Info and forum posts by 'Davy Moore'

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Joined on: Thursday, 1st August 2002, 20:06, Last used: Thursday, 1st August 2002, 20:06

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This user has posted a total of 30 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Once Upon A Time In The West!!

Amazon UK are showing a 6th October release date.

At long last......

RE: Thomson TV - bright white causes screen to bounce?

I had the same problem with my Thomson 32". I had it for about three years and then out of the blue it started displaying the exact descriptions you describe during DVD replay ie. during explosions or sudden change in brightness, the screen would go dark and lose vertical hold. Nothing in my system had changed at this point.

For some reason the problem is not apparent for Sky or video sourced pictures.

Strange. Still, it did give me the excuse to purchase a lovely 32" 100Hz Tosh.

RE: Choosing new TV, 100hz disappointing, is 50hz the way to go?

Here`s my 2p worth.

I bought a 32" 50Hz about 4 years ago( a Thomson) at an exceptional price - it was a managers special. I felt it was pretty good at the time and fine for my Wharfedale DVD player.

Last year I bought a Tosh SD-420 player and a 32ZD26P telly (which is 100Hz). They are linked via component cables. I had reservations about 100Hz pictures looking smeared and unrealistic too, but I have to say that the Tosh set-up is absolutely fantastic. The picture seems to combine the benefits of both 50Hz and 100Hz. No smearing whatsoever and extremely lifelike pictures. There is no problem with fast moving pictures either, even with all the additional image processing options switched off. I still have the Thomson telly in a different room in the house so it`s relatively easy to compare. The Tosh wins hands down, no contest.

As a previous poster said, let your eyes be the judge. I would though highly recommend having a demo of the Tosh. If you decide to buy, you can get it on-line for about £900. It usually retails in the High St. for about £1200.


RE: For all you people who say component is better than rgb

I wasn`t able to open the link but the comparision probably depends on the equipment you are using.

I have a Toshiba 420 connected to a Toshiba 32ZD26P telly via component outputs/inputs. It`s relatively easy to swtich back and forth between component and RGB delivered via Scart. The difference is dramatic - component is streets ahead of RGB (via Scart at least) and easily detected by that most valuable scientific tool - the eyes!

I`m not much bothered about the effect of horizontal sync on whichever line. If it looks better, it is better. However with a different player and telly RGB may be better. So suck it and see!

This item was edited on Friday, 16th May 2003, 14:15

RE: Robin Hood:POT? & Once Upon A Time In The West

Are you sure you don`t mean `Once Upon a Time In America`??

RE: Band Of Brothers for £15

Guess what arrived this morning???

No, not BOB but this mail from Empire instead:

"Thank you for your recent email about your order for the following xd3438.

We are unable to send these as, due to high sales and manufacturing
difficulties, they are now sold out and we are unable to offer an

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Lorraine Wilby
Customer Care Advisor"

Buggery...manufacturing difficulties my arse!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 5th March 2003, 12:29

RE: Thatz DVD

I bought a second-hand U2 Live in Boston DVD off them a couple of weeks ago. Speedy delivery and the discs were fine. The cardboard outer cover was a little bit creased (could have happened in the post) but for £11, I was happy enough.

RE: Do we have any DRUMMERS in the house?

Yip - I play regulary in a band here in sunny Northern Ireland (and no, it`s not one of those bands that you see marching up and down the roads during the summer!).

I`ve been playing for about 16 years and my experience of the type of `HipGig` kit you describe is that they lack a lot of volume and sustain. You would maybe need to mike the kit to counter this. I wouldn`t let the time it takes to set up and dismantle the kit to influence the type of kit I wanted to buy. I`ve always found that I have my kit set up and ready to go long before the guitarists are ready and I`m packed up and enjoying another pint at the end of the night whilst the others are still struggling with the modest P.A. we use.

Also, I would shy away from a kit at £195. You would be better off spending £300 on a decent second hand kit (e.g. Pearl Export, Premier APK) with cymbals and cases etc. It may not look flashy and new but, unless it`s had some serious damage it will last far longer and sound far better than the new kit at £195.

Hope this helps. Whatever you do, you`re sure to enjoy yourself. Getting paid for bashing the drums is about as good as it gets.


RE: Help with this tune please

I would recommend a site called

It lists thousands of commercially available songs used in ads on British TV and AFAIK intros for dramas etc.

Toshiba DVD / TV - Pink display!!!!

Hi folks,

I have a chipped Toshiba DVD player (SD420) and a Toshiba TV (32ZD26P) linked via component outputs/inputs.

The results have been excellent up until yesterday when I switched the system on only to be greeted by a bright pink screen(!) instead of the usual blue. When I tried playing a disc through the system, the picture still had a bright pink hue to it.

I switched the whole system off, turned off the mains for 10 seconds and powered up again - still a pink screen. I switched the DVD off and flicked the output at the back of the player from `Component` to `S-video` and back again. When I turned the DVD on again everything was back to normal.

Any suggestions as to why this should have occurred??


RE: Best widescreen TV for £800

I recently bought a Toshiba 32ZD26P. It was awarded `Product of the Year` in What Hi-Fi. List price is £1300 but Empire Direct are selling it for £836.

It looks fantastic. 100Hz, pure flat screen, compatible with any system (eg. NTSC/PAL/SECAM etc.) and has component video inputs as well as the usual ones. If you have a recent Tosh DVD player, it can be connected to the TV by component leads - the improvement in picture qaulity is remarkable.

Problems playing NTSC discs!! - Please help!!!!!

My previous player - a Wharfy 750S had no problems playing NTSC discs through my Thomson TV.

I recently replaced the player with a chipped Tosh 220.

