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Info and forum posts by 'Cecil B.'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 24th January 2002, 18:21, Last used: Thursday, 24th January 2002, 18:21

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 127 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.11 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Blackstar - what are they like?

Expensive but reliable.

RE: Films you thought was good but you now think is crap

>>Two victims of the ghost are in a car. No television in site, and its in the country side.<<
So Sadako is just going to go, "oh, they`re not near a TV, they can live" is she? Of course not, she`s a ghost, she can go anywhere. Maybe she crawls out of the nearest TV and then goes after them.

>>The rule is once the tape is viewed you will get a telephone call saying you have 7 days to live. When the woman has viewed the tape the phone rings but doesn`t warn her its just a strange noise.<<
Don`t know this one...

>>As the tape was already viewed by the teenagers who are now dead, then the curse shouldn`t of been passed on to the reporter, as she didn`t copy the film.<<
The last person that watches it is the one that dies. The kids died before she watched it so they had no chance to survive.

>>Why is the kid cursed? He has only watched the original and not a copy, and where was his telephone call telling him he`s only got 7 days to live.<<
The last person that watches it is the one that dies. Her presence is strongest in the lodge so it would be natural to assume that she could take over the phone in the lodge but not in somewhere far away

>>The curse would only of stopped with the original 1st victim because no one after him should of died from the curse because they didn`t copy the original for the curse to become effective.<<
I thought it was the last person that watched it is the one that dies. I don`t think copies have anything to do with it. And if they all watch it together then they are all individually the last person that watched it so they all get cursed.

>>How did the original 1st victims friends know that the tape was directly linked to his death?<<
He says he watched a video and a phonecall comes telling him that he`ll be dead in 7 days. 7 days later he dies. I think his friends could put 2 and 2 together to work out the connection there...

This item was edited on Sunday, 23rd February 2003, 17:40

RE: Mindreader...........

Go on... How does it work..?

RE: Kids in his bed

The guy didn`t have much of a childhood (what with the constant touring, recording and getting abused by his father) and all he`s trying to do is trying to get his childhood back. How are you going to try to get your childhood back without involving children and doing what children do?

I don`t think it`s right but I can see why he`s doing it. Though if I was close to him I`d book him into a shrink immediately, as he does have some very clear mental problems.

And yes, he has had major plastic surgery, that`s obvious.

RE: What is Hitchcock`s best work?

`Spellbound` - masterpiece
`Rebecca` - pretty good
`Strangers on a Train` - pretty good
`Vertigo` - average (the part with Madeline was brilliant but everything from the twist onwards was very poor)
`The Lady Vanishes` - below average (`Morse`, `Creek`, `Midsomer`, `Frost`, `Poirot`, they`re all better)
`Notorious` - poor (if you want a noir go for `The Big Sleep` or `I Wake Up Screaming`)



>I thought she got killed by an intruder or did he administer her too much
>insulin - no that was Sammy wasn`t it or was Sammy his alterego.

They both got attacked by intruders and the attack caused Leonard to lose his memory but his wife didn`t die. The `Sammy` in the insulin story was actually him - he killed his wife by administering too much insulin into her and then blocked out the memory by placing Sammy in his place.

RE: `In-Movies` DVD rentals


Looks good but £15 p/m isjust too much for me... Thanks anyway.

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th January 2003, 10:57

RE: Humphrey Bogart DVDs - which ones to get?

If you liked `The Maltese Falcon` then what are you doing? Go and get `the Big Sleep` NOW.

NOW I said!

`In-Movies` DVD rentals

Does anyone know what they`re like?

I know there are other DVD rental places out there but I want to go for this one as it has more of the foreign language films that I want (Bergman, Kurosawa, etc).

New `Freeserve` advert

Does anyone else find it strange that straight after the little girl asks her dad "Where do babies come from?" he appears holding a large phallic-shaped object while smiling?

RE: Thanks!

>Another film goes onto my `to watch` list

:¬D Definately, it`s the sequel to `Yojimbo` and although it doesn`t have quite as much dark humour or intelligence it doesn`t have a dull moment in it..! Rip roaringly good.

RE: I have just bought...

After that watch `Mulholland Dr` and after that watch `Lost Highway`.

RE: Who are the Brain Police ?

They`re characters from my new novel `2004` about a totalitarian future where we are all ruled over by a evil ruler named `Large Brother`.

RE: Do DVD Box Office reply to emails?

I`ve sent several e-mails chasing up a disc (they claim they don`t have it in stock and are trying to get it in) and they`ve answered all of them...

RE: Thanks!

Jitendar, what do you think of `Sanjuro`?

Stefmcd, what do you think of `Bob le flambeur`?

(If you`ve seen them that is)

RE: Wild At Heart

Some time next year hopefully.

RE: Unwanted DVD

Okay, thanks everyone for your advice, next time I`m in town I`m going to try to exchange it (it`s `OUATIC 3` when I wanted `OUATIC`)

RE: Unwanted DVD

Do I have to provide proof that it was bought from that store before they will exchange it?

Unwanted DVD

I got a DVD for my birthday that I didn`t want. I haven`t unwrapped it yet so. although I admit this is unlikely, is there any place I can take it that will give me back the full price?

RE: Studio Ghibli Box Set

They`re pirate discs but the quality is okay (English subs dodgy on a few of them). You can get them cheaper on

What`s the best trilogy?

What idiots are voting for `LotR` after only seeing one film?

P.S. vote `Ring` - the scariest film ever

RE: Lilo & Stitch. Anyone seen it?

So boring I fell asleep.

RE: &lt;&lt;Just Got Busted for Speeding&gt;&gt; :-(

>>Just Got Busted for Speeding<<

Ha ha.

RE: Twin Peaks: Series 1

`Twin Peaks` is the best TV show ever, bar absolutely NONE. The pilot episode is one and a half hours of the greatest television ever created. You should not be disappointed.

Don`t watch `FWWM` until you`ve seen both series - otherwise it will spoil it. `FWWM` got an `18` because it`s a lot, lot harsher and darker than the series ever was, I also think one of the scenes involves rape (don`t quote me on that though).