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Page 1 of Last queries on LG 3350E

Hardware Forum

Last queries on LG 3350E

beale (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 19:07


Is this player multi region or does it have to be hacked. I am going to buy one from Curries, can I hack it myself. I could get a hacked one from techtronics, would this be better or could I hack it myself? What is the difference between them doing it and me doing it?

Is there a 3350? If so, what is the difference between this and a 3350E?



RE: Last queries on LG 3350E

_007 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 19:17

>What is the difference between them doing it and me doing it?

You can lay back and put your feet up while they press the remote buttons for you!

>Is there a 3350? If so, what is the difference between this and a 3350E?

The E stands for electricity. The 3350 comes with hampsters that run on a dynamo wheel inside - all you have to do is feed them every now and again - oh and give them a prod to make them work faster!


RE: Last queries on LG 3350E

lievn (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 19:48

The Techtronics also has macro disabled, but you can do the region hack yourself (it`s the same as the Aiwa`s 370 hack).


RE: Last queries on LG 3350E

beale (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 20:25

Will I have to do it every time I want to change region?

RE: Last queries on LG 3350E

crocodile (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 20:48


But if you set it to region 0 this will work for most disks, some of the later ones have to be set to the specific region.

Croc `<

RE: Last queries on LG 3350E

beale (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd January 2001, 21:50

Later discs? Do you mean older ones?

RE: Last queries on LG 3350E

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2001, 00:06

>>"But if you set it to region 0 this will work for most disks, some of the later ones have to be set to the specific region."

not on an Aiwa 370 or an LG 3350 Croc, Region 0 still accepts RCE discs with no problems.

And the macro disabled 3350 from Techtronics is more expensive!

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!

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