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Info and forum posts by 'DVDan'

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Joined on: Friday, 26th January 2001, 18:17, Last used: Friday, 26th January 2001, 18:17

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This user has posted a total of 167 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.14 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Simpsons S2 Cuts?

I think maybe I can help solve this little mystery.....

AS far as I remeber, you NEVER see the shot of homer falling down gourge a second time in the actual episode, Bart the DareDevil.....


A few seasons later, there was a simpsons clip show episode where they showed the gourge jumping scene again. This time, you DO so see the crippled Homer fall down the gourge a second time.

Its possible that this is either new animation made for the clip show, or it is an outake never used for the episode back then ( perhaps because they thought it was too violent back then) and reinstated into the clip show.

RE: Simpson r1 vs Simpson r2

Does anyone know for sure if the R2 is cut ?

Because im not gonna buy it if it is ?

One guy here said there were cuts made to keep it a "U" - but its actually been released as a PG.

B vs S - who cares Aliens Vs Predator plz

This sucks !

How can this be a major picture....its so dumb.

Besides, its an unfare fight..... Batman is human......Superman is super-strong alien.....hes gonna kick his ass

PLEASE GOD.....give us ALIENS VS PREDATOR !!!!! please, I`ve be waiting for this damn movei ever since I was 10 or something

Maybe with this and Freddy vs Jason in the works, maybe fox will take notice

RE: Any news on new Futurama releases?

Good news !

It should be with us October 16th !

Go to ...for...more info,86146,


From Hell : missing scene ?

After watching from Hell on DVD, I`m pretty sure there is a scene missing from the theatrical version....

In the scene where Abberline takes come Absynth in the bath and has a flashback of his wife telling him his pregnant. He then suddenly wakes up, with a startled-spooked look on his face. - This reaction seems odd, seeing as nothing in this "dream" was frightening.......

....Now I`m sure I remeber that after the bit with his wife, the vision continues and you see something pretty creepy - although I cant remember exactly what it was - might have been one of the victims with her throat slit laughing at him. ( I know, this is glimpsed later in the film, after shes been killed)

Im sure something has been taken out.......anyone else remember this seen too ?

RE: Any news on new Futurama releases?

Hey, I know how ya feel

Futurama rules ! How can it be cancelled.?...*sob

Anyway, I read somewhere that Season 2 will be with us early December !

RE: Star Wars: AOTC - Mind Blowing!!!!!!

Wasnt the guy selling death-sticks, mouse ( it think that was his name-the weedy one) from the Matrix`s ?

RE: Star Wars: AOTC - Mind Blowing!!!!!!

One thing I dont get.....

Why is the movie called Attack of the Clones ?

The title suggests (to me atleast) the it is the clone army that are the bad guys in this picture. The clones were`nt the bad guys in this movie (although, they will be) and didnt do any "attacking" them selves. And really, they did play that big a part in the picture. They just kinda showed up at the end. .

RE: A bizzare thing happend to me today........

I have a question.....when, you sign in on it takes you to your personal area on the web right. And the address is usually something like 1w10fd.-----or 1w14fc.... whatever.

Are there lots of people address that begin with 1w10, or is it not that common ?

A bizzare thing happend to me today........

I had just finished college, and popped into the local libary to use one of their computers. I had never been in there before, and I had never used any of the PCs.
When just before I typed in any address, in the address-bar, I checked the history, and saw what I believe to be my hotmail account in there already. What is even more odd, is that looking at the history, it seems that everything I did that morning at home on my PC, was stored there too. For example, checking my emails, looking in the junk folder, and writing a couple of emails.

Does this make any sense to anyone ? No one knows my password, so why the fudge is my history on a totally different computer, in a place I`ve never been before ?

Maybe its just a bizarre coincidence

RE: "Ring" on C4 tomorrow nite

Ring was Sooooooooooo dull !

Nothing happens in those seven days leading up to their "deaths", and the whole backstory to the "creepy gal" was all non-sensical llob[at].skc

Very dissapointing.....I never thought I`d say this about a remake, but I bet the American version will be ALOT more entertaining.

RE: Which Book of the Dead?

Both versions are exactly the same. Both have the necronomicon cover, both have DTS ex, and both have the same extras. The only difference is the price, the R2 is cheaper. Wait till monday, and buy it.

RE: American pie 2

Have there been any reports of this ? Or are you just guessing this is the problem ?

RE: American pie 2

Same here, I cant find them anywhere. There is an easter egg, but its pretty pointless.

It looks asthough its simply not on the disc !

Plus, the out-takes are missing from the first film.


Evil Dead BoTd owners - What are the easter eggs ?


I was wondering, what are the easter eggs are on this disc ? There not the behind the scenes footage and deleted scenes (which there arnt any of really) that we`ve already seen on the R1 are they ?

