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Info and forum posts by 'oojason'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 10th February 2003, 21:31, Last used: Monday, 8th August 2011, 11:31

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 142 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.13 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: `The Sun` Editor arrested!

Only a shame that the police let her go - I wonder if the vile rag she edits will mention this at all?

Hope she loses her job - and anyone else who is willing to work for it too.

Justice For The 96

RE: Brazil only ones better than England????

^ Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Norn Ireland, Ireland - all teams that on their day could well beat England. ;)

The problem with Owen`s statement is that it can mean almost anything - you could sit down with the bloke and listen to him all afternoon and he`d have told you NOTHING that you didn`t know already, or was pretty obvious.

The same goes for most footballers - who are trained in PR exercises to say something that the press can use to hype up the game in a positive manner, but not enough to annoy most people.

No England player is going to come out and say "oh s***e, we`ve well and truely F***** this up - we`ve no chance winning the World Cup - despite us having loads of `international class players` this time around, we`re still playing like a bunch of clueless individuals", is he?

On England`s recent form, with problems at left midfield, a lack of defensive midfield, and a lack of cover at left back, not being able to make an effective substitution - England will not have enough quality to win this World Cup. Personally I don`t think we`d make it to the QuarterFinals.

Hope I`m wrong.

Justice For The 96

RE: Brazil only ones better than England????

Completely agree - we have the individuals, though no team ethic. To be honest we`re not that far from the days of Keegan picking the best XI players and fitting them into a team - with square pegs in round holes (ie Lampard and Gerrard playing centre-mid, still no left side midfielder, and now struggling for a decent backup for Ashley Cole at LB)...

The World Cup is a few months away - and there are no signs of improvement, if anything it`s getting worse...

It is beyond belief that the FA, are paying Sven £4million + a year. Earlier in the year the Guradian published figures for the Top 10 FIFA ranked countries` managers. You could add 6 of those managers` wages together and it still not eclipse Sven`s wages.

Meanwhile the state of the game at grassroots level continues to worsen, clubs are fearful of spending too much money in the wake of likely tv income reductions, and the FA are spending £750million on a National stadium...

Justice For The 96

RE: Dvd recorders..idiots guide please!

^ cheers lads. I went for the ES10 (multiregion) - got it on ebay brand new in box. Am well chuffed with it, have just started playing with it today - very easy to use so far, didn`t realise it had videoplus - a bonus :)

Justice For The 96

RE: Dvd recorders..idiots guide please!

Can anyone tell me what the differences are between the Panasonic ES10 and E55 models?

Thanks In Advance

Justice For The 96

RE: Owen going to Newcastle :-(((((((

^ What Owen said on tv? Aye, he told us lot he was very close to signing a contract extension last year when in fact he`d already agreed a deal with Real Madrid.

Yes I am a scouser - one who is very happy we didn`t get Owen (I remember and thank him for the good times, but still have the memories of his lies of betrayal).

Hope he works out for you and you are happy with him - all the best.

Justice For The 96

RE: Owen going to Newcastle :-(((((((

Newcastle - having a one team city ensures large gates, they are not a big club - but do underacheive and have not won a trophy I can recall in my lifetime. To be honest I really don`t think Owen will be Newcastle this time next year - no World Cup Year and no European club adventures - am glad Rafa did not want him that much.

Justice For The 96

RE: Star Wars III Revenge Of The Sith out November 1st

Do not underestimate the determination of those who give us quality dvdrs of the pre-1997 Original Trilogy sourced from laserdiscs. The coming X0 Project and Moth3r`s PAL based sets are well worth keeping tabs on... :)

For those who`d like to see the Prequel Trilogy from a slightly different point of view I`d recommend they get their hands on either the MagnoliaFan or ADigitalMan Edits - both will have Ep 3 Edits coming soon after the official dvd release - should be interesting to see what they come up with...

Anyone have any more info on possible deleted scenes to be included on the dvd?

Justice For The 96

This item was edited on Monday, 1st August 2005, 02:52

RE: Suicide bomber shot dead

Someoone going to change the title of this thread? - suicide bomber he ain`t. Poor lad.

Justice For The 96

RE: FIFA once again make my life harder......the Offside Rule has changed again

Can just imagine the arguements ensuing in the sunday pub football leagues :)

Justice For The 96

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd July 2005, 02:09

RE: £80,000,000 Euro Millions Jackpot On Friday 29/07/05. What do you do with it?

