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Page 1 of Can`t send email... baffled..

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Can`t send email... baffled..

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 5th October 2008, 13:36

A mate called me a few nights ago saying he couldn`t send email (we`re both on Virgin cable) but was fine receiving..
I went round thinking it would just be the smtp server had been changed or something similar.. Wasn`t the case.. but I did a few scans and the PC was riddled with all sorts of nasties... Ended up bringing the base unit back home and doing lots of cleaning up etc. Opened Outlook and the mail that was in the Outbox then went. :) Replied to a few mails as a test and that was fine and also sent a few new ones too. All seemed fine.
Took it back yesterday but he couldn`t connect it back up so I left it with him.. He`s just called and said it`s still the same.. :/ How can the same PC send mail from my house but not his? Rebooted the modem too in case that made a difference but it didn`t.. :(
Any ideas? Was thinking maybe Virgin have blocked a port (25?) on his line?


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Can`t send email... baffled..

wing_chun (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2008, 22:20

its not the isp you need to check your internet settings becouse the internet at your house
seem to allow said port to forward and you mate`s internet isnt
this souds like a router configuration issue just go into the router and allow
the port ie 25 to forward if this is the one your email uses

alternatively you can use a free email provider like yahoo. hope this helps

the memory of you will bloom like the flower in the garden of my heart

RE: Can`t send email... baffled..

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2008, 09:58

No router was involved..
He called them again and they said there was no problem because he had internet access...
He mentioned them blocking port 25 and she put him on hold and then came back and said she doubted it but to `leave it with them`....
24 hours later it was working....


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

This item was edited on Sunday, 26th October 2008, 09:51

RE: Can`t send email... baffled..

martin8777 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2008, 10:13

had he done anything daft like try to email an enormous attachment out?

RE: Can`t send email... baffled..

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2008, 11:39

Given the amount of nasties you found on it, seems likely it was being used to forward Spam.


Some days it`s just not worth gnawing through the straps

RE: Can`t send email... baffled..

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2008, 13:03

No, nothing like a large mail etc.
Yes, that was exactly what I thought Snaps. I imagine there is some sort of automated system that detects his PC is being used to send lots of spam and blocks the port.....and needs to be manually reset.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

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