meant for discreet amplification, NOT for pro-logic sound. The solution would be to plug your phono leads into another input source on your amp (either TV, Video, DVD, Aux, Tuner, Tape... doesn`t matter), and then select the Pro-Logic surround mode on your amp. Hey presto, pro-logic sound!

One more thing, buy some interconnects. At the back of your video, ITV Digi box and DVD player, there should be a pair of stereo line outs on each. For each pair of stereo line outs, plug the interconnects into a pair of stereo line ins on your amp. As this is a direct connection from the source to the amp, you will also get an audibly louder surround sound.

Let me know how you get on...we`ll get this beauty cracked for you!


This item was edited on Friday, 23rd November 2001, 15:48

RE: S-Video pictures appear in B&W...HELP!

One possible way of alleviating your DVD problem... does the DVD player have an RGB output? and does the TV have an RGB input?

I have a feeling that you have connected the DVD player to the RGB SCART of your telly. If this is the case, go into your DVD menu and select RGB.

If this doesn`t work, another suggestion is to keep your settings on S-Video and swap the SCART plugs around in the back of the TV (e.g. so the DVD player will output to AV2 instead of AV1).

Let me know how you get on with those, and then we`ll see if we can tackle your video player problem.


RE: 2 Hours and No Sound!!!

I assume you are connecting the SCART on the back of the TV to the amp`s co-ax input correct?

If this is the case, you aren`t going to get sound that way. A TV is the final resting place of your SCART information, therefore the SCARTs on the back of TVs are input only.

In order to get sound out of your TV to your amp, get a normal pair of stereo interconnects and connect the LR stereo outputs on the back of the TV to a pair of stereo inputs on the back of your amp (you may have inputs marked "TV" on the back of your amp already).

This will provide the stereo signal received from TV broadcasts, which can be made into a Pro-Logic signal if you select that on your amp.

You cannot, however, get Digital 5.1 sound out of TV broadcasts, they just don`t do it in this country yet.


Let me know how you get on.

RE: Pro llogic Problem, yes you should.

How have you connected the DVD player to the TV? via SCART I assume. I also assume that you are getting stereo sound out of your DVDs but no information is coming out of the center speaker.

If you haven`t tried this already, get a pair of stereo interconnects and connect the stereo LR line-outs from your DVD player to the stereo line-ins on the back of your TV. Let me know how you get on.


RE: An Easy problem to solve! :)

I agree with David, either you have an old telly (but it would have to be really ancient to not support NTSC), but maybe this question will clear your mind...

Are the Black and White images "fizzy"? I can`t think of a better word to describe it, but does the image seem to "buzz" at you?

If so, you are watching the image through your S-Video connection, and your DVD player hasn`t been set up to send an S-Video image.

Your best bet here would be to go into the DVD setup menu and alter the video output to S-Video... et voila, colour images!


RE: LEON R1 or R2

Haven`t heard of a release date for the R2 version of Int. version Leon. But just to cast my vote the R1 extended version is well worth the extra stuff. When you`ve seen it you will wonder how you were able to watch and enjoy the first one to begin with.

Much better, although I disagree about the DD5.1 soundtrack on it. It just sounds like pro-logic through 5 channels to me rather than something extra special. I had the NTSC laserdisc version a few years back and I couldn`t tell the difference between the two.


RE: What`s better DVD Essentials or Ultimate DVD Platinum?

OK, two things - first I didn`t realise the Region 4 version of Ultimate DVD was NTSC - this is annoying if this is the case as you won`t get spot on calibration...

...secondly, the THX Optimode program featured on THX mastered disks (e.g. Star Wars, Terminator 2, Fight Club etc) are to ensure you watch THX mastered disks the way they were intended. I read somewhere that each of these disks were "tweaked" to portray the film you are about to watch in its best light, but I cannot confirm that - if this is the case, you are only setting the system to watch that particular film.

I believe that the THX Optimode program should be a reasonable enough benchmark for most systems to be calibrated on, however TV`s are used to watch THX DVDs, non THX DVDs, videos, terrestrial/digital/satellite/cable TV etc. so for proper calibration, you should look at using one of the calibration disks. In my experience it is always best to go for a disk which outputs your regular transmission system (i.e. PAL).

RE: Anyone know when the new Bladerunner disc is out?

I thought the special edition already restored those excised scenes (doesn`t it? - unicorns and stuff???).

Anyway, does anyone know if this new edition is going to be 5.1`d?

RE: What`s better DVD Essentials or Ultimate DVD Platinum?

I`ve tried both DVD Essentials and Ultimate DVD Platinum, and both are good in different areas. Essentials is excellent about giving you general home cinema advice, as well as test patterns. DVD Platinum doesn`t give the general advice that Essentials does, but includes a lot more tests for your system (for example, the subwoofer rattle test so you can determine what objects need pinning down to stop detracting sonic vibrations...).

If it were up to me I would have to plump for Ultimate DVD Platinum for one very simple reason. Its a PAL release (Region 4 or 2 doesn`t make a difference). DVD Essentials is Region 1 and is therefore configured for NTSC TVs in the first instance (pure NTSC that is, not the NTSC your UK telly can grab hold of).

One of the controls (colour or contrast, I can`t remember which - the one which uses the blue filter) is impossible to set simply because your set isn`t pure NTSC - therefore your TV will never be set correctly, and if you`re spending the cash to get this right anyway, it seems a bit pointless to waste it on something that can`t do the whole job.


RE: Who has the phantom menace?


I can quite understand your impatience... everyone has wanted this disk since it came out in the cinema.

