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Page 1 of Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

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Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

socks_uk (Competent) posted this on Monday, 26th December 2005, 06:43

I know it`s my own fault for getting married but why do men have to watch every pi**ing episode of the Simpsons they can find on TV?

My husband should be called Homer. Not because he`s a beer swilling couch potato but because he must have some sort of `homing` device that can track down each and every episode on the TV.

Christmas Day

9.20 - 9.55am CH 4 The Simpsons
1.05 - 2.00pm CH 4 The Simpsons again
5.00 - 9.00pm SKY The Simpsons yet again... Back-to-back! (this is the way we slept last night too!!

Is it a man/woman thing? Or is it just me that thinks Christmas time is all about `the whole family`. Good food, fine wine, good game of something (the game this year was `who wants to be a millionaire dvd).

OK, rant over, let`s see if we`re still talking when he gets up this afternoon!


RE: Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Monday, 26th December 2005, 07:02

Jill, yes it`s a guy thing.

If there had been footy on tv, many men would have watched that.

There is a way forward - try a panasonic dvd recorder and sky+ like we have.

I can record chunks of stuff without interrupting other activities or watch something else at the same time. Then watch later when my wife is out - usually buying up all shoes she can find in case the shops run out.

This is one instance of technology being put to a very good use!

Hope it didn`t spoil your day too much - and I bet you looked scrummy too!

This item was edited on Monday, 26th December 2005, 07:43

RE: Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 26th December 2005, 07:16

Well us girls home in on Friends repeats don`t we... well at least I do. :D:D

*One* of those Simpsons episodes was a new one though wasn`t it?


RE: Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

socks_uk (Competent) posted this on Monday, 26th December 2005, 07:53

There is a way forward - try a panasonic dvd recorder and sky+ like we have.

Already have a Pioneer 420 - I`m sat here catching up on stuff I`ve recorded because I KNOW he doesn`t like the soaps!

Hope it didn`t spoil your day too much - and I bet you looked scrummy too!

Yep, I looked fantastic slaving away in the kitchen all afternoon cooking dinner. Anyone for turkey sandwiches??

Happy new year everyone!


RE: Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Monday, 26th December 2005, 09:36

Well us girls home in on Friends repeats don`t we... well at least I do.

Not quite just you girls.
Last night I sat and watched while my niece (21) who has every friends episode on video and DVD challenged my daughters boyfriend (16) to the friends DVD quiz. Close run thing but niece won.
As she said (in a somewhat superior tone) "Listen mate, I`m older and I`ve been watching them longer"

Ah! the joys of Christmas.


When we are born we are naked, wet, hungry, and we get smacked on our arse. From there on in, life gets worse

This item was edited on Monday, 26th December 2005, 09:36

RE: Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Monday, 26th December 2005, 09:46

I didn`t get the luxury of watching The Simpsons yesterday, too much going on with family, pub, dinner & kids (Daleks) presents.

I haven`t watched the Simpons regularly in years as much as I enjoy them, the tired old Christmas Day schedule on Sky ie pretty much same as any other day, bloated out with Homer ad nauseum is a pretty good reason not to have the TV on in the first place until something decent is being shown ie BBC1 7pm. ;)

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

RE: Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 27th December 2005, 00:10

I don`t like The Simpsons and I absolutely HATE Friends, so you can imagine the task it is for me to avoid them most days. :)


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th December 2005, 10:23

OMG RJS wash your mouth out with carbolic soap and go to bed this instant how dare you utter that terrible phrase ! Quote:
I don`t like The Simpsons

mmm chocolate

RE: Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th December 2005, 10:44

Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

You think you had it bad, two and a half hours of bloody Corrie yesterday.


When we are born we are naked, wet, hungry, and we get smacked on our arse. From there on in, life gets worse

RE: Simpsons Spoilt Christmas!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th December 2005, 16:33

Could have done with 2.5 hours of The Doctor, not endless bloody soaps. >:(

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

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