Buy shares in Spearmint Rhino and appoint myself quality control man :)

Justice For The 96

RE: Big Brother 2005

Not much point in tuning in now - the last interesting bitch-free character has gone, a damn shame too

Justice For The 96

RE: STAR WARS: EPISODE 3 Anticipation Thread (SPOILERS!!!)

from a post at the


In order to tie together all six of the Star Wars films, creator George Lucas has decided to make further changes to the original trilogy. Using modern technology, Lucas has altered dialogue, inserted characters and drastically changed the tone of these classic films. Here's a list of some of the changes planned for each episode:


A new opening crawl will be used…

It is a period of civil… War! The Seperatist
rebel alliance has achieved their first victory
against the Galactic Federation.

During the battle, the rebels managed to steal
the secret plans to the Geonosian Droid Control
Ship. 18 years in the making, this "Death Star"
has enough firepower to destroy a planet.

Meanwhile, Princess Leia Organa Amidala
Skywalker is heading towards her home planet of
Alderaan. While Luke Skywalker is busy fixing
broken moisture vaporators on Tatooine…

NEW SCENES and CHANGES to existing scenes:

CUT TO: Darth Vader on board his Star Destroyer pursuing the Tantive IV.
COMMANDER: Lord Vader, we have the rebel cruiser in our tractor beam.
VADER: Hey look it's Tatooine! I grew up there you know.
COMMANDER: Yes my Lord.
VADER: Maybe if there's time we can go down and kill some sand people.

CUT TO: The Tantive IV. Darth Vader enters.
VADER: Yippee! I love riding on a starship.
PRINCESS LEIA: Darth Vader. Only you could be so bold.
VADER: Wait. You look sort of familiar. In fact you`re the spitting image of....
LEIA: I don`t know what you`re talking about.
VADER: I sense something. A closeness I've not felt since…

CUT TO: The droids land on Tatooine.
C3PO: What a desolate place this is.
R2: Bleep-beep!
3PO: What do you mean we've been here before?
R2: Beep!
3PO: I was created here? Oh my!

CUT TO: The Lars homesteaad. Owen Lars purchases some droids.
3PO: Hello, I am C…
OWEN: 3PO? What are you doing back here?
3PO: I beg your pardon sir but who are you?
OWEN: I'm Owen Lars. You lived with me for 10 years. Remember?
R2: Beep-bleep!
OWEN: What do you mean I haven't aged well?

CUT TO: Owen talks to his nephew Luke Skywalker.
OWEN: Luke, take these two over to the garage. I want to have them cleaned up before dinner.
LUKE: But I was going in to Mos Espa to watch the pod races.
R2: Bleep-beep!
LUKE: I look just like… Anakin Skywalker? Who's that?
OWEN: Oh s***! (shocked) And have the astro droid's memory erased.

CUT TO: 3PO and R2 with Luke in the Lars garage.
THREEPIO: As a matter of fact, I`m not even sure which planet I`m on.
R2: Bleep-beep!
3PO: Tatooine?
LUKE: Yeah, he's right. You're really smart R2.
(A hologram of Princess Leia appears).
LEIA: (h.o). Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You`re my only hope.
LUKE Who is she? She's beautiful… but in a creepy kind of way.

CUT TO: Luke is having dinner with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.
OWEN: That old man`s just a crazy old wizard.
LUKE: Obi-Wan knew my Father?
OWEN: We told you before. You didn't have a father.
BERU: I carried you, I gave birth to you. I can't explain what happened.
LUKE: (stunnned) What?
BERU: (starts laughing) Just kidding.
OWEN: Yeah, (laughs). A virgin birth? Imagine something so silly.

CUT TO: Luke is attacked by sand people. Obi-Wan rescues him. He sees R2-D2 hiding.
BEN: Hello there! Come here my little friend.
R2: Bleep-beep!
BEN: (shocked) R2-D2? I can't believe it. Long time no see.
R2: Beep!
BEN: What do you mean I haven't aged well?

CUT TO: Luke talks with Obi-Wan.
LUKE: I guess the droid does belong to you.
BEN: I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid.
R2: Beep-bleep!
LUKE: He`s wondering if someone had your memory erased too.
BEN: No, it's just old age.
LUKE: We better get out of here before more sand people arrive.
OBI-WAN: Sand people? I thought your father killed them off 30 years ago.

CUT TO: Obi-Wan's home. He and Luke talk.
LUKE: No, my father didn`t fight in the wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter.
BEN: That`s what your uncle told you. He didn`t hold with your father`s ideals. Thought he should have stayed here and not gotten
(Qui Gon Jinn's voice is heard)
QUI GON: (v.o.) That's not exactly true Obi-Wan.
LUKE: Who's that?
BEN: Oh, it's just my former Master. Pay him no mind. If you ignore him he'll go away.
LUKE: You fought in the Clone Wars?
BEN: Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight the same as your father.
R2: Bleep-beep!
LUKE: You fought in the clone wars too R2?
BEN: And so did 3PO.
LUKE: I wish I'd known him.
BEN: He was the best pod racer in the galaxy, and quite the ladies man. Which reminds me, I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn`t allow it.
QUI GON: (v.o.) That's not true either.
BEN: Quiet!
LUKE: How did my father die?
BEN: A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi
Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father. Now the Jedi are all but extinct.
QUI-GON: (coughs) Bull s***.
LUKE: Huh?
BEN: Forget about it. Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force.
LUKE: What's the Force?
BEN: The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It`s an energy field created by a microscopic lifeform called midichlorians.
LUKE: I don`t understand.
BEN: Midichlorians reside within all living cells and we are in symbionts with them. Without the midichlorians life could not exist. When you quiet your mind you'll hear them...
(Luke has fallen asleep).

