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Retailer Reviews Forum

DV-Depot any good?

ickle yoda (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th September 2001, 12:01

Thought their website was alright, with good prices but wondered how quick there delivery is, how well they dealed with any problems you may have with the discs and how much their delivery costs for postage and packaging in scotland /uk?

Also, if i buy something from them on visa does it show up the company and the movie or just the company? i am planning on buying dvds for xmas pressies and dont want my partner to see what I have bought her.

Any comments would be appreciated thanks.

RE: DV-Depot any good?

BAM (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th September 2001, 01:40

DV-Depot are the complete and utter best ever especially for customer service and reliability, i really cannot speak highly enough of them.. just take a peek at their own customer support forum, the actual staff are on those forums all the time and they ALWAYS help and are always very happy to please EVERY customer... put it this way... they were so kind to me that they sent me my dvd before I had even paid for it (I had a slight credit card problem) they put their trust in me after I explained my card problem to them... cant get any better than that.


RE: DV-Depot any good?

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Monday, 1st October 2001, 01:17


Great for bulk-buying e.g. box sets etc. really good postage rates for DHL for upto 7 disks - with no - ahem!- `imperial entaglements` if you know what I mean.

I recently bought a 7 disk box set - great price (no `extra` payments) DHL web tracking - brilliant.

Not always the keenest on price, but good service & safe `no worry` deliveries.

PS try their Flexicart - pre-order stuff gets saved as a wish list, then you get emailed when they have it. It gets put aside for 45 days or until you move it to your basket & then checkout/pay! So if you decide you don`t want it, then no problem - you haven`t ordered it, just reserved it.

RE: DV-Depot any good?

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd October 2001, 15:16

I too have heard nothing but good stuff about this company. So I`m going to try it with my next batch of R1, I don`t mind paying a dollar more here or there as long as I don`t get HASSLE, which is what I get from other sites like DVD Import....

RE: DV-Depot any good?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 11th October 2001, 09:32

Re movie showing on card statement - I very much doubt it, although I have not ordered from these guys, all other companies have only ever shown Company name

This item was edited on Thursday, 11th October 2001, 09:32

RE: DV-Depot any good?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 11th October 2001, 15:48

I have just completed my second £100 transaction with them and have nothing but good words about dv-depot.

The movies do not show up on your statement, just the company.

PnP by DHL is USD$9.99 for a delivery of 1-7 discs that takes a day to process and 2-4 days to deliver. You will only get customs charges if you`re unlucky. Check out their site, their forums and in particular the UK DHL report forum.

Prices aren`t the lowest but they very competitive for the fantastic service they offer. Discs are opened and inspected (closely for £1 extra per delivery) and wrapped in tissue. Since they`re opened they are regarded as *cough* used *ahem*.

Their pre-book and "reserve" (flexi) system is fantastic.

Plus they have a fantastic selection of Bongo material if your missus fancies that. :D

Problems? None with customs unless your unlucky and that could happen with any service. Damage should be a minimum but they do accept returns - only problem is the time it takes to send and then re-post. You may be out of pocket but they always make good the loss.

Can`t recomend them enough. :)

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