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Speed of burning a DVD with LG GSA 4163B Super multi

greenkingfisher (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd August 2005, 16:51

I just got one of these drives and I used the software to compose a DVD from clips on other discs.

When it came to burn the data to a DVD-R it took about 3 hours! i.e. it seems to be only burning at 1X speed not the advertised 8X

Does anyone know what I could do to improve the burn speed?

When I clicked burn - it said `writing titles` or something and it took about 5 minutes for each 1% of the progress bar!

I had to leave it overnight to burn - Agggh drove me nuts. Heeeyulp please!


RE: Speed of burning a DVD with LG GSA 4163B Super multi

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 22nd August 2005, 17:36

what where you burning ? ie, was it thousands of little files of a few big files ?

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: Speed of burning a DVD with LG GSA 4163B Super multi

greenkingfisher (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd August 2005, 11:05

Ogster - it was about 15 files - short 10 to 20 minute films.

I only have about 9GB free on my Hard Drive. And when I was creating the DVD project it used about 4GB of that. Could this shortage of spare memory cause the slow burn times?

(I have managed to burn a MP3 CD and it took just 3 minutes to burn 14 albums onto one CD.)


RE: Speed of burning a DVD with LG GSA 4163B Super multi

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd August 2005, 19:35

tbh i dunno, i only asked about how many files where on the disc because when i do a disc with a high file count (say 65.000 files or over) nero spends ages & ages just digesting the info before it even starts burning, but that shouldn`t effect it when the file count is so low :/

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd August 2005, 21:00

RE: Speed of burning a DVD with LG GSA 4163B Super multi

BassmanUK (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd August 2005, 19:53

I had a problem with slow write times and it was down to a failing hard drive. I changed the hard drive and it solved the problem. A bit harsh I know but it was the cuse of the problem.

RE: Speed of burning a DVD with LG GSA 4163B Super multi

Bezzawezza (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd September 2005, 15:56

Could be a number of things. Could be down to the speed of the discs you bought although the lowest I have seen has been 4X so probably not that.
It used to take me around about 2 hours to copy a DVD from start to finish with an old 1GHz AMA processor based PC with around 10GB spare but now takes 40mins with a 3GHz with 160GB HD space.
I`d suggest investing in a new hard drive or faster processor

RE: Speed of burning a DVD with LG GSA 4163B Super multi

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd September 2005, 16:06

Are you just burning files or encoding from, for example, an avi file to DVD?


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