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EU Blocks internet Booze / Fags

Paull (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd November 2006, 09:55

After all the hype we still don`t have anything like a free trade in everthing. What a FARCE

Todays The Day. Tomorrow can wait...

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd November 2006, 09:57

RE: EU Blocks internet Booze / Fags

Barb Dwyer (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd November 2006, 13:03

I was realy looking forward to the consumer winning this....the Brits pay again . :(

Mr Dwyer

RE: EU Blocks internet Booze / Fags

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd November 2006, 13:06

No surprise really, we`ll always get nailed when tax revenue`s affected!


"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."
- Christopher Reeve (1953-2004)

RE: EU Blocks internet Booze / Fags

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd November 2006, 13:28

Tax fags and scrap Trident.

And spend the money better.

Does this count as a manifesto?

RE: EU Blocks internet Booze / Fags

biddenden_sue (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd November 2006, 13:58

I thought we were going to win that one. :(

I`m really fed up with taking day trips over the water to stock up on wine. Can`t see why we shouldn`t be able to order online and get the stuff delivered. I`m sure the government could have found a way of imposing a lesser more acceptable tax on the imports.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: EU Blocks internet Booze / Fags

Jonpy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2006, 13:10

Am I alone in thinking that this result was actually the best outcome?

Fags are not good for you, cost the NHS millions and are blooming expensive.
This seems fair to me.
Making them available cheaply isn`t going to help people quit and will just make them more availble to kids. I`d rather this didn`t happen.

As for booze, this ruling wouldn`t have cut prices in the pubs, bars and clubs, it would`ve just made it a bit cheaper for us all to get it delivered to our homes. And considering you can get a cheap bottle of wine from the supermarket for three or four quid, and a damn good bottle of wine for a fiver, I can`t see that booze is a huge expense for the average UK drinker.

This ruling however, had it gone through, would`ve left a massive whole in the UK`s tax budget, which would`ve needed to come from somewhere else. Somewhere that no doubt we`d all have had to pay for, regardless of our social drunkeness.
It would of course also have pushed our local off licences a little closer to the brink of bankcrupsy, leaving the huge supermarket chains to clean up fully, thus impacting the economy further.

For the record, I get through a hellofalotta wine each week and tend to gravitate towards the fag machine on the odd drunken night out, so I`m not merely whining that I`d end up paying for all those party animals, as this ruling would`ve allowed me to make a rather big saving over the year. I just think that this country`s economy doesn`t need more money sucked out of it leaving the tax payer to stump up even more dosh.

I`ve said me bit, flame away. :D


RE: EU Blocks internet Booze / Fags

Paull (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2006, 13:34

We pay too much in taxes already. If they halved all the taxes & managed them properly instead of putting them into they`re & others back pockets we would all be much better off than we are now. A £4-00 bottle of wine in the UK is probably .50p to £1-00 in Spain & France. The EU is supposed to be free trade for ALL peoples on ALL products, not just for big business. It`s a disgrace.

Todays The Day. Tomorrow can wait...

RE: EU Blocks internet Booze / Fags

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2006, 14:16

I dont know too much over this topic (being a non smoker and T-Total I hadnt really noticed much about it on my radar) but jonpy sounds to make a lot of sense with his reasoning. Personally I guess that with the idea being thrown out I technically benefit under jonpy;s logic as I dont have to fork out additional tax for that lost on duty - makes a change to look at a decision from the ",leaders" in this country in that sort of light :-D


A.C.C. Member

RE: EU Blocks internet Booze / Fags

Jonpy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2006, 15:11

"A £4-00 bottle of wine in the UK is probably .50p to £1-00 in Spain & France"

Not in my experience it isn`t. You *can* get bottles for that price, but you wouldn`t want to drink them. :p
I my experience you`d have to pay about £2.50 - £3 to get a really nice bottle.

All the talk of `Rip off Britain` is rubbish in a lot of areas. You go to France, Spain and other areas of Europe and you`re amazed at the cheapness of some things, but perhaps don`t notice how expensive other products are.
All countries have got to balance their books, they give with one hand and take away from another (and fritter a large proportion away on administration in the process).

Go to France and try to set up a new business, recoil at the huge costs involved and the high taxes on top and perhaps you might realise that being able to buy a really nice bottle of wine for a couple of quid less than the UK, maybe isn`t the best deal. :(

Now...UK property prices on the other hand...rant rant rant.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


RE: EU Blocks internet Booze / Fags

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th November 2006, 12:50

Fags are not good for you, cost the NHS millions and are blooming expensive.
Not true the NHS gets a huge chunk of its funding from the tax which is charged on fags, its outlay on smoking related illness is much less then what it recieves in the form of fag tax.

It spends much more on alcohol related illness which includes the A&E trips but gets alot less from alcohol due to the dispportionate manner in which fags and alcohol are taxed.

Maybe we should slap a huge tax rise on alcohol to even things up :o I am joking ofcourse.

Just thought I would lay this myth to rest..... Cheap fags do not open the flood gates to youth getting fags, young people will always try something there not supposed to have, its part of growing up.

mmm chocolate

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