CUT TO: Obi-Wan decides to play R2's taped message.
BEN: Now, let`s see if we can`t figure out what you are, my little friend. And where you come from.
QUI-GON: (v.o.) Obi-Wan, you know what he is and where he comes from.
BEN: Shhhh.
LEIA: (on hologram) General Kenobi, years ago you kind of served my father Jimmy Smits in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him. The taxation of trade routes along the Alderaan system are in dispute.
LUKE: The what?
LEIA: Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
LUKE: Man, she's hot!
BEN: Be mindful of your thoughts Luke, they betray you.
QUI-GON: (v.o) Tell him about the Jedi "no nookie" rule. Especially with one's sister.
BEN: You must learn the ways of the Force.
LUKE I don't know. That midichlorian s*** gives me a headache.

CUT TO: The Death Star. The military commanders meet with Governor Tarkin and Darth Vader.
COMMANDER: This battle station is now the ultimate power in the universe. The Geonosians were good for something.
VADER: The biggest problem in the universe is that no one cares for each other.
TARKIN: We will soon crush the rebellion with one swift stroke.
VADER: I miss Padme.
COMMANDER: Your sad devotion to that ancient love affair is pathetic Lord Vader.
VADER: (starts crying) I hate you!

CUT TO: The Death Star detention corridor where the princess is being held. Darth Vader enters.
VADER: Are you an angel?
LEIA: The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this.
VADER: I don't like the sand. It's coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere.
LEIA: What?
VADER: From the moment I met you a minute hasn`t gone by when I haven`t thought of you. And now
that I`m with you again, I`m in agony. The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. I can`t breathe. You are in my very soul, tormenting
me. What can I do? I will do anything you ask...
LEIA: I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a member of the Imperial Senate…
VADER: I wish I could just wish my feelings away. But that would be very wishy washy.

CUT TO: Obi-Wan, Luke and the droids enter Mos Eisley. They pass a fruit stand.
JIRA: Oh my bone`s are aching.
R2: Bleep-beep!
OBI-WAN: You`re right R2, it`s that old lady from the fruit stand in Episode I.
JIRA: Storm`s coming up. You better get home quick.
OBI-WAN: Surely I thought she`d be dead by now.

CUT TO: Mos Eisley cantina. Luke and Obi-Wan enter and sit at the bar. A blue creature flies up to Luke.
WATTO: Good day to you outlander!
LUKE: Hello.
WATTO: You look just like a slave I used to own. What was his name? Ani something.
(Suddenly Sebulba appears).
SEBULBA: You wanna buy some death sticks?
LUKE: Hell yeah!
OBI-WAN: You don't want to sell him death sticks.
SEBULBA: I don't want to sell him death sticks.

CUT TO: Obi-Wan talks to a wookie.
BEN: (to Luke) This is Chewbacca. 18 years ago the Jedi inadvertantly helped the Empire destroy his home planet of Kashyyyk.
BEN: Now he's first-mate on a ship that might suit us.

CUT TO: The Death Star control room. Tarkin and Darth Vader are talking.
VADER: I had a really bad dream last night. That the Rebels blew up this entire battle station.
TARKIN: Ridiculous. How's they do it?
VADER: They fired a torpedo into a small exhaust port and the whole thing blew up.
TARKIN: (laughs) You and your nightmares Lord Vader.
VADER: I'd much rather dream about Princess Leia. Just being around her is intoxicating.

CUT TO: The Death Star prepares to fire on Princess Leia's home planet of Alderaan.
TARKIN: Fire when ready Commander.
(Insert a scene inside the royal palace on Alderaan).
Senator Jimmy Smits Organa is kicking back, watching afternoon football on TV and drinking a beer. Suddenly, he sees a huge fireball coming towards him.
ORGANA: (screams) Oh s***!!!
(the whole planet explodes)

CUT TO: The Millennium Falcon. Luke is training with Obi-Wan.
HAN: I`ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I`ve never seen anything to make me believe there`s one all-powerful force controlling everything.
HAN: What do you mean that you were good friends with a Jedi. Who's Yoda?
OBI-WAN: Chewbacca knows about the Force. He's seen it first hand.

