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what DTS decoder do i buy

samantha (Competent) posted this on Friday, 14th December 2001, 08:51


What DTS decoder do i buy,im using a DD at the moment with basic DD speakers, got them to try out the sound see if i liked it.
Im looking into getting myself a DTS set up now but ive not much idea what to go for or what is any good.
Thank you

RE: what DTS decoder do i buy

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th December 2001, 15:54

Hi Samantha, firstly, I wasn`t being funny pointing you over to this forum rather than the general one - you`re more likely to get some good responses over here.

Now, are you looking merely for the DTS bit, or is it that you`ve had a taste with the basics, and want something more (including DTS)?
Anyway, a budget would be useful, but I would say your options are likely to be:

1) An "all in one" system (i.e. decoder/amp and speakers) such as the Yamaha VS10 - probably similar to what you have at the moment, but with more welly and DTS. The VS10 can be got for around £300.

2) Separate amp/decoder and speakers - this will give you more choice, and possibly a larger hole in the budget. Can you continue to use your existing speakers, or do you want to upgrade them too? Maybe amp/decoder first, speakers later? This is the benefit of separates, you can buy it in stages.
Amps to look at would include the Yamaha 620 (around £300), which seems to be getting overtaken now by the Denon 1602 and 1802, both of which have Dolby Prologic 2 processing, which is apparently a bit of a step up from DPL1, and can give stereo broadcasts (i.e. nicam TV/videos) a pretty good surround effect. Obviously all have the DTS you crave, plus beefy amps to keep your speakers under control and delivering the goods.

Speakers - do you want small and unobtrusive (i.e. 5 small "satellite" speakers and a subwoofer), or big `n` beefy? Again, some idea of budget would be good, but you could get a nice set of Missions for under £300 or so (mission M72 cinema pack), plus a sub when you feel the need to shake the sofa. The sub/sat systems are more tricky, and I think I`d be right in saying that you need to be looking at around £500+ for something that will really do the business (Mission NXT set, or KEF 2005 ("eggs") maybe). Cheaper sub/satellite systems tend to have difficulty integrating the high frequency stuff from the satellites with the low end grunt from the sub.

Hope that helps - I spend ages faffing about getting my kit together, but it`s worth it.

This item was edited on Friday, 14th December 2001, 15:56

RE: what DTS decoder do i buy

samantha (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 15th December 2001, 14:57

Thank you Richard i didnt think you was beening funny at at :)
ok yes i want a seprate dts decoder and yes i had a taste now want something better just a progrestion really i used my kenwood stack at first runninng through the aux then went to DD so now i want DTS i will get the speakers later on these will do for the min untill i det a decoder then i will HAVE to get some lol.
I was hoping to spend about £400-£500 for a decoder then save for the speakers,spending about £400 on them unless i like something more expensive (then will have to stay of buying the little discs oh noooooooo)


RE: what DTS decoder do i buy

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th December 2001, 08:59

Westy, Andrew, anyone else - over to you, old chaps!
Should Samantha maybe go for the Denon 2802 (£490 @hifijunkies)? Or get something a bit lower down and put the extra into a chufffing sub to go with the speakers? Maybe even get the sub now as well to augment the old speakers (Yammy 320, £267 @

Also, Samantha, I`d have a think about what sort of speakers you fancy now - sub/satellite or "normal" speakers.May depend on room size, whether kids will stick their fingers into drive units if they`re on stands away from the wall, etc.

RE: what DTS decoder do i buy

Westy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th December 2001, 11:25

Heres where to go,

Richard has already paved the way with some fabulous recommends, and i can wholeheartedly recommend the Denon amps as i have the 3802 which is absloutley amazing beyond all my wildest dreams! The Denon 1802 is a lovely lovely really lovely reciever that at around £300 represents some serious value for money. It has Dolby Pro Logic2 processing, which will give you 5.1 like sound from any stereo or pro logic sound source, plus it can really go loud without straining or distorting. Move up to the 2802 and you`re looking at the same sort of spec as the 3802, but minus the extra pair of surround channel outputs-instead you have the option of buying extra power amps to drive the extra pair(not that you`d really want 9 speakers eh?!).
Really it boils down to whether you want surround ex 6.1 compatibility or not. Now im used to it i cant go back, but what you haven`t heard wont be missed, so i`d suggest going for the 1802 with a speaker Package like the Wharfedale Diamond pack or if you can stretch to it, the Kef HT2005 system, which believe me is absolutley spot on. To save on the budget though, you`ll find that the Wharfedale pack will suit the system to a tee, giving you rich sound and good bass without a subwoofer(the front speakers are floorstanding).
A sub like the Yamaha YSTW320 will give you the sort of low end movie punch you need if you require, and at £300 is now looking serious value.
If you need more help, we`re all here!


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