All NTSC discs (including R2 Japanese discs) show signs of flickering on the left hand side of the screen, dark horizontal areas appearing across the screen as well as a rolling picture whenever any sudden change in brightness occurs eg. on-screen explosion...

Anyone know what the problem could be??

RGB Picture Problems with chipped Tosh 220E - please help!!!


I`ve recently purchased a chipped Tosh 220E from Multiregionmagic. I have been happy with the player so far - until tonight. The player is connected to a Thomson WS TV, outputting RGB to a compatible socket on the telly.

I sat down to watch my R1 copy of the Collectors Edition of `Cuckoos Nest` Every so often during the film there were dark horizontal streaks showing up on screen. They would flicker and then disappear. When I replayed the disc they appeared at the same point each time.

I thought it was the disc so I changed to another R1 disc and the problem showed up with it too. I changed to a R2 disc and the streaks disappeared.

I returned to the R1 disc and tried changing scart cables but to no avail. However when I changed the output of the player from RGB to standard video the problem disappeared.

Has anyone experienced similar problems? I`d like to stick with RGB - the improvement in picture quality is huge.


I had the same problem with my 750s. After doing a bi of searching on the net, I found out that it`s a problem with the chipset in the player. It`s not fixable and drove me mad to the extent that I sold the player and have just purchased a Tosh.

RE: Audio problem with Wharfedale DVD-750S

This occurred again last night when watching my R1 Reservoir Dogs. Both times it occurred whenever a car (possibly a mini-cab) was passing my house. I live in the countryside and there`s not a lot of traffice goes by...

RE: Is Monsters Inc RCE

Mines a Canadian R1 version -works just fine on my Wharfedale DVD750S set to Region 0.

You could have a duff disc or it could be incompatible with your player ie. like disc 3 of the R2 Toy Box set is with mine.

Audio problem with Wharfedale DVD-750S

I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this:

I have a Wharfedale 750S, the audio output is connected by coax to the digital input of my DD/DTS receiver (a Sony STR-DE445). I have floorstanding Wharfedale Opal 50 fronts and a Wharfedale Sapphire centre. Surrounds are Mission 760i`s. All speakers are connected via decent quality cabling. The TV is a 32" Thomson WS. So....

Occasionally when watching a DVD there is a momentary interruption in the sound from all speakers. Video is not affected. I do not think that the fault lies with the disc, as when it is replayed the drop-out is not reproducible or happens at another point. I also don`t think that it is the DVD players fault as the display on the receiver does not indicate that the DD/DTS bitstream from the player has been interrupted (It does indicate this during layer changes etc.)

I have not to my recollection experienced this problem when listening to analogue through the receiver (e.g. a CD or Sky). I have added a surge protector to the mains supply but the problem remains.

I have my suspicions that it may be due to local mini-cabs using illegal CB systems or a neighbour who has a large Ham Radio aerial/transmitter in his garden.

Any of you knowledgeable people have an answer for me. I tend to get quite stressed when this phenomenon happens in the middle of a film!!!

Many thanks.

This item was edited on Thursday, 5th September 2002, 15:11

RE: blade 2


Something not right there - I ordered BTTF from EzyDVD last Thursday afternoon and it arrived at my abode in Northern Ireland yesterday (Tuesday). Time to fire off a mail to Oz I think...

RE: Region 1 on old tellys

I have my DVD player connected to AV1 (RGB) and Sky to AV2. If I turn Sky on whilst I`m watching a DVD, the picture from the DVD player behaves as you have described ie. problem with vertical hold. If I have Sky on first and then turn my DVD player on, the TV automatically flicks to AV1 and the picture is fine. Hope you can follow my description!!


Beat this for an example of the left hand not knowing of the right hands` existence:

I returned my Term. discs to Freepost DVD Return as instructed. I got them back about two weeks later with the package unopened and the dodgy discs still inside. I phoned the second telephone number (which is just an answerphone) and explained the situation. About a week after that I got a phone call from MGM who claimed that it was the Post Office at fault. `Fair enough`, I thought. The guy said he would post out replacement discs and told me to bin the duff ones.

Another week goes by and a parcel is delivered by Posty. What`s inside??? Replacement discs for SOTL!! My patience is beginning to wane at this point. Another phone call to MGM, another weeks wait and finally the correct replacement dscs are replaced.

Having said that, I did end up with a free copy of SOTL....

RE: R1 Monster`s Inc. shipping from Play

Mine`s already posted so should be here Monday. It`s not that much longer to hang on to Saturday. Monsters for courses I suppose (poor joke I know!)

This item was edited on Friday, 30th August 2002, 13:47

RE: R1 Monster`s Inc. shipping from Play

Yes the R2 has DTS, but, I think, slightly less in the way of extras.

RE: Crappy Reservoir Dogs Transfer

I haven`t compared it to my Widescreen VHS copy, but reviews on other sites reckon that the old DVD is cropped compared with the new one.

The picture quality would not put me off - unless you had the original DVD to compare it to, you probably wouldn`t even notice. The picture is a little bright and looks slightly washed out, but that`s easy enough to fix using the picture controls for your TV or DVD player. The extras more than make up for any disappointment with the picture!

This item was edited on Friday, 30th August 2002, 11:05

R1 Monster`s Inc. shipping from Play

Hi Folk`s - Play are shipping the R1 version of Monster`s Inc. - not due out until 17th September!!

Post Office vs MGM re. Terminator / SOTL

Has anyone else sent their faulty discs to the address given out by MGM, only to have them returned, undelivered, by the Post Office???

RE: Anyone received their replacement Terminator or Silence of the Lambs DVD`s yet from MGM?

Yip, I received mine today...but with the same faulty discs!!!!

It was never delivered to MGM - the Post Office would not recognise the address (Freepost DVD RETURN) and sent it straight back to me.

Anyone else had this problem???