CUT TO: The Death Star. Vader is talking with Governor Tarkin.
VADER: Don't get me wrong, the Emperor is a great mentor. As evil as they come. But in many ways, I`m ahead of him. I'm ready to become a Sith Master, but he won`t let me move on.
TARKIN: That must be frustrating.
VADER: It's worst. He's overbearing. Overcritical. It's unfair.

CUT TO: Vader confronts Obi-Wan.
OBI-WAN: Why do I think you're gonna be the death of me?
VADER: I`ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again. Last time you were the Master, and I was but a learner.
OBI-WAN: And I was a Master on the Jedi Council. And you were not. Ha!
VADER: Now I am the Master.
OBI-WAN: I don't think so, Annie.
VADER (growls) What did you call me?

(Vader lashes out at Obi-Wan. A sword fight ensues. Obi-Wan has a hard time battling Vader).
VADER: Jesus Obi-Wan. What happened?
OBI-WAN: What do you mean?
VADER: You've really let yourself go since we last met. I think I could beat you with one hand.
OBI-WAN: That's what 18 years of watching daytime and eating cheesy poofs will do for you.
VADER: Why did you take Padme from me?
OBI-WAN: You can't win. My pussy whipped former apprentice.
(Vader strikes Ben down).
VADER: (laughs) Bet you're glad you left me alive on that beach on Mustafar, huh Master?
(Obi-Wan dies).


CUT TO: The ice planet of Hoth. A badly beat up Luke Skywalker sees the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
BEN: Luke, you will go to the Dagobah system.
LUKE: Dagobah system?
BEN: There you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me.
(The ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn appears).
QUI-GON: I'm hurt Obi-Wan.
BEN: Sorry. I meant you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed Qui-Gon Jinn… who instructed me…
QUI-GON: Now, that's better.

CUT TO: Luke & Leia reunite.
LUKE: Hello, M'Lady.
(Leia kisses Luke).
LUKE: Wait! (pulls away) I sense something's not right here.
LEIA: What do you mean?
LUKE: I don't know, even though all I've thought about for 2 years is being with you. When we kiss, it feels…
LEIA: Like you're kissing your Mother?
LUKE: Yeah.

CUT TO: Lord Vader bows before the Emperor.
VADER: What is thy bidding, my master?
EMPEROR: We have a new enemy, the young rebel who destroyed the Death Star. He has the highest midichlorian count I've ever seen in a life form.
VADER: (boasting) Like father, like son.
EMPEROR: He maybe the "Junior Chosen One." The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.
VADER: You mean, my son. Why don't you come out and say it? We're alone.
EMPEROR: Silence Lord Vader. Or I will not teach you how to save people from death.

CUT TO: Yoda and Luke on Dagobah.
YODA: Why wish you become Jedi?
LUKE: Mostly because of my father, I guess.
YODA: Ah, your father. Whiny Jedi was he, whiny Jedi.
LUKE: (p***ed) I don't know what I'm doing here. We're wasting our time.
YODA: Hmmm. Much anger in him, like his father.
BEN`S VOICE: Was I any different when you taught me?
YODA: (pauses) Yes. You were, actually. No anger in you, Obi-Wan.
BEN'S VOICE: Come on. I was slightly agitated.
YODA: No. I think not.
LUKE: I can be a Jedi. Ben, tell him I`m ready.
YODA: You are reckless!
BEN`S VOICE: So was I, if you`ll remember.
YODA: Hmmm. Again, I don't think so. Incompetent, maybe. Reckless, no.

CUT TO: The Star Destroyer. Vader is hiring bounty hunters to find the Millennium Falcon.
VADER: ...there will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millennium Falcon.
BOBA FETT: As you wish.
VADER: Boba Fett? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on Kamino being used to make more clones?
ADMIRAL PIETT: My Lord, we have the Millennium Falcon in our sights.
BOBA: Get em' Vader. Get em'. Fire!

CUT TO: Vader is on board the Star Destroyer. They are pursuing the Millennium Falcon.
VADER: Now this is pod racing.
COMMANDER: Lord Vader, we've entered an asteroid field and can't risk-
VADER: Stay away from power couplings.
COMMANDER: What? But the asteroids…
VADER: Commander, if we keep this chase going the Millennium Falcon is gonna end up deep fried. This is a shortcut… I think.

CUT TO: Luke decides to rescue Han and Leia.
YODA: Luke! You must complete the training.
OBI-WAN: Yoda, you're pretty good with a lighstaber. Maybe you could help Luke defeat Vader.
YODA: Hmmm… That was CGI Yoda. Puppet Yoda can only move ships.
(Luke leaves)
YODA: (sighs) Told you, I did. Reckless is he. Now matters are worse.
BEN: That boy is our last hope.
YODA: No. There is another. Don't you remember his twin sister?
BEN: (pauses) Oh yeah. I forgot.
YODA: On Tatooine, what happened to you, Obi-Wan?

