Page 1 of Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

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Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

1mills (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th August 2007, 21:24

Just got back from watching this.

I really enjoyed it, but haven`t made my mind up about how much I liked it yet (if that makes sense).

I think it loses steam towards the end and it seemed a bit too long for a film that is mainly a chase film, and which retreads familiar ground to the previous two films, although the runtime is only 111mins.

They`ve definately used if it ain`t broke, don`t fix it motto. Which also means that the fight and chase scenes are shot by someone with A.D.D. so the camera is constantly moving and sometimes takes a bit away from the scene.

My DVD collection

RE: Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th August 2007, 21:30

The Bourne Supremacy is one of my favourite films of recent years, a richly detailed psychological revenge/redemption story that makes you re-evaluate the first film, and I love the action and the way Greengrass directs, he really is an amazing director and John Powell`s score just makes it better.

Looking forward to seeing Ultimatum tomorrow, heard nothing but great things!

This item was edited on Thursday, 16th August 2007, 22:32

RE: Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th August 2007, 21:42

It`s fantastic. Carries straight on in Russian from the end of Supremacy (the phone call to Landy happens later in the film). Starts running and never stops. :D Paul Greengrass` style is great and I love seeing a decent actioner filmed in London (amongst others) and not being so US-centric :D

You can`t beat the ending - that Moby track just fits somehow at the end of each of the three films.

This item was edited on Thursday, 16th August 2007, 22:44

RE: Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th August 2007, 13:25

Paul Greengrass should direct all movies! Just finished watching it and it`s absolutely phenomenal, definitely on par with Supremacy.

John Powell`s score is great as usual, despite the amount of music tracked in from the previous films, and JulesBloke is spot on about Extreme Ways, it fits perfectly with all three films, but this time...

...the way it accompanies Julia Stiles` smile, just put a massive grin on my face and goosebumps all down my back

There were so many great moments, though the whole Waterloo set piece was really what grabbed me. I had forgotten just how exciting and visceral Supremacy was, the way the action just surges forward at lightning pace, but without being incoherent. The car chase was a bit of a let down, though I doubt anything will ever beat the one in Moscow :D

I really hope this is the last one, as it rounds off the story perfectly.

RE: Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 17th August 2007, 16:51

I thought it was tremendous and easily as good as Supremacy - the trilogy as a whole is a modern classic. I realised how much I enjoyed it when the denouement was approaching and thought I`d only been watching it for about an hour, despite how much had happened!

The ending was beautifully handled and Paul Greengrass has firmly established himself as the best action director currently operating and one of the best in any genre. The best film this year by some distance.

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RE: Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

PAULH (Competent) posted this on Friday, 17th August 2007, 17:28

I really liked it apart from a couple of things.......

1) Some of the fast cut editing was just two fast and nearly made me physically sick.

2) The shakey cam near the beginning of the film during the dialogue was a bit distracting.

3) The complete cop out ending.

But the scene in the railway station I will be a classic action film moment, better than I expected !

RE: Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th August 2007, 19:40

Holy Christ!

It`s not often that a film totally meets expectations, and it`s a rare thing indeed when what is essentially a summer blockbuster franchise blows them out the water... AGAIN!!!

The Bourne Identity was a surprise, came out of nowhere. Doug Liman doing action? Matt Damon a credible action hero? It felt like a throw back to a 70s style of filmmaking in terms of the way it was shot but with lots of modern spy stuff and a real damn good hook of a central character and story. Hell, you`re gripped from that opening shot of him floating in the water.

Then The Bourne Supremacy comes around. The trailers looked alright and all, but I was really left wondering if it would be any good. Original director replaced by a guy who has mostly done documentaries and one feature film that shows he can direct drama well. Then I saw Supremacy and I was blown away, a superior film to the first in every way, from direction to excitement to script to acting to, well, everything, even the score was better.

Now Ultimatum comes out. No lowered expectations here. I won`t say it`s better than Supremacy after just one viewing, but I will say that it is its equal at least. They are one and the same as much as two films released 3 years apart can be. The thing is, the Bourne films aren`t about the action, Bourne is about everything. Yes, the Moscow car chase is probably my favourite car chase in cinema history and has been brought up in pub conversations many a time. But that isn`t what people go back for to rewatch these films, it`s the jaw dropping intensity of every scene, that feeling that the characters are never safe... and they`re not. The Bourne Identity had it`s own little narrative going that would have stood on it`s own had no sequel been produced. Supremacy started its own narrative branch by killing Marie and that branch is continued in Ultimatum.

The scene in Waterloo station really does showcase exactly why Greengrass is an outstanding director, because he effortlessly juggles a hell of a lot of exposition while crafting one of the most exciting action sequences in the trilogy. Yes, the car chase is quite short in comparison to the Moscow one in Supremacy, but it`s still a damn sweet scene. There is so much covered in this film that it`s all a bit overwhelming and I`m sure it will stand up to repeat viewings.

Judging but the amount of money it has taken, I think Bourne 4 might be a go.

RE: Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th August 2007, 21:47

There have only officially been three Bourne novels, the unofficial sequels, Legacy and Betrayal, were written by Eric Van Lustbader.


RE: Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 18th August 2007, 09:45

The films don`t follow the novels anyway except for the title and name.

They should leave it a while and if a great idea that adds more to the mythology of Bourne can be achieved then get Greengrass and go for it. But I don`t see it happening any time soon.

RE: Bourne Ultimatum First Impressions

kickback123 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th August 2007, 15:33

the novels by eric van lustbader are offically endorsed by ludlums family.

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