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    Unique ID Code: 0000139450
    Added by: David Simpson
    Added on: 9/2/2011 20:57
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    WWE Tagged Classics: Rebellion 2000 & Insurrextion 2001

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    Certificate: 15
    Running Time: 266 Mins
    Retail Price: £19.99
    Release Date:
    Content Type: TV Series

    Rebellion 2000

    Fatal Four-Way WWE Championship Match: Kurt Angle vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock vs. Rikishi
    Undertaker vs. Chris Benoit
    Tag Team Championship Match: The Hardy Boyz vs. Bull Buchanan & The Godfather with Val Venis
    Chris Jericho vs. Kane
    "The One" Billy Gun & Chyna vs. Eddie Guerrero & Dean Malenko
    European Championship Match: William Regal vs. Crash (with Molly Holly)
    Hardcore Championship Match: Steve Blackman vs. Perry Saturn
    Women's Championship Match: Ivory vs. Lita
    Three-Team Elimination Tables Match: Dudley Boyz vs. T&A with Trish vs. Edge & Christian

    Insurrextion 2001

    WWE Championship Handicap Match: Undertaker vs. Triple H & Stone Cold Steve Austin
    First-Ever Queen's Cup Match: Chris Jericho vs. Commissioner William Regal
    Two-Out-of-Three Falls Match: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
    Four Team Elimination Tag Team Match: Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz vs. X-Factor vs. Edge & Christian
    Big Show vs. Bradshaw (with Test)
    Six Person Intergender Tag Team Match: Hardcore Holly, Crash & Molly Holly vs. Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn & Terri
    Eddie Guerrero vs. Grandmaster Sexay

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