CUT TO: Vader and Landio Calressian on Cloud City.
LANDO: Lord Vader, what about Leia and the Wookiee?
VADER: Take the princess to my private chamber. I have something special planned for her.
LANDO: That was never a part of our agreement.
VADER: Sorry Calressian. Vader horny.

CUT TO: Han, Leia, 3PO, Lando and Chewbacca enter the carbon freezing chamber with Vader.
THREEPIO: If only you had attached my legs, I wouldn`t be in this ridiculous position.
VADER: Hey, it's C3PO!
BOBA FETT: Yeah. So?
VADER: He's a protocol droid I built to help my Mom.

CUT TO: Han is being put into carbon freeze.
LEIA: I love you!
HAN: What? I thought we decided we wouldn't fall in love. That it would destroy our lives.
VADER: There's something familiar about all this.
LEIA: I truly, deeply love you. And before you die, I want you to know.
VADER: (to Leia) I love you too…
HAN: (shocked) Huh?

CUT TO: Vader duels Luke.
VADER: Luke… I am your father.
LUKE: (screams) That's not true. That's impossible!
VADER: And I accidentally killed your Mother.
LUKE: What! (more screaming) Noooo!!!!!!!!!!
(Vader starts screaming too)
VADER: Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It was all Obi-Wan's fault.

CUT TO: The duel continues.
VADER: It's over Luke. I have the high ground.
LUKE: You'll find I'm full of surprises.
VADER: Join me and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can overthrow the Emperor and rule the galaxy. Make things the way we want them to be.
LUKE: I`ll never join you!
VADER: Damn. That line never works.
(Vader cuts off Luke's hand).
LUKE: (screams) Son of a bitch! I should have just stayed on Tatooine.
VADER: Yeah. I know what you mean.


CUT TO: Vader meets with the Commander of the Death Star.
COMMANDER: Lord Vader, we were beginning to wonder if you were coming.
VADER: Oh you know Commander, I couldn't find a shuttle I really liked. One with a roomy cockpit, the right color and speed capabilities.
COMMANDER: Completion of the "Geonosian Death Star II" is almost done.
VADER: Good commander. Remember to close up the exhaust port this time.

CUT TO: The Emperor enters. Vader kneels before him.
EMPEROR: Lord Vader.
VADER: Yes Master.
EMPEROR: Ryyyyyzzzzahhhh!!!!!!
VADER: The rebels will soon be defeated.
EMPEROR: You have done well, Lord Vader. And now I sense you wish to continue your search for young Skywalker.
VADER: Actually. I was hoping to track down Princess Leia.
EMPEROR: She's your daughter.
VADER: What? How could I not have known this.
EMPEROR: Because you're an idiot.

CUT TO: Yoda and Luke talk.
LUKE: Master Yoda, is Darth Vader my father?
YODA: Yes. To create your father, midichorians, the Emperor manipulated. Then knocked up your Mother, your Father did. Blind to all this, the Jedi were.
LUKE: Man, I can see why the Jedi are extinct.
YODA: Luke you must confront Vader and destroy the Emperor.
LUKE: I can't do it.
YODA: Luke… (begins to die) The Emperor likes to. shoot lightning bolts… (groans) out of his hands.
LUKE: What?
YODA: (dying) Deflect the lightning, you can… with a light…… (dies).
LUKE: S***. That sounded kind of important.

CUT TO: Obi-Wan and Luke talk.
LUKE: Obi-Wan, you told me Vader betrayed and murdered my father.
OBI-WAN: Your father was seduced by the dark side. When that happened he ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became-
R2: Bleep-beep!
LUKE: What's wrong R2?
R2: Bleep!
LUKE: You remember my father R2? How is that-
OBI-WAN: Luke, you'll find that many of the plot points in these movies are pure bulls***. George Lucas made up the story as he went along.
LUKE: Oh, I see.
OBI-WAN: Anakin was a good friend. When I first knew him, your father was a bratty 8 year old and not a very good actor. Then he grew up to become an even worse actor.
LUKE: So I did get something from him.
OBI-WAN: I was amazed at how high his midichlorian count was. I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi.
YODA: (voice only) Not exactly true, Obi-Wan.
OBI-WAN: OK. On his death bed, my former Master Qui-Gon made me promise to train your Father, who I thought was too dangerous and too old to become a Jedi.
LUKE: I can`t kill my own father. Yoda spoke of another.
OBI-WAN: The other Yoda spoke of your twin sister. To protect you both from the Emperor, you were hidden from your father when you were born. The Emperor knew, as I did, if Anakin were to have any offspring, they would be a threat to him.
(The ghost of Qui-Gon appears)
QUI-GON: That's not exactly the way it went down Obi-Wan.
ALEC GUINESS: Ewan MacGregor remembers what really happened. I don't.
LUKE: Leia! Leia`s my sister.
OBI-WAN: Your inside serves you well.
LUKE: Ew… gross! You mean, I'm in love with my sister?
OBI-WAN: Don't feel too bad. It's very common in the Southern space systems.