RE: Evil Dead Book Of The Dead R1 (?) arrived this morning but....looking dodgy!!!

Leather ?!?!?! Whoever said anything about leather ?

Sorry mate you`ve got your wires crossed. There is no "leather" version, there all rubber. I think this site is alittle muddled.

Plus, every version of book of the dead is one disc I believe. It was originally going to be 2 discs, while Within the woods was still on it, but once that went, there was no need for the second disc. ( Correct me if Im wrong here)

There is also a movie only version avalible, which doesnt have a fancy cover, just a normal amary one.

Sorry mate, but it looks like you`ve got what you paid for.

Plus- The commentries are exactly the same as the existing R1 and R2 versions. So are the behind the scenes footage (elite disc R1)


Ok here we go...

EVIL DEAD - Buy the new Book of the Dead edition that is comming out this march. Not only does it have all the features of the current anchor bay release, it will also have a second disc full of even more stuff.

Evil Dead 2 - You might aswell buy the R2 version of this film as it is pretty much the same as the R1 special edtion.

Army of Darkness - I brought the Theatrical cut ( R1 Anchor bay) because the picture and sound are THX certified and look great. It also includes a cool making of documentary and the original ending. Buy this version if you want the best quality....and the best one-liners - "Good, Bad, I`m the guy with the gun" - "Hail to the king baby"

Or if you really wanna see the FULL directors cut, buy the new Bootleg edition. Be warned, the picture quality is God-awful ! Worse than a dodgy pirate version on VHS. The sound is bad too. But, you do get a commentary from Bruce and Sam (and Ivan) which is hilarious.
NOTE : I`ve heard rumors that MGM willl be releasing their version of army of darkness at some point. Looking at their existing Special Editions, it should beat all of the existing versions. This is just a rumour though.

RE: What do you think is better - Futurama or the Simpsons ?


------THREAD OFFICALLY CLOSED---------- ;)

RE: Fav. Simpsons, Futurama or Family Guy quote!


Farnsworth - " Uranus !?! We changed its name a few years ago to end that silly joke, once and for all -"

Fry - " So whats it called now ?"

Farnsworth - " UrRectum"

RE: Fav. Simpsons, Futurama or Family Guy quote!


Bender - " Blackmail is such an ugly word.....I preffer Extortion. The X makes it sound cool "

Leela - " This is officer 1 - B- D - i " (one-beady-eye)

RE: What music artists/groups would you like to see release a DVD?

I wanna see a good Blink 182 DVD !

A live concert, plus all the videos, and featurettes and stuff !

The urethra chronicles is ok, but too out of date now.

What do you think is better - Futurama or the Simpsons ?

I would have to say that Futurama is alot better than the Simpsons. The jokes are witter, generally funnier, and the show is alot more grown-up than the simpsons. Because of the setting, the show is full of intresting characters and bizzare situations that work well in the futuristic enviroment. This the main problem with the NEW episodes of the simpsons. The show has become increasingly surreal, and the characters are so dumb now (mainly homer) that there just not funny anymore.
Dont get me wrong, the Simpson used to be un-beatable, but its simply lost it now. Futurama is the way forward.

R2 - Book of the Dead

Does anyone know if the Region 2 version of EVIL DEAD -Botd edition will have within the woods on it ?

I`ve heard rumors that it might, although it doesnt seem to include the new, Discovering Evil Dead featurette. Is this on there too ?


RE: Ridley Scott To do Alien 5??

Alien 5.......who cares. Another Alien(s) film isnt what we need. Fox have inadvertly killed my intrest in seeing another story.

Now, Aliens vs Predator is what I, and I`m sure millions of others REALLY wanna see. And it looks like a very strong possiblity now too !

RE: Evil Dead-Book Of The Dead?

Anchor Bay are releasing a 2-disc special edition of evil dead in March.

It will have the same anamorphic picture as the Region 2, aswell as the DTS track. It will have 2 commentries, trailers, Within the Woods short, a new doucumentary about Evil Dead fans, and new featurettes about the making of the film.

And it will come in a Necronimicon type package.... see for more info

Sounds good to me !

This item was edited on Saturday, 5th January 2002, 15:39

RE: Can I play DTS through a dolby Digital surround system ?

Yes it does, and thanks for help !

Cheers mate

Can I play DTS through a dolby Digital surround system ?

I have a Sony S735 DVDplayer which has a dolby digital and DTS decoder built into it. This christmas im getting the surround speakers and amp. Will I be able to play DTS sound through it, or can I only play dolby digital ?

RE: Predator Special Edition ?

I read on a different site (dark horizons) that it was comming to region 1 first.

RE: Predator Special Edition ?

This is what I`ve heard........