Info and forum posts by 'paolaspierre'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 23rd November 2004, 13:43, Last used: Monday, 29th November 2010, 11:40

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Movie buff

This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: - where are the new releases?

In case someone has yet to visit it, I`m posting the link to a great site about DVD rental companies:

They are very helpful so check it out.

RE: - where are the new releases?

Well I think this really takes the biscuit - don`t you? As soon as I`ve viewed the last few DVDs I`m going to look into cancelling.

RE: - where are the new releases?

That`s IT - another DVD from the bottom of my list has been sent!!!! >:(

It`s now a case of WHICH alternative to pursue - I`m going to do my research and then abandon BB, at least for a few months....

RE: - where are the new releases?


This at least seems to indicate that I`m not alone! And oviously there have been problems recently as up until recently they were very good.

Not happy.... :(

RE: - where are the new releases?

Thanks HGV, at least I`m not alone!!! I was having a relatively good spell until literally, just like you, the last month I`ve been receiving whatever the cat dragged in from the back door!!!

I am wondering if they are having some sort of unusual high demand, perhaps after an advertising campaign or something, or if they simply haven`t got enough of the new releases.

Anyone else? Any other horror stories? - where are the new releases?

I`ve been with Blockbuster`s Unlimited service for about 2 years, and generally I`ve been quite happy apart from the odd hiccup here and there.

But lately I just don`t receive ANY new releases at all. They actually seem to send me whatever is at the bottom of my list. I`ve just rung them - once again - and they say that if someone else has had a new release on their list for longer, they would get it first.

Is anyone having similar problems?

I`m trying to get hold of BB`s MD`s email address, but several searches for Alistair McCrow have so far produced no results. I might have to write him a proper letter!

Any suggestions or help would be welcome.

RE: Could Amazon be unsafe?

I use a Mac, and to date there are no known harmful viruses that attack OS. I use OSX (Panther). I am behind a physical firewall built in my router (Netgear). I have spoken to some very senior users of Macs and they all say it`s impossible - were Macs to be infected by a virus or spyware, the papers would have a field day (and so would Microsoft)!

However I guess everything is possible...

Could Amazon be unsafe?

I have been the victim of card fraud. I won`t bore you with too much details, but basically this is how it went:

- Random website called Watch Heaven rings me telling me that they think someone has tried to purchase 3 watches to be sent to VIETNAM with my card. They even had my 3 digit number. When he saw the billing address (mine), the nice man took the trouble to look me up in the phone book and warn me.

- I looked at my statements and a payment for £121 to Amazon (US) has gone out

- Another £208 pending (yet to be processed)

- Today I got an email from Amazon saying that my order couldn`t be processed and they would try again. I emailed them explaining things and asking them to cancel my order.

- Tonight my Amazon account has been disappeared. My email is no longer recognised. However Amazon have yet to reply to my email.

- The only websites I have bought stuff from recently were (surprise) Amazon (US), Ebuyer and Got a dodgy email from someone who had my reference asking me for my date of birth - this AFTER I`d received my goods.

Has this happened to anyone on this forum? How did they get my details?

Blockbuster online - my suspicions

I have been with Blockbuster for about a year now. I was quite happy with them until recently but...

- Recently their prices have gone up of to £14.99 - presumably to buy more copies of the new releases? Right???

- Wrong. Over the past 2-3 months I have hardly received anything from the top of my list.

Could it be that because I`m an existing customer, they are not trying to impress me?

I`ve just rang them and spoke to a Customer Service advisor. She was trying to be helfpul but basically told me that `the system` automatically picks the titles and always looks for the ones at the top of your list.

I don`t believe that. I think they have a policy of sending the new releases with priority to new customers.

I am now giving them 2 weeks to see if something interesting comes in, and if not, will cancel.

What do you think? Am I paranoid?


Thanks to those who replied to my JAWS thread. But now can you tell me what is DTS? Sorry if it`s really obvious...
Can you play it through any player? I have hacked my player so Region 1 now works.



Can anyone tell me if JAWS has been deleted - I`ve been looking for JAWS (The first one) on DVD everywhere and there`s no trace of it. I can only find the sequels. Even on various websites it does not appear to be in stock.

Could someone shed some light?



Blockbuster - A happy ending

Just for the record, after charging me twice for 5 consecutive months, Blockbuster have now refunded me the £69.95 they owed me. Credit when it`s due, they actually sorted it out rather quickly, once they received my letter (I work in a law firm so it was properly drafted!) and a few pestering calls.

I will stay with BB as by the sound of all of your comments, BB, Lovefilm and Screenselect all seem to get similar mixed reviews - the service really does seem to vary randomly.

However, this week I am geting items literally at the bottom of my list - are they trying to tell me something? ;)


I have just noticed on the WH SMITH website that they are launching their dvd rental service. In the small print it says that it`s managed by lovefilm. I`m tempted to try it because it offers the same service as lovefilm but it`s £13.99 rather than £14.99. Has anyone tried it, or any idea why it`s cheaper? I`m with Blockbuster at the moment - see from my previous posting what major problems I`m having.

Has anyone else been overcharged by Blockbuster Online Rental?

I have discovered that, since I signed up for the Blockbuster online rental 5 months ago, I have been charged TWICE every month after the initial trial period. >:(

I have spoken to the customer service people, who claim that `nothing shows up on the system`. I am in the process of going through the dispute system with my bank. I wrote a letter to BB with copies of my bank statements - so far they owe me £69.95!!! They are being useless and I`m very very angry.

Has anyone else had similar problems? It seems to me very convenient that they systematically take money out for 5 months and mysteriously have no record of it in their `system`. ARHHGHGHGHGHGHG! >:(

Can you guys also recommend another online service which charges the same as blockbuster, i.e. £13.99?

Many thanks