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Rio`s ban upheld!!!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th March 2004, 23:26

i cant believe the cretins at our FA. its ludicrous that rio ferdinand should serve an 8 month ban for failing to take a drugs test. so what theyre saying is that it would have been better for him to take drugs then he wouldve only received 6 months as did davids, stam, de boer, kallon etc. additionally a man city player only received a £2000 fine for the same offence. surely the punishment doesnt fit the crime?!

RE: Rio`s ban upheld!!!

sj (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th March 2004, 23:32

About time there was an appeal and the original verdict was upheld. :)


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Rio`s ban upheld!!!

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th March 2004, 23:51

What?? Are you saying that he "should" be allowed to play?

I Get f***ed off with all the people who shout about football players who get caught doing something (which their contract states they will be sacked for) bad and then say "it`s disgusting they`re being punished" - they signed the contract for f***s sake!

I am a (recreational) drug user - I smoke weed and drink beer (but also hold down a job that is very hard work and requires a certain degree of intelligence!). I smoke weed knowing full well that, if I had a drugs test for cannabis, I would be "banged to rights" and probably sacked from my job.......luckily for me, I work for a fairly easy-going company that doesn`t adopt the "drug-test" ethos and so I`m fine - thank you very much....

.....footballers do, however. AND they get paid more in a day than I earn in 6 months. I don`t care what anyone says anymore (I`ve had enough of people that can only see the good in some man that is born with the ability to kick a ball and forget that the peson they idolise might well not be any good at doing the job THEY do - even though they are paid 0.1% in comparison) - they are overpaid and overrated and, quite frankly, should be dealt with in the same way as those of us that are earning the national average.....

JMHO - in rant form!!


This item was edited on Thursday, 18th March 2004, 23:53

RE: Rio`s ban upheld!!!

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 09:05

Given that the FA have said that they`re happy that Rio didn`t actually take any drugs, it does seem to be very harsh, especially in the light of other punishments handed out to players who`ve commited similar, or worse, offences.

RE: Rio`s ban upheld!!!

oh my god, it`s huge (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 09:28


The system doesn`t buckle for once!

Face it - he is either:

a - a doorknob for `forgetting` to attend something so important. What the hell does he get paid that kind of money for? If he`s too thick to use a diary I`m damn sure he can afford a PA to do it for him.

b - a drug user who thought he could get away with it by not turning up.

Either way he is a role model for children (in this day and age often more so than the child`s parents) around the world and whether he likes it or not he has a responsibility to behave like a responsible law abiding adult at all times whether there`s a camera on him or not.

And it`s not my opinion, it`s just fact. So there. >:(


This man blows goats. I have proof....

RE: Rio`s ban upheld!!!

stevielfc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 09:45

What if they had let the ban go to the end of the season?

Rio would play in Portugal,
England would do well (hopefully)

All that people (and players) would remember is that he played well for England.



RE: Rio`s ban upheld!!!

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 10:16


Poor little rich boy cant play football for a while now, maybe next time there`s a drugs test he needs to take, he wont miss it.


RE: Rio`s ban upheld!!!

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 12:51

maybe next time there`s a drugs test he needs to take, he wont miss it

Yep, that`s the whole point - not just for him but for all footballers.

What surprises me is that there is no extra penalty for a failed appeal. If a clearly guilty criminal pleaded not-guilty he would receive a greater sentence.

In this case it appears that Rio has shown no sense of remorse and doesn`t give a toss about the whole situation. In theory only the innocent would appeal, so a failed appeal should be an extra few months on the sentence. This isn`t anti-Man U or anything, if it happened to any footballer I`d have the same view. If there is no penalty for appealing, everyone will do it, whether they have a chance or not. Kind of defeats the point of it.

RE: Rio`s ban upheld!!!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 18:09

i accept hes done wrong. it wrong very irresponsible of him to miss the test. but surely the punishment for what was ultimately `forgetfulness` was too harsh?!

RE: Rio`s ban upheld!!!

LondonLee (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 18:17

Well, I think Wes Brown is doing a TERRIFIC job.


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