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Vote XYZ!!!!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 6th May 2015, 11:41

Is it me or have most of the newspapers taking a really despicable and hard line on telling its readers how to vote this year? Including listing constituencies you should vote certain ways to keep out the party they hate the most.

I'm glad they have much less influence than they used to have.


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RE: Vote XYZ!!!!

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th May 2015, 13:39

As usual Politicians and Government will take far to long to realise it but the game has changed.
Nobody has mentioned, at least I haven't heard, any of the usual discrepancies in the spend of Conservative v Labour and the other minor parties don't seem to have suffered by less publicity. In todays world tweets and emails cost nowt compared to all the leafleting and poster campaigns of previous elections.
A closer run election with no overall winner will eventually result in proportional representation of some sort but probably not until todays twenty somethings are old enough to be in Cameron or Milliband's position.

I'll be voting and if my eavsdroppings whilst working are anything to go by there's likely to be a fairly high turnout with a lot more Yoof voting this time.
Round here I suspect Labour will walk it again with an increased majority.

If Farage misses out on his seat by the amount of votes cast for Al Murray I am still going be laughing by Christmas.


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Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

This item was edited on Wednesday, 6th May 2015, 14:53

RE: Vote XYZ!!!!

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th May 2015, 16:41

the "youngsters" here at work have said they're going to vote, will be the first time for many of them, so that's good.

this morning I read through all the pamphlets that have come through the door, if you took off the mast heads you wouldn't know which was which.

I think the Green Party one was the only one to explain where the money would come from to pay for the improvements to this and that.

we've got a couple of independents which at the risk of being patronising, I think is nice. I'm not sure what voting for them would achieve though :(

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