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Alternative Endings - Worthwhile or just thrown in for fun?

daveo (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 24th May 2001, 10:33

I`m all for having a feature packed DVD with various extra bits and pieces, but what gets my goat is so called "alternative endings". From the few DVDs I have seen it`s been a pretty mixed bag.

For example, Ronin - a good alternative ending, shame it wasn`t properly transposed to full film quality.

Final Destination - hmmmm, how bizarre, but at least it was filmed and edited.

Seven (R1) - On the second disc, oooh alternative ending - what a dissapointment - story board, why? They didn`t even shoot this ending, doesn`t that mean something.

Arlington Road - 10 minutes of the director ranting on (like I am here) about how they didn`t want a sequel and blah blah blah blah blah.

but I have decided that alternative endings are pretty much a waste of time, unless they turn the story on its head.

Anyone else share my view?

RE: Alternative Endings - Worthwhile or just thrown in for fun?

ickle yoda (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 24th May 2001, 12:03

I actually quite like alternative endings.

Some are rubbish and disappointing such as region 1 version of seven, I was looking forward to something special there. Although not massively different, both terminator films have quite ok different endings, expanding on the story slightly. They abyss also has a much better ending than the original in many peoples views. I agree they can be disappointing but no more so than featurettes and interviews which can turn out to simply be a bunch of clips strewn together. Worst still is outtakes such as charlies angels when the outtakes are already at the credits doh!!

I dont think things like the outakes for charlies angels should be considered an extra as they are already on the standard copy of the film. What does everyone else think

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