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Blocky picture on my Philips DVD player

Tarin Summers (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 5th March 2001, 03:24

I just bought the R1 movie `The Patriot`, and also bought a remote to make my Philips 825 codefree. After doing so (worked like a charm), I popped in the DVD, and although it plays fine, the picture is intermittantly blocky. Every two seconds the picture gets blocky for a faint moment, recovers, repeats, etc. I popped in another DVD and it has the same problem, but not as noticable. I upgraded the firmware to 9.23, and no change. Any advice, anyone?

RE: Blocky picture on my Philips DVD player

Chris Reay (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th March 2001, 07:47


What do you have the video out setting on the DVD player set to, sounds like it could be just PAL, which is OK as long as your DVD player can convert from NTSC to PAL, otherwise you`ll probably find you`ll have to change the video out to be NTSC, PAL60 or AUTO(if it has it, then the player decides itself - which is better).

Also what standards can your TV handle, if it has RGB capability, which most newish TVs do, then you could try setting the TV up in RGB mode and then play the disks and see if this fixes it.

I won`t go into great long technical details but the blocky/jerky appearance is to do with the frame rate difference between PAL(European std) and NTSC(USA/Canada std).

I hope this has been of some use.



RE: Blocky picture on my Philips DVD player

Tarin Summers (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 5th March 2001, 16:13

My setup is an NTSC DVD playing on an NTSC DVD player on an NTSC television. ^v^ Yup, I`m stateside. There`s a couple of R2 Japan discs that I like to watch now and then...

Anyway, this problem only seems to be happening on `The Patriot`, and it`s relatively unnoticable on other DVDs (but if you look carefully, you can see it... but barely). I`m suspecting bad DVD authoring, but `The Patriot` plays crystal clear on my PS2 (which isn`t all that good a player itself).

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