If you have reliable info about the transfer process of TPM, I will bow to your superior knowledge. I know that it was the first film to be created using a digital stock, so I presumed it would be transferred this way. You make the comment that the producers were pushed for time, so didn`t do a digital transfer... I thought it would have been a quicker process to transfer this way - although maybe not, and anyway, this way George can resell us the disk in years to come with a new "direct digital" transfer... you know he will!

Yes, George should have taken care with the picture. I can only report on what I saw, and the R2 picture really is stunning. You also must remember that Lucasfilm as a company is a relatively small independent film production house - one that has a lot of money sure, but a small no. of resources in comparison. Since all these people are busy working on Episode 2 it was deemed that Lucasfilm would not have time to work on the DVD (and give it the attention it deserves) until the trilogy has been released. They simply bowed to public pressure (+ the huge revenues it would generate) to getting this disk produced and released.

I`m sorry to hear the R1 picture isn`t what it should be - I look forward to your review at area450...

All the best mate,


RE: Who has the phantom menace?

Well I can`t let all this go without sticking my forepennth in myself. I have a promotional copy of TPM Region 2 which I am reviewing for the site - and all I can say is the picture quality of this disk is astounding. Yes, there is edge enhancement, but then there`s going to be on a film which is 15% live action, 85% CGI. That edge enhancement was apparent on prints in the cinema, so you can`t fault the DVD for recreating that.

Also, I believe TPM was filmed with digital stock and was the first film to be produced for E-cinema. Therefore, what you should have on the DVD is a direct digital copy, not a telecine transfer.

I can`t imagine they would have done anything less for the R1 copy, but I can assure you the R2 copy is stunning - sell R1 and buy R2, and look out for my review on the website in the next day or so.

DVD Reviewer

RE: Castaway r1 release date

Yeah, I got my copy of Gladiator the day before it was officially released - the postie was being efficient!


JFK (Special Edition) R1 vs R4!

Does anyone know of any differences between these two? I know the JFK R4 version isn`t released until Thursday, but I was wondering if the R1 version is the longer film? Is the R4 version the shorter one? Are there any extras that are on the R1 and not on the R4?

DVD Reviewer

RE: Can anyone help...TV`s and Sub Bass

Thanks for that Steve, admittedly, it will be sited fairly close to the TV so just wanted to make sure that I won`t get any problems. From your answer I will try the sub next to the TV.

p.s. Never used a REL before - do love it, although at the moment it is sited in an alcove which is making it rather boomy (hence the move).


DVD Reviewer

Can anyone help...TV`s and Sub Bass

Before I embark on rearranging my living room, I was wondering if anyone has got any experience of siting their subwoofer next to the TV. I have a REL Strata III sub and am wanting to place it next to a Sony widescreen TV.

Now, does anyone know if these beauties are magnetically shielded? or am I going to rip my screen off???

DVD Reviewer

RE: edward scissorhands r2 v r4

Believe it or not, The Brady Bunch 2 - The Movie was initially banned from UK cinemas because it featured the use of nun-chuckas (think that`s how its spelt). Knives, pistols and semi automatic weapons frequently get past the censors but two sticks tied together by a chain was deemed to offensive for our little eyes!

DVD Reviewer

RE: O Brother Bug!

This is the first Momentum disk I have had. Are there other problems like this with Momentum disks?

O Brother Bug!

I was quite excited when I got O Brother Where Art Thou through the post this morning, however I noticed that the sound was only stereo, even if you selected DD5.1 from the Audio Setup menu. Also, the subtitles appeared. With a bit of fiddling though I found a fix...

1. Go to setup - switch off subtitles
2. Go back to setup - select 5.1 Surround
3. Go to Scene Selections
4. Select Chapter 2 and press Enter/Set/Select on your remote

Hey presto! You`re now in DD5.1 territory. You can use skip to go back to Chapter 1, and it will still play in 5.1.

DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Monday, 9th April 2001, 13:51

RE: Built in Digital Decoder..Advantages?


I bow to your superior knowledge. Yes, you are correct. The DD Decoder does not necessarily have to decode 5.1.

Wow, where do you work? Dolby???

DVD Reviewer

RE: Built in Digital Decoder..Advantages?

There is no point in having a Dolby Digital Decoder in a DVD player without having the six outputs. The reason for the decoder in the first place is to decode the digital signal to analogue. Then, each of the six channels of sound is piped into an amplifer before going onto the speakers.

Having a DD Decoder in a DVD player without six outputs is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

DVD Reviewer

RE: How many people read/buy hardcopy DVD Magazines ?

Yes, I do buy and read hardcopy DVD Magazines. I also find my fellow DVD Reviewer likes to read my copies of the magazines whenever we meet...;)

I have to say I still do like going through them. Yes, the information is available on line a lot quicker but there`s just something about turning the pages.

DVD Reviewer

RE: Subwoofer Placement

The hardest work for an amplifier is to produce low frequencies. It involves a lot of energy to push and pull the speaker cones in and out. What you have done is given the main load of work to the sub`s own internal amplifier, meaning yours doesn`t have to work so hard.

This means the amp spends more energy on getting the rest of the sound right. You generally find that the speakers sound "cleaner" and yes, "louder".


RE: Jim Cameron Interview

Yeah, when does Titanic DVD get the same attention as these other special editions?

What AV setup has he got at home?

What is his next project?

Why did he split up with Linda Hamilton?

Is he a Jaffa???

Maybe you want to leave the "Jaffa" question out... up to you ;)