CUT TO: Vader talks to the Emperor.
VADER: What is thy bidding, my Master?
EMPEROR: Execute order 69.
VADER: A small rebel force has penetrated the energy shield on Endor.
EMPEROR: The Ewok planet?
VADER: My son and daughter are with them.
EMPEROR: Then you must go there. After you have wiped out the Rebels, kill your daughter and help me convert your son to the dark side.
VADER: As you wish.
EMPEROR: Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to…
VADER: To do what?
EMPEROR: I'm sorry. I forgot why exactly you turned to the dark side.
VADER: Yeah. Me too.

CUT TO: Luke and Leia talk on Endor.
LUKE: Leia... do you remember your mother? Your real mother?
LEIA: Just a little bit. She died when I was very young.
LUKE: How young?
LEIA: Like 90 second old.
LUKE: Then how is that possible you remember her?
LEIA: Umm. I'm not sure-
OBI-WAN: (v.o). Yeah, how is that possible? I mean, Luke was born first If anything he would remember-
YODA: (v.o). Quiet down younglings. Much work, you have to do.
LUKE: I must know Yoda.
LEIA: She was very beautiful. Kind, but...sad. And not a very good actress.
LUKE: My Masters told me that Darth Vader is my Father. And that you're my twin sister.
LEIA: But we don't look anything alike.
LUKE: The force is strong in our family.
LEIA: I know. Somehow...I`ve always known.
LUKE: Even when you kissed me?
OBI-WAN: (v.o.) Oh, I need a drink.
YODA: (v.o.) OK, enough backstory. Go kill the Emperor, you must.

CUT TO: Vader talks with Luke.
LUKE: Hello Father.
VADER: So, you have accepted the truth.
LUKE: I`ve accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my father.
VADER: That name no longer has any meaning for me.
LUKE: What about Annie?
VADER: Yeah, that's better.
LUKE: There's still good in you, Darth Annie.
VADER: It is too late for me, son. I will now turn you over to my Master. He will show you the true nature of the Force.
YODA: (v.o). Only two there are. A Master, and an apprentice. No more, no less.
VADER: Right. I forgot....What must I do Master Yoda?
YODA: (v.o). Kill your son, or the Emperor. Before they kill you.
VADER: (groans) Oh, I should have remained a slave and stayed with my Mother.

CUT TO: The Emperor talks to Luke and Vader.
EMPEROR: I`m looking forward to completing your training. In time you will call me Master.
LUKE: You`re gravely mistaken.
EMPEROR: Give in to the dark side. It's the only way to save your friends.
LUKE: You won't convert me as you did my Father. I don`t have nightmares about people dying.
EMPEROR: (smiles) Have you ever heard the story of "Darth Vader the Wise."
LUKE: Huh?
EMPEROR: Darth Vader was a Jedi Knight, so powerful with the Force that he could leap in and out of moving elevators. He then fell in love with a girl. got her pregnant and had recurring nightmares that she would die during childbirth. In order to save her, he turned to the dark side and killed all his Jedi friends. And became my whipping boy.
LUKE: What happened to him?
VADER: Uh. Excuse me. I'm right here.
EMPEROR: Vader became so confused by my duplicity that he ended up force choking his wife, causing her to die in childbirth anyhow. It's ironic. That he's remained loyal to me for 18 years.
LUKE: Yeah, I would have killed you in your sleep.

CUT TO: Vader and Luke being dueling.
VADER: Obi-Wan has taught you well.
LUKE: My powers have doubled since the last time we met Darth.
VADER: If you will not turn to the dark side, maybe your sister will.
(Luke cuts off Vader's right hand).
VADER: Damn. Not again!

CUT TO: The Emperor confronts Luke.
EMPEROR: Good. Goody, good, good Now, fulfill your destiny and take your father`s place at my side!
LUKE: You've failed your highness. I am a bad actor. Like my father before me.
EMPEROR: So be it…
(The Emperor begins shooting force lightning at Luke).
LUKE: Father! Help me.
VADER: Ummm.. Sorry Luke. Yoda, Obi-Wan and Mace never got around to telling me how to deflect force lightning. I'm afraid your screwed.
(The ghost of Mace Windu appears).
MACE: This party's over.
VADER: Master Windu!
MACE: Hey Anakin, I think you should arrest the Emperor. He should stand trial.
VADER: What? I think-
MACE: He's too dangerous? (laughs) No s*** motherf***er. I tried to tell you…
(The Emperor continues to fire lightening at Luke's body).
VADER: Master, how come Luke's face isn't changing into a raisin like your's?
(Vader picks up the Emperor and throws him to his death).

