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Page 1 of Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

PCs & Mobiles Forum


Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

@dy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 10:31

Hi all,

My 12 month mobile phone contract has now run its course and it`s time for me to catch up with today`s mobile technology. I`m looking at getting a LG Viewty as my next phone but I`m a bit unsure as to whether it`s as good as it appears to be. Does anyone have any advice/opinions regarding this phone? I currently have an N73 which I think`s ok but now seems a bit outdated. I`ve seen a few other phone`s that interest me like Vodafone`s F700 and the Samsung G800 but the touchscreen of the Viewty does appeal to me, or is the novelty gonna wear off after a week or so? I do tend to text quite often but I`m also looking at the gadgetry side of things.

Thanks in advance.....

RE: Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 11:47

not sure what network your on but the NOkia N95 8Gb has just come out on Three yesterday....I`m expecting mine today....waiting for the courier as we speak :D
Companies that have p**sed me off so much that I will never use them again and I hope you dont either....
Jacks Fish & Chips of Cambridge ridiculously overpriced and overpackaged chips. £1.20 for a stupidly small portion of chips - they need to go up north for a good lesson in fish and chips
Alloy Bodies of Manchester - The Grand Daddy & Benchmark for shockingly poor customer service.
Capital Bank Leasing who are part of [B]BOS
& are f**ing useless & struggle to action the smallest request but are fantastically efficient at taking money out of my account
[B]Abbey National
Absolutely diabolical service - how hard is it to change £60 of coins into notes????
....more coming soon no doubt.....

RE: Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 12:02

I was thinking about getting a Viewty as I can upgrade this month. I read a few reviews on various Mobile phone review sites and decided not to bother. There seem to be too many niggly things that would just annoy me.

I have also looked at the SE K850i but my mate has one and it just looks cheap and plasticy to me.

I am seriously considering getting the K810i as I love my K800i and my missus` K810i does look really nice. Plus the SE phones are the only ones with Xenon flashes which makes all the difference. A 5mp phone is no good with a useless flash.



RE: Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 12:25

If anyone does go for the SE K850i make sure it has the latest software. I am waiting for my 3rd new one. The flash is not in sync with the shutter, so photos turn out very dark of black when the flash is needed. Other than that it is a good phone.

Dr 42%er

Care in the football community is proved not to work.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 12:59

I`ve heard a few people have had that problem. Good thing with SE phones is that you can update the software yourself.

You don`t just keep putting your finger over the flash do you, Brucey?



RE: Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 13:09

You don`t just keep putting your finger over the flash do you, Brucey?

EXACTLY what I was doing and getting very dark pictures from it.

RE: Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 13:47

Mate at work is getting the N82. Going to see what his is like and, if I like it, I will wait for dial a phone to start doing them.


RE: Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 13:55

You don`t just keep putting your finger over the flash do you, Brucey?
If I get asked that one more time by 02 >:(

No you numptys. It is the phone and not me. I know I can update it myself, but they have offered me a new one. And if they keep f***ing up I will angle for a discount.

Dr 42%er

Care in the football community is proved not to work.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage.... >:(

RE: Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 18:32

I hadnt noticed any problems other than my finger blocking the flash but I havent used the phone camera much. Just did an update anyway though. Wasnt sure that it would allow me to update an O2 phone but all done in 20 minutes.

RE: Viewty or not Viewty....That is my question

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 20:16

LG Viewty, i`ve had a play, quite nice, but didn`t realy take to the menu system, but, i`m a bit set in my ways like that, so untill you try it, don`t take that as a criticism.

my overall impression in the (roughly) 5 mins i spent with it, was that it`s trying to hard to look like that snide Chinese iphone copy, tho the Viewty is much much better than that particular knock off, & they added a decent 5megapixel cam, that batters the iphones without even trying, but no wi fi, & many other features are lost compared to the iphone, which imo from my short play, the Viewty is really trying to compete with, but i can`t really knock it, maybe i`d have a different opinion if i had more time with it, but i don`t think it really measures against the obviously targeted competition. BUT (bites lip & swallows pride) I WOULDN`T CHOOSE THE IPHONE EITHER..... there i said it, & bear in mind, i own, & like my iphone, in many ways it`s utterly amazing, a cut down version of mac OsX in your pocket. but for every ace feature, theres another equally bad omission, & if you get the retail version & don`t hack it, then frankly, the iphones barely worth owning.

seriously guys, i don`t think the N95 8gig i beatable at the moment, i had the previous model N95, & it`s only fault was relatively poor battery life (tho my iphones not massively better) & if you consider the New 8gig N95 has apparently massively increased the battery life +

Bigger (& allegedly better quality) Screen, & the old N95`s screen was very excellent.
the 8 gig onboard memory
Enhanced media abilities (tho i dunno how they made them better, cos my N95 played everything from 3Gp upto divx/xvid)
also, it just looks better, very nice finish

i really miss my N95, it`s an amazing phone, which when set to full volume was insanely loud + the camera is amazing for a phone cam (makes my iphone look like a vga webcam)

i love my iphone as well, but because of the infuriating limits imposed on both the software & hardware (bad cam, s*** text services, almost silent ringtones even at full volume, & no ability to use your own ringtone unless you hack the phone & do a lot of arsing about with the tone to make it work, converting/cutting etc) lots of good things about the iphone, but the more i use it, the more the gimicks wear of, only the screen & nice feel of the Os hold me to it now, tbh, i`d rather have my old N95 back, but will wait for the new model N95 8gig to drop to around the £300 mark (fleabay) then i`ll sell up & get one myself.

there is one big saving grace for the iphone tho, once you hack it (jailbreak) & the installer prog goes on, theres a really great homegrown community with tons of free stuff available to download directly to the iphone, inc irc clients, chat clients (msn, google chat, yahoo aol + others) games, emulaters, loads of cool stuff, & stuff goes on the list every day. & if it continues to grow, it`d be a strong argument for me to buy another iphone down the line.

hope this helps, & sorry about the long post,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it`s the damned beer, make me blab :)

EDIT= re Plus the SE phones are the only ones with Xenon flashes which makes all the difference. A 5mp phone is no good with a useless flash. i`ll also include the 850 here.
imo (& i am by no stretch of the imagination an expert) But, i found the picture quality of the N95 generally better than the SE`s unless the lighting was very bad, in which case the superior flash on the SE deffo made it`s mark, but day to day stuff i liked the N95`s cam quality quite a lot more than my colleagues k850.

but i`m not knocking the SE`s, cos they are generally ace mobiles i`m especially fond of the W series & i`m surprised The god Doc is having probs, i owned at least 5 or 6 SE`s in the last 18 months, & the wifes still got a W880i (oddly, the only one i wouldn`t recomend) all very reliable, all UNBEATABLE battery life.

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This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th January 2008, 20:45


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