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are we not talking about the Torchwood miniseries?

whoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 12:23

It`s keeping me busy for an hour a night

RE: are we not talking about the Torchwood miniseries?

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 12:33

I didn`t think you were that way inclined ;)

RE: are we not talking about the Torchwood miniseries?

whoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 12:36

I cant beat off all day

RE: are we not talking about the Torchwood miniseries?

Sue Brown (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 12:40

I`m sky plussing it and watching it each morning.

I`ve heard rumours that this is it. The end of the line. I`m gutted if it`s true. I`ve really enjoyed Torchwood. And I could have sworn that Mickey and someone else were lead away by Gwen at the end of a Doctor Who episode (Christmas?), leading us to believe that they would be recruited into Torchwood, so I`m a bit perturbed at the lack of continuity there. :/

However, I`m enjoying it while it lasts. Wanna start the list of the 10% off for us, Whoot? I`ll bet there`s a few brats you`d nominate round your way, eh? :D

Did you catch the three exclusive Torchwood Radio 4 plays last week? They should still be available as podcasts on the BBC website. They were rather good, though a little tamer than the TV shows, obviously. ;)

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 13:45

RE: are we not talking about the Torchwood miniseries?

whoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 14:55

I think its alright - and I am no prude - but i think the overtly sexual comments are pointless and just detract the from story...

the fact that captain jack and the other fella thought they could take half an hour out of their day to rim each other was just ridiculous for example

It`s pretty good hokey sci fi fun though

and fortunately I have very little dealing with children

RE: are we not talking about the Torchwood miniseries?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 16:00

Watched the first three episodes last night.

What an staggering improvement on the first two series, stripping down the cast certainly works (end of series 2), alien menace nicely executed, CJH dirty hands was obvious from Clements sense of smell. One reference to The Doctor, the loss of the rather silly "tube station" hub.

Parts of it felt like The Christmas Invasion, Independence Day\Babylon 5 (Pak Mara, I`m looking at you).

What happened to the captive Weevils & the pterodactyl though?

I`ve heard rumours that this is it. The end of the line.

That would be a shame as it finally looks to have found some form, I feel this might be a clearing of the decks for a Torchwood reboot or if Sues rumour pan`s out then it`s disposing of the remnents of the tenth Doctor`s in preperation for the eleventh.

I consider myself an optimist, albeit an optimist with cynical tendencies and a dark side that Lucifer himself would find a little creepy. (Perhaps you've noticed.) You don't normally associate cynicism with an upbeat pov. But I have exactly that combination and will defend it.

Heartily glad that I don`t have to learn how to spell Chiwetel Ejiofor.


This item was edited on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 17:10

RE: are we not talking about the Torchwood miniseries?

Sue Brown (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 16:31

Well, as I understand it, this Autumn`s series of the Sarah Jane Adventures is also likely to be the last, mainly due to the teenagers growing up. I know they shot the last series and this one back to back to keep Luke looking young as long as possible.

So it would seem that they might be wrapping up all the tenth Doctor`s offshoots ready for Stephen Moffat`s fresh start next year. :(

RE: are we not talking about the Torchwood miniseries?

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 16:39

Maybe they are trying to get some distance between it and the Doctor? I think the links with the kids programme are doing it more harm now-but then maybe they should ditch jack as well?

frankly ludicrous plot but what the hell ( ie see Fringe)

I think the things in the cage are quite like Triffids..apart from mind controlling the speaker-children what can these things do? I wonder if the 12 kids are gonna come back-too predicatble that these are kid eating plants?

whatever the conclusion me and daughter have enjoyed every night -though again too much of Jack`s the quarry scene maybe not distancing from the Doctor-does the coming of Number 11 really mean the death of Torchwood? Surely there is so little dram being made nnow that would be foolish? Oh I forgot its the BBC.

RE: are we not talking about the Torchwood miniseries?

whoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 16:41

thinking about it - have they explained why the doc hasnt appeared to sort this all out? it seems he normally appears at any big global things so whats he up to now?

I might check out the radio plays - i normally listen to something at night

RE: are we not talking about the Torchwood miniseries?

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th July 2009, 07:32

I listened to the plays in case they were going to be relevant but it seems not.
Note the absence of the awful pre credits statement. It could be a re-boot into Spooks 21st century. I wouldnt mind that slinky black outfit Mrs Killer Eyes has got (Catwoman anyone?)
I think they might be setting up the show for an ending or to just write out Impossible-Jack

making the big sacrifice?

Whatever we were on the edge of the sofa ( and nearly behind it ) without a Dalek in sight-apart from Nick Briggs mugging it up as Ace Spin Doctor. Will he reveal his true colours?

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