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OK Player Broken Want A New One

scooper (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th January 2003, 18:53

ok my current player is broken well kinda when i put a dick in it often says no disc its a deccavideo 2110.. its plays everything even mpegs on a normal disc... ive tried cleaning the laser but it keeps happening... any suggestions...if you cant heelp maybe you can help me here....
im after a player that does what this does for as little as 100 - 150£ i want the player to play every thing and good quality any recomendation and if so they would be greatly recieved..... thanks for ya help people i know you will be able to help me..

RE: OK Player Broken Want A New One

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th January 2003, 18:56


"ok my current player is broken well kinda when i put a dick in it often"

I`m not surprised!!!

Try shiny round ones


RE: OK Player Broken Want A New One

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th January 2003, 18:59

You put a what in it????
Anyway the toshiba sd-220 is a steal at £119.95 from and richer sounds( only by mail order or in store though)

RE: OK Player Broken Want A New One

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th January 2003, 18:59

Hahahaha - "when I put a dick in it" ! No wonder it`s broken... ;-)

It sounds like the loader may have gone wonky : have you tried looking under the bonnet (make sure you remove the player from the connection at the wall if you`re going to do this) ? If it`s a normal type DVD-ROM loader with an IDE fitting (a bit like a normal PC) it could be the case that the connections have come loose : this happens from time to time on some players. Just check that all the connection cables are seated properly.

RE: OK Player Broken Want A New One

scooper (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th January 2003, 19:23

ok so my spelling isnt great.. sorry people but at least ive given you a laugh. anyway thanks you to the people who knew what i was on about much appreciated... can the tosh play anything and everything.. i looked at the richersounds website and it says that it can only play vcd and not svcd.. also should i get the multi region one or the non multi region one.. now im coonfused please help

ok so im not very good at making decisions or spelling so please people tell me what i should get....

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th January 2003, 21:14

RE: OK Player Broken Want A New One

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th January 2003, 10:55

the tosh does play svcd check out and search for toshiba sd-220.
I had one on order from amazon but then came to my senses and realised that I don`t actually need a new player

RE: OK Player Broken Want A New One

GSM (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 7th January 2003, 11:28

Definatley Multiregion - There no "Key Hax" for Toshibas its hardware only - so pay £20 now ( ish ) rather than £50 ( ish ) later

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