CUT TO: Luke comforts a dying Vader.
VADER: Luke, help me take this mask off. So I can talk to you in my real voice.
LUKE: But you`ll die.
VADER: Actually I was breathing fine before they put it on me 18 years ago.
(Luke takes off Vader's mask).
LUKE: (confused) Wait a minute, this isn't the real Darth Vader.
OBI-WAN: (v.o). Yeah, he looks nothing like the Anakin Skywalker I knew.
LUKE: It must be a decoy.
OBI-WAN: And how did his scars heal up so fast?

CUT TO: A massive celebration on Endor. The Ewoks are partying with the rebels.
LEIA: Hi Han, you look bored.
HAN: I'm just waiting for the next "Indiana Jones" movie to start filming.
LEIA: Luke's my brother.
HAN: (sarcastic) Yeah, and Greedo shot at me first.
(The Ewoks continue partying. Suddenly the Gungans appear).
GUNGAN: Wessa free!
EWOK: Yub yub.
(And a bunch of Jawas enter).
JAWA: Ew tee dee!
HAN: What the hell? What's going on pal?
CHEWBACCA: Garrrhhh…
(Several wookies show up).
LEIA: All the primitive species in the galaxy have come here to celebrate? Oh great.

CUT TO: Jar Jar Binks appears.
JAR JAR: Hello sirs! Messa back!
R2: Bleep-beep!
C3PO: Oh s*** is right, R2.
JAR JAR: Messa busten wit happiness.
HAN: Man, I'm so glad Lucas isn't making sequels.

CUT TO: The ghosts of Yoda and Obi-Wan appear.
OBI-WAN: (drinking from a flask) I couldn`t be happier this saga's finally over.
(The 25 year old ghost of Anakin Skywalker appears).
YODA: Why are you here?
OBI-WAN: Yeah, where's the old Anakin?
ANAKIN: Lucas put me in in a lame attempt to tie in the awful prequels to the classic trilogy.
YODA: Christ.
OBI-WAN: Well, let's get to the closing credits fast before he can make anymore changes.
ANAKIN: Wait, there's more…
(The ghost of Mace Windu appears).
MACE: All right motherf***ers!
(And Qui-Gon Jinn).
QUI-GON: May the midichlorians be with you.


This item was edited on Thursday, 14th July 2005, 12:26

RE: Panasonic DMR-ES10EB DVD recorer

Hi. I looked this model up on and in the comments it had 1 bloke saying that it did NOT record in widescreen.

Is he right?

Am tempted to buy one if it does record in widescreen - is £165 delivered a good price?

RE: George Lucas is at it again.... *sigh*

Chris, sorry to keep asking questions m8, would they be a PAL based project?

Please point him in the way of the - lots of tips & hints, software info and editing stuff that may be of assistance to him - or his knowldege to us...


This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st June 2005, 23:23

RE: George Lucas is at it again.... *sigh*

Chris - about your m8 doing a new version of the OT on dvd (sourced from the laserdiscs) - is this the X0 project?

RE: COME ON LIVERPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sj - forgot about our GH conversation. Quality pics. There`s loads on and if you`re after more.

Well, right now of course I`m happy that GH and LFC parted company when they did - and that Rafa was made the boss this season - who has done a tremendous job considering his 1st season in a new country, life, language, culture etc, the horrible injury list, lack of funds and Owen running out on LFC at the start of the season :D

Now, I don`t want to start the GH thing again - but he does get a little bit of credit for `laying the foundations` as it were - (the phrase I used to describe my thanks to him when me and a few others - around 30 of us - came across him by chance at the ground before the game - he beemed and thanked us for our comments - top gentleman) for our Euro Cup win here - the majority of the squad were his players (though it`s not like Rafa could buy 25 new players in a season!), he got us qualified for this season`s CL, the Academy, Melwood and plans for the new were all completed (NWDA can kiss my ass re them delaying our stadium!) - so that were a few things that Rafa doesn`t have to spend time and energy (and transfer budget cut) on at the expense of the team.

For me GH was needed to bring the club into the 21st century - yes it did go pearshaped at the end, money was misspent on underperforming players, and he paid the price for it. Looking back I hope he isn`t remembered by us for the events of his last 18months - but as a whole in that he channeled this club into contenders again, took us as far as he could and left us in better shape than when he first found it.

