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Lexx: 1.1 + 1.2 (2 Disc Set) (UK) (DVD Details)

Unique ID Code: 0000017588
Added by: Rich Goodman
Added on: 10/5/2001 16:52
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    Review of Lexx: 1.1 + 1.2 (2 Disc Set)

    7 / 10


    Lexx is a science fiction show unlike many others. Often called "the evil twin of Star Trek", even though it is quite far removed from any of Gene Roddenberry`s creations, it has a different way of telling its stories, and plays more for laughs than for serious science fiction.

    I first saw Lexx back in 1998 when it appeared at some ungodly hour on a Friday night on Channel 5. There was something different about it, maybe it was the length of the episodes (a movie style length of 90 minutes), or maybe it was that it didn`t take itself seriously at all.


    Despite episodes being one and a half hours long, this is still a television show, and so is presented in 4:3. No problems with the transfer though, and everything looks stunning, colours are great, contrast is good, blacks are good.

    Lexx relies on a lot of computer graphics to create alien landscapes, complex sets and futuristic scenery. As the producers admit, whilst a lot of the sets could be created in a studio, the show is low budget, and it`s more cost effective for them to create vast sets inside a computer.

    The quality of the graphics and special effects is variable, with some shots looking like a bad back projection effect from early Star Trek. At other times though they are excellent, and really help to bring the show to life.


    A DD2.0 stereo soundtrack, as you would expect for a low budget TV programme from 1996. The soundtrack is functional and sounds good when played back in a surround mode on a home cinema amp, but that`s about all there is to say about it!


    We do get a brief selection of extra features. On the first disc there`s a short "making of" documentary, introduced by the show`s creators, who are probably on screen for 10 of the 15 minutes. There are a few behind the scenes shots in there too, as well as the short concept film that was used to get funding for the project.

    You`ll also find 2 trailers which are of little value, and some DVD ROM features.

    On disc 2 there`s another documentary similar to that on disc 1, plus a brief stills gallery and some biographies. More DVD ROM features are available here too.


    Lexx is a very original science fiction programme. It has an offbeat, almost Python-like feel to it at times (witness the opening of the second episode). The lead characters are a bizarre mixture, featuring a cowardly loser, a half-converted love slave (with some alien insect DNA added in) and the last survivor of an extinct race (who is himself dead and could pass as the lead singer of some 1980s rock band).

    There are certainly lots of plot holes and inconsistencies in the stories. For example, if you had been told that one man would end your race, and you had the chance to end his life, you would wouldn`t you? You wouldn`t put him into suspended animation for 2000 years and then wake him up!

    But minor niggles aside this is an enjoyable show. The discs themselves are very good, with excellent video quality and good sound. The extras aren`t really that good, but are worth watching once.

    Here comes the problem though. This is a 2 disc set with an RRP of 24.99. For 2 episodes of a television show. Admittedly these episodes are both 90 minutes long, but it still feels wrong to have such a high price for 2 episodes. It`s possible that they could both have been squeezed onto one disc, but a more sensible option would have been to go for a lower RRP.

    Fans will probably want it (if you don`t have the VHS versions), but the high price tag may deter casual viewers. Recommended for sci-fi fans if you can find it at a bargain price.

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