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Page 1 of Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

Hardware Forum

Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

Wayne Reeves (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 13:25

Does anyone have this Amp ?. I`m very interested in this model and wondered if it really is as good as reviews have said it is ?.

RE: Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

Ant-dvds (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 20:17

I am considering replacing my Yamaha620 with this Marantz.
Does anyone have this Marantz model?.
Have these Marantz amps now taken it away from Yamaha as the number one choice?

RE: Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

davros (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 20:30

I tested both these machines thoroughly before I bought my Yamaha ax620 - the yam wins hands down

RE: Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 21:17

Marantz and Denon, though it pains me to say it, are stealing a march on Yammy at the moment, as their new ranges of amps all feature DPL2.

Hopefully Yammy will win some new friends with the new models, the RXV2200RDS (approx £800), to be launched at Bristol`s Sound & Vision exhibition later this month, and the flagship DSPAZ1 which just looks phenomenal.

Mind you, Denon`s new AVC11SR don`t look tooo shabby either (£1800)...

I`d hang back and wait for the DPL2 to filter down to Yammy`s budget amps - that`s what I`m a-doin` anyway. Meanwhile, my DSPA5 rocks on for another day....

RE: Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 07:49

I`m with Clayts on this one - while I would quite like DPL2, I`m not sure it`s worth junking my amp for at the moment (and I have an A5 too) - let alone the Yammy 620. Think I may wait for another year or so - there will be another generation of budget amps out there then, maybe with 6.1/7.1 as well.

RE: Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 12:32

Get one,

As much as Yamaha will always remian one of the pioneers of surround technology, chipsets are now becoming cheaper, and Dolby has lifted the lid on its tight licensing policy for its products, so practically any manufacturer can fit a Pro Logic 2/6.1 chipset to its recievers. The new Marantz line of amplifiers are all exceptionally good, beating comparable Yamaha equivalents hands down in every area-particularly stereo replay. Those who haven`t heard Pro Logic 2 doing its thang with stereo or old pro logic material are missing out! I`m about to post an article to Clayts for inclusion at Area450 called " Living with Pro Logic 2", which will tell you exactly what makes it so special and why its good for your system!
I`m not knocking Yammy here, its just i expected them to be a lot quicker off the mark than this-Denons technology and processing power in all their new recievers is just the business, it`ll be interesting to see whether Yammy`s new range such as the AZ1 and lower price recievers can match the Denons for all out class....This will be interesting...:-)


RE: Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 13:03

Well, my next upgrade has got to be a sub, so the amp will have to wait....

....Mind you, Ants - maybe it IS a good time to upgrade, as you`ll still get decent whack for your Yammy 620, whereas if you wait, it`ll be worth less. I got my A5 secondhand, so haven`t got to worry about depreciation too much.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 13:09

RE: Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

Ant-dvds (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 15:28

>Well, my next upgrade has got to be a sub, so the amp will have to wait....

Sub is currently on my list at the moment as well.
I got it down to two:
The Yamaha YST320(£280) and the REL Q150(£400)
After an audition yesterday The REL was by far the preferred choice, just trying to find cheap online price for it now, but there doesn`t appear to be that many that sell the REL, I was hoping would come up trumps again like they did on mission m series, but they don`t have them :(
If anyone knows cheap supplier of REL subs pls do let me know.
many thanks

RE: Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 17:00
Sorry about the massive link, but the forum had just such a thread - if you`ve not been there, it`s unmoderated, so if you blush easily.... but the best price mentioned was £379. Isn`t there a smaller REL that would do the job? There were a couple of other threads on the above forum about REL prices.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 17:03

RE: Marantz SR 5200 Amp ?

Ant-dvds (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 17:35

Thanks, already seen it.
As already mentioned the site suggested shows
a price of £495 and not £379.

You`re right about the language in that group there are some strong words at times!!.

The smaller REL i believe is an old model which is the Q50 (50w). Everywhere i have looked however this seems to be just as expensive as the Q150 (150w), so i might as well get the Q150

This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 17:37

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