Rafa is the man to take us to the next level needed to compete for the Premiership, he will already go down as a great LFC manager - and will hopefully, like he stated, wants to be at the level of Dalglish, Fagan, Paisley & Shanks.

Am off to get some more work done - got to save up for the Super Cup in Aug and World Championship in Dec! Rafa - Rafael - Rafa - Rafael - Rafa - Rafael - Rafael Benitez!

RE: COME ON LIVERPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The trip to and from Istanbul was nothing short of a nightmare - well done to the cowardly idiots in charge at Goksun Airport who ensured 23+ hour delays - offering no food or drink, no information, arguing amongst themselves and having staff that could no longer speak english after talking to them in it for hours when it was proved they were tasking the p***. Thousands of fans kipping on cardboard in and around the airport. They didn`t give a s***e.

UEFA have had 50yrs to organise a final right - they didn`t do it here either. Thousands arrived at the stadium to find 8 people serving food and a couple of crisp vendors - that`s right - 8 people serving the 70,000 before we could enter the stadium. Not a UEFA steward in sight... until we passed a small VIP tent and saw them all in there scoffing their fat faces being served by more people in there for 100VIPS and stewards than the 70,000 outside!

Turkish people were great - on the way there and back were lining the streets and cheering and waving us on - I will never forget it.

The game itself - well, you all saw it - it was magical to be there, never stopped singing - can hardly talk even now, my throat is just too sore.

Well done the RedMen - Champions Of Europe...

RE: Well done you Scousers

can`t see Chelsea getting lucky a 4th and 5th time vs us this season

Fancy an extra day off?

Want an extra day off from work?

How`s about making St George`s Day a proper Public Holiday - with day off:-

This item was edited on Wednesday, 6th April 2005, 19:25

RE: Now wouldn`t that p*** off Everton fans....

Could it be that Britain`s Bitterist are about to get that much bitter?

Small budget for Moyes my arse - you got £30million for the Sun loving Rooney - just `cos you got debts doesn`t mean that`s a minimal budget. Dowie has done a great job with literally no money.

Maybe if you do qualify for the CL then you can build your own stadium - instead of trying to resusitate this shared ground pipe dream you lot have with the NWDA. Or maye you got more debts to pay off?

RE: A Belated well done to CHELSEA

erm... `one stevie gerrard` - so you only sang after his own goal? on 78mins?

well us in Liverpool `end` didn`t hear you lot until you scored... and the Chelsea fans we spoke to after admitted they were quiet... though good on you for singing yourself

LFC fans set new world record:-

Having said all that, hope you lot win the league this season :D

RE: A Belated well done to CHELSEA

Well, for 78 minutes I thought Liverpool would beat Chelsea - though wasn`t sure if they could overcome the diving and other `gamesmanship` antics of Chelsea`s lot.

Wasn`t quite sue if they could beat the ref though, especially when Gerrard was fouled in the box in the 1st half... and nothing given - though Joe Cole could get freekicks all day for throwing himself to the floor.

Though, I suppose after £214million spent, a s***e ref, a classless manager, and the quitest fans I`ve ever heard at a final, yes Chelsea really do deserve to win something...

RE: Echo, echo !

thought this thread was gonig to be about the lack of noise the chelsea fans made at the Lge Cup FInal yesterday.

oh well

RE: Sigh. The Great BSkyB world sport domination continues...

Hate Sky - can`t stand the way they slash prices for Satellite Prem Plus, but hardly ever do it for cable Sky.

RE: Liverpool vs Arsenal (Possible spoiler)

Good to see that even with half the team out (Cisse, Baros, Garcia, Traore n Josemi) we still outplayed Arsenal for the majority of the game and MADE them look ordinary.

During the game Cole couldn`t get forward as Pongolle was playing in his space - he looked over to Wenger for what I imagine to be guidence - only for Wenger to shrug his shoulders - great tactic, Rafa!

Seems Nunez does actually exist - more presure on Kewell when Garcia and Nunez are in full flow and fit - and with Warnock knocking on the door too... makes you wonder if Rafa willl cash in on Kewell in January and replace him?

RE: Liverpool vs Arsenal (Possible spoiler)

Why were you expecting us to get stuffed today? They were lucky last season vs us and were lucky not to be down to 10 men and 2-0 down today.

Hope Pongolle is ok - ANOTHER forward out would be just too much.

Great finish from Mellor

C`mon the RedMen. YNWA.

RE: How should Real Madrid be punished?

Ban Real Madrid from the CL for 2 seasons - see how the finances and players attitudes to playing for a team with no Euro options does then - will hopefully set an example to other clubs too.

It`s not just Spanish clubs, but many places in Europe.