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Page 1 of GPS Handheld...

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GPS Handheld...

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd November 2007, 22:27

My old dear wants to buy my old man a handheld GPS for his walking etc.

I`ve been looking at a few but have no experience what so ever - she says £100 budget.
can only see Garmin being the best - but all advice taken.

They seem to do the same thing, two yellow ones and a blue one are in price range - but whats newer? what would he need just to go out walking on the hills and twitching etc??



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RE: GPS Handheld...

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd November 2007, 22:48

I have the Garmin Etrex (the yellow one), except mine is the Etrex Camo, a couple of additional features that you don`t really need. For just out hiking and general use it`s great. You should always have a map and compass with you anyway, but it can be set to show you your Ordnance Survey grid reference. At it;s most basic is can be used as a speedo, measure distance walked, time walking, height gained, and lots of other things.

I use mine for allsorts, as a speedo for kite-buggying, checking speedos at work when reported as being inaccurate (to decide if it really is inaccurate, and needs to go for calibration), plus all the things mentioned earlier.

We went hiking in Snowdonia at the beginning of last month, and used it all the time, even made it to the top of Snowdon.

It`s different to a SatNav in that you can use it outdoors away from roads where a normal SatNav cross references your location against it`s maps. I have both types, and both have their uses, for different things. As an entry level outdoors GPS they`re really good, small too with a good battery life (20hrs quoted).

RE: GPS Handheld...

DazMack1979 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd November 2007, 09:26

Best be careful, I heard this morning that all GPS systems are being recalled. Apparently none of them can find England in Europe.


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