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Page 1 of Can anyone help...TV`s and Sub Bass

Hardware Forum

Can anyone help...TV`s and Sub Bass

Giles Manton (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 10th April 2001, 13:12

Before I embark on rearranging my living room, I was wondering if anyone has got any experience of siting their subwoofer next to the TV. I have a REL Strata III sub and am wanting to place it next to a Sony widescreen TV.

Now, does anyone know if these beauties are magnetically shielded? or am I going to rip my screen off???

DVD Reviewer

RE: Can anyone help...TV`s and Sub Bass

steve 1056 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 10th April 2001, 21:28


Richard Lord, the owner of REL and chief designer, told me that none of the subs are shielded (I met him at a Hi-Fi show years ago). However, I have been using a REL Storm sub for the past 5-years sited about 12" away from the screen of various TV`s, including a 29" Sony and 32" Sony. Sub is placed on the right hand side of the TV (as you look at it), and I have suffered no problems at all - no staining or any other picture problems.

I also talked with some guys at Arcam (the UK Hi-Fi and DVD manufacturer) who used various REL subs and they confirmed they had never seen any problems with various TVs.

Sorry for the long-winded answer, but hope it helps.

P.S. If you haven`t used a REL sub before, you`re gonna luv it ! Tight, (very) deep bass.



RE: Can anyone help...TV`s and Sub Bass

Giles Manton (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 13:43

Thanks for that Steve, admittedly, it will be sited fairly close to the TV so just wanted to make sure that I won`t get any problems. From your answer I will try the sub next to the TV.

p.s. Never used a REL before - do love it, although at the moment it is sited in an alcove which is making it rather boomy (hence the move).


DVD Reviewer

RE: Can anyone help...TV`s and Sub Bass

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 14:37

Never used a REL sub before Giles ? How could you be so cruel and forget me so quickly ?!?!

Love forever,

Dans Q50

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 14:38

RE: Can anyone help...TV`s and Sub Bass

steve 1056 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 18:43


If you still suffer boom after you move it to next to the TV, try changing the phase switch to the "Out of Phase" position. You`ll probably find that it will integrate better with your main L&R speakers, and also significantly reduce boom.


P.S. If you have a DVD with the Optimode feature (T2 Ultimate Ed, X-Men, Toy Story, etc), use this to set up your sub levels. It really makes it easy, accurate and quick (takes less than 15 minutes). Just don`t have the volume too high when you run the test.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 18:48

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